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Welcome to Celluloid Icons

Home This site has been created as a way to share 100 X 100 pixel icons
FAQ made for various Journal sites. I found that I made a tremendous amount
Links of base icons that I never used. Most of them are nothing fancy, just
My Journal altered pictures or screen captures. I thought this would be the best way to
  share.  Feel free to use your creativity to alter, add text, paint or animate. All I
Indexes: ask is that you comment in your journal or link back to the site so other's can use
Actors  these icons also. Site looks best 1024x768 using Internet Explorer 5 or above.
Actresses Please do not direct link to site. Thank You! =)
Television PLEASE READ THIS!!!
  5/10/04 - added a page of Alan Rickman. Also added some new icons to
Guest Makers: Ewan McGregor, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and John Malkovich.
treylatrasche journal  
Page1 2/25/04 - Added 2 pages of Jonathan Rhys Meyers base icons,
   1 page of Brad Pitt base icons and added Leonardo DiCaprio.
  1/14/04 - Added 3 pages of Angelina Jolie base icons and 2 pages of
  Cate Blanchett base icons.
  1/14/04 - Added 2 Pages of Lord of the Ring: The Two Tower base icons.
  1/12/04 - Added 3 Pages of Rocky Horror Picture Show Base Icons.
  1/12/04 - I finally added a Miscellaneous section for all the icons that just didn't
  seem to fit anywhere. Also added a Critters section there for animals and such.
  1/08/04 - Added 1 page of Liv Tyler base icons.
  1/08/04 - Added 3 pages of Marilyn Monroe base icons starting here
  Also added a page of Nicole Kidman base icons.

We did not intend to infringe on anybodies copyright. If  there is any issue with any of the material on this site please contact me and I will remove it immediately. The pictures on this site have been taken from various magazines and other websites on the Internet. This site is for entertainment purposes only. The Icons have been made by a movie fangirl for use on various journal websites. 























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