Season 1  Season 2  Season 3
38. Father Figure (1)
gs: Cathy Keenan (Elizabeth "Liz" O'Rouke) Elisa Moolecherry (Sydney) Melissa DiMarco (Ms. Hatzilakos)

Grade 9 starts and Emma's mom is 9 months pregnant. After Emma has been mistaken at school for being Snake's daughter, this inspires her to find her birth father. When she asks her mom she says no. But Emma goes on the internet to find his address. She finds it then the next day in school she cuts class with Craig to find him. The first place she goes to turns out to be the wrong address. Then she and Craig return to Emma's house and find the real address. They take the subway to Stouffville to find him. Ending up at a doctor's building Emma sneaks upstairs and goes to the room. She opens the door and faces her dad with a big surprise.

b: 17-Sep-2003 pc: 301

NOTE: One Hour Season Premiere
  • Christina Schmidt (Terri McGreggor) does not appear in Father Figure (1)
  • In the background of the Wastelands, you see the same two mullet boys from When Doves Cry (1).
  • Chris Sharpe (Daniel Morrison) makes his first appearance.
  • Stacie Mistysyn, Amanda Stepto, Katie Lai, Danie Morrison Adam Ruggiero, and Stacy Farber are now in the opening credits.
  • Premired in the US on October 3, 2003, just about a month after the second season finale "Tears are not Enough"
  • For the new season, we finally see some new credits. The "mini-plot" to it is that Ellie is filming the cast. The theme for the new season now has rock blips added to it. Stacey Farber, Andrea Lewis, Stacie Mistysyn, and Adamo Ruggerio are now added to credits.
  • The name of this episode refers to a song by the '80s pop artist George Michael
  • Filming for this episode and season three began June 11, 2003.
  • Father Figure was the title for the fourth episode of My So Called Life.

39. Father Figure (2)
gs: Cathy Keenan (Elizabeth "Liz" o'Rouke) Jonathan Torrens (Shane McKay)

Emma is in the room with her dad and she finds out he is brain-damaged. She tells him she is Emma and she embraces him but soon the nurse discovers she sneaked upstairs even though Craig was keeping the look out. So Emma gives him her address so they can write to each other. Joey has to drive to Stouffville to pick them up and Spike isn't happy when she gets home. Emma tells her mom off for lying to her. The next day at school Snake tell Emma Spike didn't tell her to protect her. Meanwhile Shane shows up and makes a horrible racket at the house while Spike goes into labor.

b: 17-Sep-2003 pc: 302

NOTE: Christina Schmidt (Terri MaCgreggor) does not appear in Father Figure (2)
  • The name of this episode refers to a song by the '80s pop artist George Michael

40. U Got The Look
gs: Elisa Moolecherry (Sydney) Kit Weyman (Sulley) Melissa DiMarco (Ms. Hatzilakos)

Manny's ready for a major image upheaval. She's sick of being cute. She's sick of being adorable. She's ready to be hot. But when all the attention from her new style goes to her head, she may lose more than just her old look.

Meanwhile, Joey's in heaven when Craig's band asks to use the garage for rehearsals, but all his nostalgia might drive a wedge in his relationship with Craig.

b: 01-Oct-2003 pc: 303

NOTE: Christina Shmidt appears in the background of the environmental meeting, but has no dialog.
  • Named after a song by Prince
  • Craig's being grounded continues in this episode and plays an important part in the plot because Joey learns about the band after Marco says Great we really need our lead singer back.
  • This marks the first episode of JT's crush on Manny.

41. Pride (1)
gs: Mike Lobel (Jay) Melissa DiMarco (Ms. Hatzilakos)

Ellie and Marco are invited to go to the beach with Paige, Jimmy, Spinner, Hazel, and Paige's openly gay brother, Dylan. Ellie feels that it's time for Marco to tell his friends the truth--that he and Ellie are not boyfriend and girlfriend, and that he is gay. While Dylan and Paige are scoping out the young men in the area, Dylan asks Paige whether Marco is gay. Paige smiles and says that Marco is taken. Spinner hears Dylan making cat-calls at some male joggers, and comments to Jimmy and Marco about how "gross" gays are. Worried about what may happen to his relationship with his friends if he shares his big secret, Marco does his best to act like a real boyfriend to Ellie, but Ellie pushes him away, telling everyone that she and Marco had broken up. Marco, feeling uncomfortable, walks off to sit by himself, where he is joined by Dylan, who asks whether he's alright. Marco says he's fine, and the two sit alone for a bit.
Meanwhile, Snake is suffering from a bug that he claims is a small cold. Spike tells him to go to Joey's, so as not to get baby Jack sick. Snake arrives just as Ashley and Craig are having a moment to themselves, and Craig decides to challenge Snake to a video game tournament. As Snake is playing, he passes out for a moment, and blood drips from his nose. Ashley and Craig are concerned, but Snake assures them that it's nothing.
The next day, Paige tells Spinner about what Dylan had said about Marco being gay. Spinner laughs at the thought, and asks Marco why he and Ellie broke up. Marco tells him that he and Ellie felt more like siblings than a couple, so Spinner suggests setting Marco up with Hazel. Marco reluctantly agrees to this, even though he is developing feelings for Dylan.
Emma sees that Snake isn't looking well, and tells him that maybe his ailment is more than a cold. Snake makes an appointment with his doctor, and is told that he may possibly have cancer of the blood.
During their date, Marco decides to buy everyone drinks. Hazel joins Marco at the counter just as Ellie walks in. Hazel, seeing Ellie, puts her arm around Marco, and Marco tells everyone that he needs to help his mother with dinner, and leaves. Spinner follows him, and confronts him, asking him why he had just left in the middle of his date. With tears streaming down his cheeks, Marco finally tells Spinner he's gay. Spinner, who is at a loss for words, leaves Marco in the alley.

b: 08-Oct-2003 pc: 304 w: Aaron Martin s: Aaron Martin & James Hurst & Shelley Scarrow d: Phil Earnshaw.

NOTE: First appearance of John Bregar (Dylan Michalchuk)
  • Named after a song by U2
  • Christina Schmidt does not appear in this episode.
  • First appearence of Mike Lobel (Jay).

42. Why (2)
gs: Mike Lobel (Jay) Elisa Moolecherry (Sydney)

After finding out that Marco is gay, Spinner starts picking on him and decides to cut Marco out of his life. Meanwhile Snake decides to shave off all of his hair because of his newly discovered illness, which would have made it fall out anyway.

b: 15-Oct-2003 pc: 305

NOTE: In Canada, this episode is called 'Pride (2)', but in the US, this episode is called 'Why? (2) or 'Pride (2)'.
  • The-N edits out the word fag everytime it's used (except when Spinner uses it) by replacing it with gay or just deleting it. They also deleted the scene where Marco get's bashed. In the fight, the basher kicks Marco's ribs and calls him a "homosexual lover" and then kicks him again and calls him a "fag". Then they start to punch him.
  • The episode title is taken from a song by Annie Lennox
  • Although the word fag was used in the show, on CTV, when they aired the promo for this episode, Spinner wrote 'Marco is gay' on the wall.

43. Gangsta Gangsta
gs: Deanna Casaluce (Alex) Mike Lobel (Jay) Mony Yassir (Nadia Jamir) Travis Donegan (Towerz) Katie Lai (Kendra) Kristen Holdenreid (Tracker)

Things haven't been going very well for Sean lately. Emma's busy dealing with Snake's illness and a brand new baby brother and Tracker's busy leading the exciting life a normal 20-something. Feeling lonely and neglected, Sean's drawn to car-loving, tough- talking Jay and his group of buddies. Jay and the gang welcome Sean into their circle and Sean finally feels like he belongs. When Jay asks Sean to prove himself by stealing a keyboard from the MI Lab, Sean goes one step further, stealing something even bigger. JT's been spending more time with Paige and the popular kids and he seems reluctant to share the limelight with Toby. But when JT has a wet dream about (gasp) Liberty while sleeping over at Toby's, Toby uses the information as an in with the cool gang.

b: 22-Oct-2003 pc: 306

NOTE: Katie Lai's (Kendra Mason) first appearance in season three.
  • Christina Schmidt (Terri MacGreggor) does not appear in this episode.
  • Named after a song by the rap group N.W.A.
  • In this episode, Toby admits that he had a wet dream before.
  • Travis Donegan (Towerz) makes his first appearance, although his name is never mentioned exept in the credits.

44. Should I Stay or Should I Go?
gs: Neil Hope (Derek "Wheels" Wheeler) Kit Weyman (Sulley)

Things are pretty hot between Craig and Ashley, but he's
disappointed that she keeps pulling back from going all the way. She wants to know Craig loves her, and since he is unable to express himself in words, Craig pours his heart into song.
With her heart melting, Ash decides she's ready. An exuberant Craig can't help sharing the news with Spinner, whose innuendo-laced jokes cause Ash to call the whole thing off. Craig storms out followed by Manny, who offers Craig a sweet, supportive shoulder to cry on. Soon, Craig and Manny are caught up in the moment—a moment that goes farther than either of them anticipated. Worried about her husband's deteriorating spirits
during his chemo, Spike enlists Joey's help in cheering him up.
Reluctantly, Snake joins Joey for a night of bowling and is definitely not impressed when his troubled high school buddy Wheels shows up – until he shares how he dealt with his own checkered past.

b: 29-Oct-2003 pc: 307

NOTE: This is Christina Schmidt's (Terri MacGreggor) first appearance for the 3rd season.
  • VERY similar to the Degrassi Junior High episode "It's Late!".
  • Named after a song by The Clash
  • In 'Mother and Child Reunion', Wheels had attended the reunion as a parapalegic in a wheelchair- ten years after his drunk driving accident. Yet, when we see him again here (two years later), Wheels walks perfectly well and has no problems bowling. In spite of giving an inspirational talk to Snake about how to keep holding onto life even after terrible things have happened, neither he, Snake or Joey address the fact that he's able to walk again after having been paralyzed ten years!
  • Ashley makes a refrence to the season 1 finale "Jagged little Pill" by telling Spinner her mom's been strict since her last party, when she took ecstacy.

45. Against All Odds
gs: Elisa Moolecherry (Sydney) Phylicia Manning (Melanda)

Emma decides it's time to move on in matters of the heart when she realizes she has feelings for new kid Chris. With some encouragement from Manny, Emma hooks up with Chris at a rave-- even though he has a girlfriend. But as Emma and Chris get closer, she realizes she can't be with him if he's still with someone else. Meanwhile Manny takes her own advice when she discovers that Craig's at the rave too – without Ashley. When Emma finds out how far Manny's willing to go to get what she wants, it's the final straw in their friendship.
Spinner and Jimmy are both in trouble with their math grades so they ask Marco to tutor them during a Friday-night study session. Spinner's discomfort with Marco's homosexuality soon has him misinterpreting all of Marco's behaviour and he ends up convinced that Marco has a crush on him.

b: 12-Nov-2003 pc: 309

NOTE: This is the episode where you notice Shane Kippel's new piercing: his tongue
  • In this episode, Emma and Manny are automatically friends again, and having a sleepover.
  • Named after a song by Phil Collins

46. Whisper to a Scream
gs: Ephraim Ellis (Rick) Jennifer Podemski (Ms. Sauve)

With stress in her life, Ellie starts to cut, but finds help from an unlikely source.

b: 05-Nov-2003 pc: 308

NOTE: Ellie's real name is Eleanor.
  • The song playing towards the middle of the episode is "I Don't Want To Be Me" by Amanda Clemens, and is currently unavailible anywhere but this episode.
  • Named after a song by the band Icicle Works
  • Ellies unlikeable souce is Paige.

47. Never Gonna Give You Up
gs: Ephraim Ellis (Rick)

Terri's in heaven-- not only does she have a terrific boyfriend, the wonderful, romantic Rick, she also has the lead in a school play! Rick's being really supportive, offering her some helpful performance advice (his mom's an actress at Stratford!). But Hazel doesn't find Rick's advice helpful at all. She thinks Rick's controlling and abusive. When Hazel raises her suspicions with the rest of Terri's friends- and Terri starts coming to school with cuts and bruises- she convinces Terri that Rick is far from the perfect boyfriend. JT's been spending more and more time hanging out with Paige and her Grade 10 friends, much to Spinner's annoyance. So Spinner begins a campaign of embarrassment to drive JT back to his rightful place with the other Grade 9 geeks and losers. But JT's not going to relinquish his new popularity without a fight!

b: 19-Nov-2003 pc: 310

NOTE: This story is like Kathleen and her beating boyfriend in Degrassi High. Like this episode, it too involved a play, and Scott trying to control Kathleen's life and who she hangs out with.
  • Episode named after a Rick Astley song

48. Holiday (1)
gs: Elisa Moolecherry (Sydney)

The holiday season is fast approaching and the Jeremiah house is abuzz - Angela has her upcoming Christmas skating pageant, Craig and Ashley are a serious item, and Joey and Sydney are getting serious themselves. As Sydney organizes the perfect Christmas, Caitlin feels like the odd girl out. But she's really thrown when she and Joey share an unexpectedly intimate moment, leaving Caitlin to wonder if she and Joey can ever just be friends. Underneath Craig's holiday cheer lurks a big secret -he‘s still seeing Manny behind Ash‘s back. And lately, he‘s wondering if he made the right choice. But the choice is made for him when Ash sneaks a peek at the present Craig bought for her -- a figure skater charm bracelet? -- only to discover Manny wearing it the next day. When Ash confronts Manny, the girls find out that Craig‘s been lying to them both.

b: 17-Dec-2003 pc: 311

NOTE: Some of the scences in the Holiday episode had real snow, while most of the sences had fake snow.
  • Craig's cheating on two girls storyline was similar to the Joey's storyline back in the original Degrassi
  • Joey realizes that he still loves Caitlin
  • This episode marks the 2nd time on the series that Toby and Hazel each acknowledge their faiths (Toby's being Jewish and Hazel's being Muslim).
  • Daniel Clark (Sean) did not appear in this episode
  • Holiday, parts 1 & 2, aired as an hour-long Christmas special in the United States and was advertised as the finale for the third season.
  • Named after a song by Madonna
  • In this episode, the credits are shown while the action is happening, so the theme song does not happen.
  • Emma only appears at the beginning of the shows with no dialouge. All the other secondary characters (except for Spinner and Mrs. Nelson/Simpson) only have a couple of lines.

49. Holiday (2)
gs: Katie Lai (Kendra)

Ashley and Manny both figure out what Craig is doing to them. Joey breaks up with Sydney after he realizes that he is in love with Caitlin. He goes to the airport with Craig and Angela and stops Caitlin before the plane takes off.

b: 17-Dec-2003 pc: 312

NOTE: Named after a song by Madonna
  • Joey and Caitlin become a couple.
  • Both Manny and Ashley dump Craig.

50. This Charming Man
gs: Deanna Casaluce (Alex) Mike Lobel (Jay) Bailey Corneal (Amy) Travis Donegan (Towerz)

Things are back on track for Emma now that she's officially over Sean. Newly single Chris has even asked her out! But when she hears rumours that Sean's gang is stealing things from Degrassi (including Mr. Simpson's laptop), Emma becomes obsessed with bringing Sean to justice. But is she really interested in making the school a safer place, or does she just want Sean to pay for breaking her heart? Paige, Spinner and Jimmy are inching closer to freedom when they all begin Driver's Ed. Paige is a natural, logging tons of road practice, thanks to her brother, while Spinner's a nervous wreck about getting behind the wheel. But the pair take a wrong turn when Paige loses her concentration when driving with their seriously hot instructor, Mr. Falcone.

b: 10-Dec-2003 pc: 313

NOTE: Named after a song by the band The Smiths
  • We learn Jay's surname is Hobart.
  • First mention of Sully (Manny's onetime boyfriend) since he blew her off for the weekend in "Should I Stay or Should I Go" (Season Three- #44).

51. Accidents Will Happen (1)
gs: Melissa DiMarco (Ms. Hatzilakos) Marie V. Cruz (Mrs.Santos)

There's a big gymnastics meet at Degrassi, and Manny's going to lead the team to gold! But when she starts to feel sick, she fears that her queasy stomach might be more than the flu or even a case of bad nerves. And she's suddenly not sure she and Craig used protection when they had sex. Not knowing where to turn (it's sure not going to be her strict mom), Manny turns to Emma's mom Spike, the one person she knows who's been in her shoes. When Manny's worst fears are realized, she finds support from Spike, Emma and even Craig, who takes the news surprisingly well. Toby's feeling more and more shut out of JT's new world of hanging with the cool kids, especially when Jimmy invites JT to DJ Mad Bullets concert. So Toby comes up with a plan to win Jimmy over: he'll hack into the school's computer system and alter Jimmy's math grade. After all, if there's one thing a nerd like Toby knows, it's computers! So what can go wrong?

b: 26-Jan-2004 pc: 314

NOTE: Named after a song by Elvis Costello
  • The sub-plot of this episode was shown as a degrassi mini-episode in the US.
  • Never aired in the US.

52. Accidents Will Happen (2)
gs: Mike Lobel (Jay) Travis Donegan (Towerz) Marie V. Cruz (Mrs.Santos)

Manny's tempted by the romantic family scenario Craig paints and begins to think she and Craig really could keep this baby. Even Ashley shares the news with the entire cafeteria. But after she and Craig fail miserably at taking care of Baby Jack, Manny has to confront the reality of being a mother at her age. She can't do this! But can she carry the baby full-term and give it up for adoption? Or should she deal with this now, and have an abortion? JT's finally had enough of Liberty's go-nowhere crush and tells her to move on. So when she's paired with Sean on a history project, she's decides that Sean's the latest target of her affections. Impressing Sean takes a lot more effort and ingenuity than she anticipated, but in the process, she discovers someone else has a crush of their own-on her.

b: 09-Feb-2004 pc: 315

NOTE: Named after a song by Elvis Costello
  • Sean still appears to be friends with JT in this episode since he asks him for advice on how to get rid of Liberty.
  • Liberty finally gets a boyfriend.
  • Manny's mother appears for the first time.
  • The sub-plot was used as a Degrassi mini-episode in the US.

53. Take On Me

Five kids from different worlds are stuck in a room - on a Saturday! When Raditch introduces Saturday detention, Sean, Ellie, Hazel, Jimmy and Toby are the first inductees. Despite being in different cliques, the students come to realize that they're all in the same boat together. With a school all to themselves, they have a lot more fun than they anticipated. But will these new-found friendships survive Monday morning?

b: 16-Feb-2004 pc: 316 d: Phil Earnshaw.

NOTE: This episode is a replica of the 1985 movie "The Breakfast Club". The roles of this episode are similar to those of the characters in the movie: the jock: Jimmy the princess: Hazel the nerd: Toby the misfit: Ellie the criminal: Sean
  • Ellie and Sean become a couple in this episode
  • Hazel and Jimmy become a couple in this episode
  • Sarah Barrable Tishauer (LIberty), John Bregar (Dylan), Lauren Collins (Paige), Jake Epstein (Craig), Shane Kippel (Spinner), Katie Lai (Kendra), Miriam McDonald (Emma), Melissa McIntyre (Ashley), Daniel Morrison (Chris), Adamo Ruggerio (Marco), Christina Schmidt (Terry), Cassie Steele (Manny) all dont appear.
  • Named after a song by the band A-Ha
  • Also same as the Radio Free Roscoe episode. "Detention Redemption."
  • This episode is shown as a Promo during the Premere of 'My So Called Life."
  • Apparently, Jimmy and Sean get over their differences in this episode.
  • Ellie reveals that she had a few scars on her left arm. That's why she always wears long sleeves.
  • Mr. Simpson is teaching again.
  • J.T. makes a brief appeareance at the end of the episode (he only had one line.)
  • First time viewers see Sean and Hazel converse!
  • This is also the first time viewers see Toby and Ellie converse- despite her being Ash's best friend.
  • Where is the secret elevator located on the MAIN floor- Sheila's kitchen?

54. Don't Dream It's Over
gs: Deanna Casaluce (Alex) Ephraim Ellis (Rick) Mike Lobel (Jay) Geoff Bowes (Terri's Dad) Cynthia Asperger (Rick's Mom)

Paige gets to use her parents van and decides to take Spinner, Jimmy, Hazel and Terri on a Saturday afternoon road trip. When Terri decides to bring Rick as her date, the rest of the group is shocked. While Jimmy, Hazel and Spinner play Frisbee, Paige reminds Terri that Rick is dangerous. But instead of listening, Terri defends him. Their discussion provokes Rick, who listens in, gets angry and takes off in a huff. Terri is forced to choose between her loyalties to Paige and her feelings for Rick, and decides to follow Rick into the woods. Feeling angry and betrayed, Rick knocks Terri down. She hits her head on a rock and is knocked unconscious. When Paige and the gang show up to find out what happened, Rick runs away.

Later, with Terri in the hospital facing brain surgery, Paige and Spinner admit to Terri's father they knew Rick was abusive but that they thought the situation was under control. Did Paige and Spinner fail their friend Terri?

Meanwhile, Ellie decides to make plans with Marco on Saturday just for fun, when all of a sudden she gets a surprise visit from Sean. He tells Ellie that this Saturday --the same day she was supposed to hang out with Marco-- is the opening weekend for a movie called "Elimination Round 3". Ellie accepts the offer and on Saturday she shows up with Marco. On Monday, Ellie talks to Marco about going with Ashley to visit Terri, when all of a sudden Sean pushes Marco over so he could sit next to Ellie. Marco, annoyed by Sean's rudeness, walks off and tells Ellie he would see her in English. Sean tells Ellie he wanted to be alone and Ellie tells Sean he got his wish. Will things get better for Ellie and Sean?

b: 23-Feb-2004 pc: 317

NOTE: This episode's title refers to a song by New Zealand rock band Crowded House.
  • this title could also be in refrence to the song by Sixpence None the Richer

55. Rock and Roll High
gs: Travis Donegan (Towerz)

There's a battle of the bands and Craig's sure that his band has got what it takes to win a trip to New York City for a recording contract. Ashley has the exact same idea with PMS. For Ashley, this battle means everything. She must beat Craig and get him back at him for cheating on her with Manny. Ashley works her group almost until they cant stand it. Craig wonders if the contest is really worth it if its just revenge things for Ashley. He apologizes to her . . . but for the wrong thing. After having trouble coming up with the perfect lyrics, Craig saves the day just in time, winning the competition for his band and telling Ashley "What I Know is that I'm sorry."

Meanwhile, back at Joey's, Angela gets spoiled by Caitlin. But, can things go too far between Angie and Caitlin?

b: 08-Mar-2004 pc: 318

NOTE: Episode named after a Ramones song.
  • Craig apologizes to Ashley for getting Manny pregnant, but not for cheating on her.
  • Joey makes reference to Craig's "auto-theft" moment in Season 2's "Drive".
  • Ashley's band is renamed Hell Hath No Fury and Craig's band is Downtown Sasquatch (source
  • The part when Craig apologizes for getting Manny pregnant is cut out becuase the-n didn't show the Accident's will Happen episode.
  • Ashley finally forgives Craig.
  • Angie's middle name is Elizabeth
  • Apart from Liberty(who organizes the band order), none of the Grade Nines appear in this episode- not even in the crowd shots!
  • This episode's backstory deals with Caitlin tending to an injured Joey and learning the hard way that giving free rein to a needlessly extra bratty Angela is counterproductive.
  • Get the Craig Shirt! Go to and download it. You'll need iron-on transfer paper to print the images on.

56. It's Raining Men
gs: Darryl Armstrong (Tom) Mike Lobel (Jay)

Marco has had his eye on Dylan for 6 months. But, things look gloomy as Tom gets closer to Dylan. But, with Spinner's help, Marco asks Dylan out on a date. Funny things happen. Marco throws a scary fit over a bee, gets nervous about holding Dylan's hand at the movie, and having to deal with Spinner's homophobic father. But, even after one disaster after another, Dylan asks Marco out on another date, and even gives him a kiss!

Meanwhile, JT is in a commercial about fries and everyone teases him about it. Everyone but Manny that is.

b: 15-Mar-2004 pc: 319

NOTE: Named after a song by The Weather Girls
  • This is the episode that features Marco and Dylan's first date.
  • This is the episode where we meet Marco's parents for the first time.
  • You can download a shirt on with an avatar of Dylan and Marco (Dylan on the left, a big heart in the middle, then Marco on the right, with the word Degrassi underneath) You'll need iron-on transfer paper so that you can make it a shirt.

57. I Want Candy
gs: Deanna Casaluce (Alex)

Paige, Spinner, and Ashley try to skip school.
Emma discovers Mr. Simpson's will and fears the worse.
There's a scene where Ellie is hanging over at Sean's house, and they start dancing to the song I want Candy.

-Alex (Jays "ex"girlfriend) and Emma start a cat fight over Sean

b: 22-Mar-2004 pc: 320

NOTE: Named after a song by Bow Wow Wow, a cover of a 1960s hit originally recorded by the Strangeloves.
  • Spinner and Kendra's Mother is introduced in this episode.
  • Aaron Carter also did a remake of the song I Want Candy.

58. Our House
gs: Mike Lobel (Jay) Deanna Casaluce (Alex) Bailey Corneal (Amy) Kristen Holdenreid (Tracker)

Seans brother (Tracker) gets a job in Alberta but Sean doesn't want to move so he stays on student wellfare and lives in his brothers house. But when he throws a party he notices that he can't handle living by himself. Meanwhile, Liberty convinces J.T. to ask Manny to the semi-formal and he does but when he sees her with Craig he starts to get second thoughts.

b: 29-Mar-2004 pc: 321

NOTE: This episodes title is from the song by Huey Lewis and the News (1985 - Theme from the first "Back to the Future" movie)
  • This episode title probably comes from the Madness song "Our House."

59. Power Of Love

It's an evening full of mishaps as students celebrate at the year-end dance.

b: 05-Apr-2004 pc: 322

NOTE: This episode probably takes its name from a Huey Lewis and the News song.
  • Billy Ray Cyrus guest stars!!
  • The high school dance has a fire but the school doesn't burn down, unlike the series finale of Degrassi Junior High.
  • Sean confesses to stealing Snake's computer.