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Guild Info
What the Guild Is
Who We Are
Core and Member Sites
Our Site Criteria
Why Join The Guild?
Join The Guild

The Core Sites:
-Bridge Through the Aurora
-Torre Degli Angeli
-The Next World

The Member Sites:
none currently
Welcome to The Guild, the home base of the His Dark Materials Online Community. The Guild is a grouping of sites dedicated to providing quality information about His Dark Materials or Philip Pullman, in a creative and original way.

If a site has been allowed into The Guild, they have proven that they are dedicated to quality. Sites are reviewed by a panel of webmasters from 3-5 top His Dark Materials websites, and if the site meets our criteria, it is allowed to post our banner. The Guild banner is a mark of excellence, and sites bearing it should be recognized as quality sites.

Individual His Dark Materials fans can also join the Guild, in order to post on our forum, and to recieve news and information about the series.

Updates on the way! The Guild is still largely under construction. is now The Guild instead of The Dunes. I didn't have time for the Dunes, since I'm running Bridge Through the Aurora instead.