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Sorry, My html is a little bad(it's been awhile).

Here is the deal. I am sure that all of you have heard of (or seen commercials) for DewU. The thing is, many of you will drink a Mountain Dew and simply throw out the bottle cap or empty box not thinking twice about it. Well before you go and throw that out, I am simply asking that you send me your codes.

I know, I know, it sounds pety and cheap, but I am unsure where else to turn to. I know that millions of people drink Mountain Dew everyday. Now, if only 100 of these people were kind enough to give me their codes a day(this is only 0.01% of the number I said, and that number could be more), than in 5 or 6 days, I would have more than enough for something free.

How many people do you know that drink Mountain Dew? All it would take is you asking a friend or family member for the cap, and sending me the code. It is that simple.

Think about it, your one cap could make all the difference. If everybody was kind enough to give me just one code, than it would help me out alot.

Please Help me out. All you need to do is send me your codes through e-mail. If you can't send e-mail through html (basically, if the computer you are on does not have outlook setup for your e-mail account), I will provide my e-mail address by the send code button. This is the only way I can think of to get the codes e-mailed out to me, since I can't figure out how to get angelfire to accept cgi. Please make the subject as DewU Points or something similar to it so that I know what the e-mail is about.

Every single person that gives me a code will get recognition for helping me out in my quest to get these DewU points. I am not asking for much, just a code. You will drink Mountain Dew anyway, so you might as well let me have your code.

With the help of you guys, I could win this:

Codes 98
Codes Remaining 442

I know it sounds like alot, but it can be done, with a little help from all of you.

Any remaining codes I have after I hit the 550 mark, I will happily give out to anyone that wants them, but I need to hit that mark. Please, help me out.

My E-Mail: