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Video Marketplace

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Welcome to the home page of Video Marketplace. 

ValleyCable TV Network

Promote your business using a variety of video, photo classified and Internet ads. Whatever you choose, the experts at Video Marketplace can help you reach your desired audience

Cable Advertising

Video Marketplace offers advertisers an effective reach into 2800 homes through a variety of advertising strategies and packages. 

  • Target the local market
    Select the customers you want to reach without paying to reach people outside your target area.
    Video Marketplace reaches Morden, Winkler, Miami, Manitou, and surrounding areas with Valleycable access.
  • Sight, Sound, Motion, and Emotion
    Television offers more impact for your message, allowing you to better brand your business.
  • Cost Efficiencies
    Local television advertising with Video Marketplace is affordable because you are only paying to reach the homes in your own backyard. Why pay to reach the whole province market with broadcast TV and radio when 92% of retail sales comes from within 5 miles of the store (source: AC Nielsen).
  • Greater Reach & Frequency
    With Video Marketplace's cost efficiency, you can afford to run your commercial with greater frequency, reaching more people - more often.

Cable viewers watch more television
On average, cable households watch 61.4 hours of television per week. That's 18.8 hours more than non-cable households.

Cable Households Watch 18.8 More Hours of Television
Than Non-Cable Households (Nielsen Homevideo '99)


Cable gives you the best advantages of TV, radio and print all rolled into one!

  • The power of a sight and sound medium - Television.

  • The high frequency delivery of Radio.

  • The geographic targeting of Print.

In addition to providing ad space on the Valleycable network, we also offer Video Ad Production. We'll make a TV commercial for you.

Contact Information

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Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002 Video Marketplace
Last updated: December 22, 2002.