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Fri 27th Dec 2002

Heya I'm going to Austria 2moro at 1.00pm for a week. So I can't update ti'l I get back (Jan 3rd) so I hav a holiday sign up as you can see! When I get back i'l make a new layout. Neways here are the Christmas pics

Christmas Pics 2002!

I was in town 2day wit my mum , I got a ski jacket a , black top is real sexy!! and a playboy hoodie in Miss Selfriges it cost 68 euro! outa my money so I'm like it better not get nicked! I got boots aswell! there cute and a few other stuff! .. well basicly it's goodbye t'il January. To people about the link exchanges if you don't reply by the 3rd i'm deleting you! THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE the 11 people I hav linked in my last entery. The rest of my Decemeber blog is in my archives under Decemeber if your interested. But otherwise I'l see ya'll in The New Year.




Thurs 26th Dec 2002

Heya I realised my site takes ages to load up! I think my blog takes up alot but i'l b startin my January blog v. soon so that should get rid of the loading up at bit. Ok i'm SO MAD I was going through all my sista sites on the left of this page n guess what! I had 26 people and only 11 hav bothered to link me back. 2 people closed down and didn't tell me! 1 has a broken link so I deleted those 3.I mean a link exchange is a 2 way thing people! So if they don't reply to the messages I sent them by the time I get bak from Austria (which is next week) I'm guna delete them from the sista sites bit. neways to the 11 people who did link me! Thank you and i'm guna name ya'll here! SO GO VISIT THESE



Yes these 11 people KNOW WHAT A LINK EXCHANGE MEANS!! neways.. 2day me n Ro watched Titaanc on tv aww it was so sad! at the break I sayd we shud run up to Marires house and take a pic of her cuz I don't have ne recent ones of her , so we ran up and when she came to the door I took a pic and we ran!! It was soo funny she was chasing us down the road going "what!" "what the hell" , "SUZI!!" "OMG GUYS" n generaly being shocked! but after that I got a few more pics of her and Ro they will be up soon! VERY SOON!! well i'm updating 2moro for now though.


Wed 25th Dec 2002

Heya Xmas was so cool! I got videos (Friends and Bend it like Beckham) , 3 Albums 2 Ja Rule 1 Romeo. Clothes (tops and a mini skirt) , food , jewelrey like necklaces and belly bars , teddies , body stuff a calender a trip to Scotland and a dvd player though it's kinda my dads!! I wasn't up for church so I was mad! but it was grand cuz we went to my parents friends house for 2 hours n it was JAMMERD PACKED wit people. Xmas dinnear was sexy! I swear to you! I took pics with my new camera yeh I kno i'm kinda obbsessed wit pics! they shud b up by Friday nite! 3 more days ti'l Austria!! I need a new layout now xmas it ova! shit man I havn't a clue!! well i'm guna make this a long blog cuz most ofmine are short!! So today.. I wore my xmas outfit demin skirt (short) , patched denim hooker boots , white polo neck , white jacket , stars belly bar and dangly earings! I had my hair don with a few plaits in it.. So went to my parents friends it was packed wit people! All these people were telling me I had stunning legs and complimenting my legs and figure I was like (*thanks* :S) Then old women were stroking my hair saying it was beutiful! again I was like (*thanks* :S) My sister is on Safrai in Kenya at the moment which I find so funny (picture this blonde bimbo in a tent) no I'm sure shes livin it up! shes like that. Half of Kenya are probably bopping to Britney by now! Neways.. After we ate we is (Me , mum , dad and gran) all my relitives who usualy come to ours for dinnear which is like 10 people all chose this year to go away! so Then opened pressies was v. happy! then Roisin and Maire came over , Maire went home after a hour n Ro stayed n did make up experiments on me! Tori gave me this deadly frog that makes a croaking noise (yeh Tori it's going on my curtain!!) Co rang me from Kilkenny shes havin a gr8 time on her grandparents farm (she is) If you hav a button you want to be added to my site just tell me. I got books to by the way.. Speaking of books it's 2.30am so I guess it's Thursday so i'm off to bed to read then sleep n relax to 2morow. (tears) xmas is ova!! next thing to looks 4ward to is my birthday!! NOOOOOOO thats in 5 months! y is life so cruel??!!


xoxoxo Sue

Tues 24th/Wed 25th Dec 2002

Heya it's 1.44am! n I can't sleep

I made this page also All on me!! SCARY!
it's all on me!! wat else well Tori was ova 2day n I hav 2 go! i'm tired and I need to wrap a present!! yeh I really am a last minute person.

cya and merry christmas.

xxoo Suzi

Sun 22nd Dec 2002

Heya guys sup? I added sum more pics of me HERE
if you think i'm a poser then thats just you. If u hav 2 abuse me then email it r ure just pathetic!! ... neways ... this week on Wednesday I was sick , Thursday was boring just skool! n Fri we had a quater skool day! 9 till 11. n every1 was all hyper cuz of xmas holidays!!! On Friday nite Co stayed ova n we were drinking , we rang this girl n sayd sorry 4 bein bitchs 2 her n she was real nice about it , you see Co beat her up awhile bak n I had a fite wit her n hurt her aswell shes a Mariah Carey look alike shes 14 shes no offence but a bit weak n bimboish! but we felt REALY bad n shes so scared of Co!! but she was like thank you 4 apoligising! n now I feel like a good person!! newyas.. Sat n Sun I just lazed around got up at 2.00pm! my mum bought me THIS
lucky charm braclet in argos n i'm in luv wit it , it's on my wrist now!! n I learn't a new soccer trick thanx Co!! well gotta go! Tori txt me soon!
xxoo sue

Tues 17th Dec 2002

Heya peepz sup? I was in skool 2day! (miracles) n i'm sooo tired xmas holidays in 3 days! ski trip in a week n 3 days! In study skills we had 2 pick 2 career choices dat appealed 2 u n luk em up in the computer room. I picked drama n journilism the drama points r high!! then we did a quiz to see what we are best suited for and my number 1 was drama! 2nd was journilism!! , In sports science we played soccer which I didnt do cuz I had a skirt on. no real news i'm 2 boring!! O n 2 people who dont like me r my site LEAVE if ya wana start sumthin email me r leave a contact cuz otherwise ur just chicken cuz people r sayn i'm full of myself.. ok? wats dat all bout? so I put up fotos wow!! peopl who autually KNOW me will tell u I like taking pics! n this isnt all about me n my luks as ne normal person can see! I guess sum people r just board , lonley , losers who r 2 chicken 2 confront others so they abuse n then leave no contact! I mean wow u rebal!! seriously u must hav a life!! no honestly , no i'm real serious!! NOT cya

Mon 16th Dec 2002

Quick entery , i'm off skool still! I'm still sick! so nuthin much is happening my family r all out! o n 2 Hannah you kno who u r check ur emails on yahoo. Well newayz gotza go fo sho. cya luv sue.

Mon (morning) 16th Dec 2002

*yawn* I'm off 2 bed soon. I was in town yesterday r as in Saturday n I spent $130 on xmas pressies! all my money I even had 2 take money outa my bank card. On Sunday me Tori n Co messed about n played a deadly soccer game! xxoo sue

Fri/Sat 14h (12.30am) Dec 2002

Heya I was sick AGAIN 2day! but I was in town during the day wit my mum n sis n I got my foto's back and they devolped! so i'm scanning dem now there a mix of Wexford, My sis n me n Collette o n our xmas tree. I went 2 watch Lenstier vs (sum French team) in rugby 2day! PACKED wit fit guys! n Brian O'Driscall! omg he is SOOOOOO SEXY I mean u mite think no way! but I swear 2 u he is soo hot! even my pickest friends wit different tastes 2 my aggree!! (ok i'l stop now) 2moro i'm goin 2 town wit Tori n Co n i'm getting lotsa xmas pressies! the pics shud be up .. 2moro r Sunday. i'l leave u with... Sexy O.D (though its not a gr8 pic .. o well)


Thurs 12th Dec 2002


I've been sick all week! :( , I was only in skool 4 two hours on Wednesday. I will probably go in 2mro cuz I miss my friends. I'm going to town on Saturday. I hav no news.. I'm listening to Freedom fm
online seriously go check it out it's a Irish radio station n u can listen live from the web while ur on d net n u can b in any country 2 listen! :D , tel me wat u want improved r added in my site on the tagboard k? well cya

Mon 9th Dec 2002

Heya it's 2.30pm n I'm at home sick! I got my xmas outfit! , White poloneck , whhite long jacket , denim skirt n denim boots n a belly bars wit stars on it. I got Beca's pressie n half of my sister's. I still gotz lots more 2 get! I can't wait 4 xmas!! I took another camera film so they shud be devoloped this week but I think the film was faulty so i'm pretty sure its broken n the pics wont come out! oh well.. speeking of pics here's a page of pics of me wen I was a kid.

Me as a kid!

n I made dolls 4 expage

Dolls 4 expage!

We put up our tree aswell! it's gr8 all sparkly! I wanna 8mile but it isnt out here til January!!! well no more news 4 now.. so i'm gunna go. cya suzi

Fri/Sat (12.50am) Dec 2002

Heya i'm off 2 bed soon. neways justa quick update! I'm adding pics of me as a kid n a baby 2moro sumtime.. mm I was in town 2day n I got these cool knee high denim patched boots their so cool! I saw a girl who was in my primary skool n I got magazines 2moro i'm goin shoppin AGAIN! 4 xmas pressies n were putting up our tree!! well cya suzi.

Wed 4th Dec 2002

Hey like the new layout? Nelly n Ja rule I duno if u guys can c it properly so if u can't PLEASE tel me on the tagboard! so omg is XMAS I'm so so SO happy! lotsa pressies 2 buy! my sis is going to Kenya in 1 week n a half! I got Ro n Co's xmas pressies already! Tori I got dem in d shop u told me about wit the wooden statues outside! I got Ro a tounge bar of a lizards eye! n I got Co a belly-bar. On Friday my mum is taking me outa skool early (2.40) n bringing me into town 2 get more pressies like my sisters , toris n leanne n whoever else cuz I got 2 many 2 get in d 1 day! On Sat I think my friends n me r going 2 Liffey Valley shopping center. n after shopping were goin 2 the cinema. I had amatch 2day against the minor A's we drew 1-1 n I scored! yay! I'm tryin 2 update as much of my main page as I can! n if u wana do a link exchange r request sumthin i'd b happy 2. Well gotta go 4 now cya