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Lord Stanley

Stanley Cup Archive

Islanders win 4th Stanley Cup 1983

Stanley Cup Winners

This is a listing of the NHL Stanley Cup Winners Since 1892.  
Year  Winner        W-L  Coach            Opponent
2000	New Jersey	 4-1 Larry Robinson	   Dallas
1999  Dallas        4-2  Ken Hitchcock    Buffalo
1998  Detroit       4-0  Scotty Bowman    Washington

1997  Detroit       4-0  Scotty Bowman    Philadelphia

1996  Colorado      4-0  Marc Crawford    Florida

1995  New Jersey    4-0  Jacques Lemaire  Detroit

1994  NY Rangers    4-3  Mike Keenan      Vancouver

1993  Montreal      4-1  Jacques Demers   Los Angeles

1992  Pittsburgh    4-0  Scotty Bowman    Chicago

1991  Pittsburgh    4-2  Bob Johnson      Minnesota

1990  Edmonton      4-1  John Muckler     Boston

1989  Calgary       4-2  Terry Crisp      Montreal

1988  Edmonton      4-0  Glen Sather      Boston

1987  Edmonton      4-3  Glen Sather      Philadelphia

1986  Montreal      4-1  Jean Perron      Calgary

1985  Edmonton      4-1  Glen Sather      Philadelphia

1984  Edmonton      4-1  Glen Sather      NY Islanders

1983  NY Islanders  4-0  Al Arbour        Edmonton

1982  NY Islanders  4-0  Al Arbour        Vancouver

1981  NY Islanders  4-1  Al Arbour        Minnesota

1980  NY Islanders  4-2  Al Arbour        Philadelphia

1979  Montreal      4-1  Scotty Bowman    NY Rangers

1978  Montreal      4-2  Scotty Bowman    Boston

1977  Montreal      4-0  Scotty Bowman    Boston

1976  Montreal      4-0  Scotty Bowman    Philadelphia

1975  Philadelphia  4-2  Fred Shero       Buffalo 

1974  Philadelphia  4-2  Fred Shero       Boston

1973  Montreal      4-2  Scotty Bowman    Chicago

1972  Boston        4-2  Tom Johnson      NY Rangers

1971  Montreal      4-3  Al MacNeil       Chicago

1970  Boston        4-0  Harry Sinden     St. Louis

1969  Montreal      4-0  Claude Ruel      St. Louis

1968  Montreal      4-0  Toe Blake        St. Louis

1967  Toronto       4-2  Bunch Imlach     Montreal

1966  Montreal      4-2  Toe Blake        Detroit

1965  Montreal      4-3  Toe Blake        Chicago

1964  Toronto       4-3  Punch Imlach     Detroit

1963  Toronto       4-1  Punch Imlach     Detroit

1962  Toronto       4-2  Punch Imlach     Chicago

1961  Chicago       4-2  Rudy Pilous      Detroit

1960  Montreal      4-3  Toe Blake        Toronto

1959  Montreal      4-1  Toe Blake        Toronto

1958  Montreal      4-2  Toe Blake        Boston

1957  Montreal      4-1  Toe Blake        Boston

1956  Montreal      4-1  Toe Blake        Detroit

1955  Detroit       4-3  Jimmy Skiner     Montreal 

1954  Detroit       4-3  Tommy Ivan       Montreal

1953  Montreal      4-1  Dick Irvin       Boston

1952  Detroit       4-0  Tommy Ivan       Montreal

1951  Toronto       4-1  Joe Primeau      Montreal

1950  Detroit       4-3  Tommy Ivan       NY Rangers

1949  Toronto       4-0  Hap Day          Detroit

1948  Toronto       4-0  Hap Day          Detroit

1947  Toronto       4-2  Hap Day          Montreal

1946  Montreal      4-1  Dick Irvin       Boston

1945  Toronto       4-3  Hap Day          Detroit

1944  Montreal      4-0  Dick Irvin       Chicago

1943  Detroit       4-0  Jack Adams       Boston

1942  Toronto       4-3  Hap Day          Detroit

1941  Boston        4-0  Cooney Weiland   Detroit

1940  NY Rangers    4-2  Frank Boucher    Toronto

1939  Boston        4-1  Art Ross         Toronto

1938  Chicago       3-1  Bill Stewart     Toronto

1937  Detroit       3-2  Jack Adams       NY Rangers

1936  Detroit       3-1  Jack Adams       Toronto

1935  Mtl. Maroons  3-0  Tommy Gorman     Toronto

1934  Chicago       3-1  Tommy Gorman     Detroit

1933  NY Rangers    3-1  Lester Patrick   Toronto

1932  Toronto       3-0  Dick Irvin       NY Rangers

1931  Montreal      3-2  Cecil Hart       Chicago

1930  Montreal      2-0  Cecil Hart       Boston

1929  Boston        2-0  Cy Denneny       NY Rangers

1928  NY Rangers    3-2  Lester Patrick   Mtl. Maroons

1927  Ottawa      2-0-2  Dave Gill        Boston

1926  Mtl. Maroons  3-1  Eddie Gerard     Victoria

1925  Victoria      3-1  Lester Patrick   Montreal

1924  Montreal      2-0  Leo Dandurand    Cgy. Tigers

                    2-0                   Van. Maroons

1923  Ottawa        2-0  Pete Green       Edm. Eskimos

                    3-1                   Van. Maroons

1922  Tor. St. Pats 3-2  Eddie Powers     Van. Millionaires

1921  Ottawa        3-2  Pete Green       Van. Millionaires

1920  Ottawa        3-2  Pete Green       Seattle

1919  No decision - series betwwen Montreal and 

      Seattle cancelled due to influenza outbreak

1918  Tor. Arenas   3-2  Dick Carroll     Van. Millionaires 

Stanley Cup winners prior to formation of NHL in 1917

Season	Champion		Coach (or *-Captain)

1916-17	Seattle Metropolitans	Pete Muldoon

1915-16	Montreal Canadiens	George Kennedy

1914-15	Vancouver Millionaires	Frank Patrick

1913-14	Toronto Blueshirts	Scotty Davidson*

1912-13	Quebec Bulldogs		Joe Malone*

1911-12	Quebec Bulldogs		C. Nolan

1910-11	Ottawa Senators		Bruce Stuart*

1909-10	Montreal Wanderers	Pud Glass*

1908-09	Ottawa Senators		Bruce Stuart*

1907-08	Montreal Wanderers	Cecil Blachford

1906-07	Montreal Wanderers	Cecil Blachford

1906-07	Kenora Thistles		Tommy Phillips*

1905-06	Montreal Wanderers	Cecil Blachford*

1904-05	Ottawa Silver Seven	A.T. Smith

1903-04	Ottawa Silver Seven	A.T. Smith

1902-03	Ottawa Silver Seven	A.T. Smith

1901-02	Montreal A.A.A.		C. McKerrow

1900-01	Winnipeg Victorias	D.H. Bain

1899-00	Montreal Shamrocks	H.J. Trihey*

1898-99	Montreal Shamrocks	H.J. Trihey*

1897-98	Montreal Victorias	F. Richardson

1896-97	Montreal Victorias	Mike Grant*

1895-96	Montreal Victorias	Mike Grant*

1895-96	Winnipeg Victorias	J.C. G. Armytage

1894-95	Montreal Victorias	Mike Grant*

1893-94	Montreal A.A.A.

1892-93	Montreal A.A.A.