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RUNNING TIME : 148 mins approx
Available on DVD, VHS
GENRE : Drama, Suspence
John Tarvolta






Christopher Walken
Uma Thurman
Amanda Plummer
Rosanna Arqutte


Samuel L jackson
The danger of having as sucessful and explosive a debut as Reservior dogs is that expectations are invariably highsometimes unrealistically so! for the follow up Quentin tarantino, however, has managed the near impossible: improve upon the extraordinary. Pulp Fiction shows what can happen when a talented and accomplised filmmaker and accomplished filmmaker reaches new heights.
and Bruce Willis


Harvey Keitel


Tim Roth


Eric Stoltz
Ving Rhames






The film starts with two people (Amander Plummer and Tim Roth) discussing robbery in a restaurant, and then they rob the restaurant.We then get to the four stories. In the first story, Travolta and Jackson are excellent as two hitmen who have to kill some kids who haven't been following their bosses orders. It's horribly violent, yet wickedly funny at the same time, and actually quite scary. The second story concerns Travolta taking out the bosses wife, played by Uma Thurman. Unfortunatley for him, she has a drug overdose, and he has to try and get her back. Again, it's another funny story, and well acted again. The third story concerns a boxer, Bruce Willis, trying to get back his gold watch (although there's a lot more to it than that), and the final story is continuing what happens at the start of the film, with Travolta and Jackson trying to control Plummer and Roth. It's another tense scene, still funny, but terrifying. It's a masterpiece of direction and acting.
Of course, the film is full of swearing, extreme violence and even a bit of rape (the Deliverance way) Although not quite as 'gritty' as Dogs, the violence is still shocking. It's played more for laughs though, and, of course, it's full of Tarintino's witty dialouge. The film looks really good, especially the diner where Thurman takes Travolta. There's a fantastic soundtrack running throughout. This film put simply is a classic.


Images and Lines from Pulp Fiction















"they look like a couple of Dorks"
"I'm a F*****g Race car, and I'm in the F******g red"
Mia Wallace
"Don't you just love uncomfortable silences"






"and I'll strike apon thee with..."
The Wolf
"remember, your uncle Marcelus is a millionaire"
'Pulp Fiction' is available on DVD or VHS at


"of all the things to forget, she forgot the F******g watch"