Henry Rollins Comes to UM

Well, on Sunday the 18th of September, Henry Rollins came to the University of Miami to da a spoken word performance. If you don't know who Henry Rollins is, he kicks ass. Is is really funny even if his music isn't all that great. This is the account of our exploits:

As soon as I get the picture, this is Josh, Drew and I getting pumped before the show. It was cool. We left 30 minutes early and had to wait in line for a long time. Meryl couldn't come because she is misdirected and thinks that schoolwork comes before celebrities. Silly Meryl.

These are pictures of Mr. Rollins during the show. Notice his crazy hand gestures. He did lots of those. The one where he is turned to the left is where he was doing his Keanu Reeves impression of warming up for acting. It was funny. Giggle. hehehHAHAHA. Okay. You had to be there, but it was incredible. If you ever get the chance go out and see him. It is well worth it. He also writes books and has spoken word CD's. Buy them. They are worth it.

This is a picture of Drew after the show. Josh left to do something else because he is too cool to get Henry Rollins' autograph (see picture far below). We were going to wait around for Rollins to come out and Drew was checking the floor plan posted on the wall in an alley to see the most probable door that he would come out of. This was all pointless because, well, next picture.

This was our key to meeting Henry Rollins. The truck was to crate around the PA Rollins used for his performance. Drew and I helped the guy load the PA and then asked if Mr. Rollins was still around. The roadie told us the Rollins had left. What he didn't tell us ::wink wink:: was that Herb had left for the UC (University Center for all you retarded people). Drew and I sprinted over there as fast as we could.

Look!!! It's me and my good buddy Henry Rollins! I don't know why, but he decided to make a funny face. It may look like I'm blinking, but it is only one eye so it is really a wink. Oh, story on how we got to this point: We walked to the second floor of the UC where Hurricane Productions is. On the way there we saw some loosers who followed Rollins to the building but were afraid to confront him. We took posters from them to get signed and proceded to knock on the door and ask for Mr. Rollins. He came out and we got autographs and pictures. It was cool.

This is Drew with Henry Rollins. Drew said that Mr. Rollins is not making a funny face because he was intimidated my Drew (Look at Herb's fucking neck!) and I think that Drew may be right. That is, if Mr. Rollins was intimidated by a quality in Drew that begins with and H and ends with an L. OR G and Y if you do not understand big words. Anyway, you cannot see it but in Drew's left hand is Henry's right butt cheek. I did not get a picture of it, but Rollins kicked Drew's ass.

This is my happy dance of super elation and goodness after gitting to meet Mr. Rollins. Look how happy I am! Isn't that cool. Anyway, next picture.

Drew is also happy. Infact, he was feeling so good you might say that at that moment he was in a gay mood. That is all.

Wanting to waste film so that I could get it developed the next day (today) I took a picture of one of the many stupid bulliten boards in out dorm. It says, "Be Thankful to Be Here." Rather presumptuous, 'aint it? Well, It's better than NOVA. Sorry, next picture.

Okay. This is the Shrine. This is the place where Drew and I wast our lives playing Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX. I hate sports games, especially eXtreme sports or whatever the hell they are called, but this game fucking rules. It's too bad that Drew's TV sucks shit. It has to be constantly beaten to not skip around and shit. Next will be a picture of that.

This is Drew pounding the TV because it is acting up. Notice the choice of the word "Pound". Anyway, that is the way to fix things down here. The funny thing is that it actually works. For about 5 minutes. Then his TV starts to suck again. Tsk tsk.

This is Josh. Josh is Drew's roomate. Josh is cool because he is always calling Drew gay. hehe. Drew is starting to accept it. Well, if he hadn't decided to go back to his room he would also have a picture of him with Henry Rollins and an autograph. hehe, sucks for you.

Well, this is where I always end up. My room. Notice how clean and spotless it is. I also failed to get a picture of the other side of the room scanned. IT is spotless. Why? you may ask. Well, my roomie moved out. YAY. So I have a room all to myself. Anyway. I kick ass and I have Henry Rollins' autograph. hehe. Cool.