Quotes (Page 73)!

  1. "Thankfully, I'm not alone. And you know what? Having back-up? It has it's benefits. All this time, following around you and Buffy, I kept telling myself I couldn't wait to go solo. But I get it now. I'm people who bloody damn well need people. I'm just not a big fan of YOU." ~Spike to Angelus
  2. "Well, now I know, and knowing is half the battle. Time for the other, bloodier, screamier half." ~Angelus
  3. "Once we go home, we say our goodbyes. Beck wells up. Lorne cries. I mock Lorne." ~Spike
  4. "Moral of the story: Everybody needs somebody. Also, puppets should probably not pick fights with vampires. It seriously never works out for them." ~Brian Lynch, Spike: Shadow Puppets
  5. "Spike's business card having a 'butterfly with a big knife in its head' is a reference to Angel's business cards. Angel thought the symbol on his card was a butterfly, so it's only fair Spike drew on it. It's cheaper that way, and Spike is just starting his business. Plus, it's fun to stab butterflies." ~Brian Lynch
  6. "The theme of the book. Spike deals with his issues in a way only Spike could: through mockery and beating Angel down. Spike fancies himself a loner, but at heart, he likes having people around, in fact, he needs them around. He's only humanish. And in the midst of all this learnin' Angelus quotes from G.I. Joe." ~Brian Lynch
  7. "Ooh, an institute!" ~Lisa Simpson
  8. "The ninties are going to be all about restraint." ~Decorator on Fresh Prince
  9. "I think it'll be deeply, deeply dope." ~Will Smith
  10. "It'd just be a shame to throw it out; it's only fifteen years old." ~Hank Hill about a garden hose
  11. "Shouldn't you be out on the streets protecting the city from, well, people like you?" ~Angel to Spike
  12. "I got a demon needs reposessing." ~Spike
  13. "Stephen, you promised me that you kicked this thesaurus habit." ~Jon Stewart
  14. "Directing while acting in a scene - very strange. Meta." ~James Marsters
  15. "I'm just getting to know myself. I'm no wherwhere near to being concise about it yet. I can't define myself. Wait a minute - I'm angry, I'm funny and I'm trying." ~James Marsters
  16. "They used me as needed on Buffy. If they needed a wacky neighbor, they used me. If they needed a villain, they used me. If they needed a lover, they used me that way. It was my job to reconcile it all into one character and that was the challenge." ~James Marsters
  17. "I always argue for not straying from the text. I don't like Shakespeare productions on Mars! Romeo and Juliet should be set in Verona and at the time dictated by Shakespeare. Shakespeare had a 700 year history to draw from, he had good reason to choose the places and times he did. I feel no pressure to come up with something original but rather to just be true to Bill Shakespeare. I am a slave to Shakespeare's original intention!" ~James Marsters
  18. "Bad habit, lying around with your eyes closed. That's when they get you." ~James Marsters
  19. "Every author has a different flavor and style, they taste different - each of them. To me all of the Shakespeare that I’ve done, including staged reading, auditions and plays, all of it tastes the same." ~James Marsters on the Shakespeare authorship controversy
  20. "The teeth sucked – they forced you to mumble and slur when you were trying to be inhumanly cool." ~James Marsters
  21. "Andy [Hallett] was a real man - you can tell an adult by how they deal with pain or adversity. Andy’s eyeballs gave him searing pain all day every day because of the contacts they used. He was every moment a gentlemen; laughing and joking, wiping the tears from his eyes." ~James Marsters
  22. "Star Trek came first of course and Star Trek gives me hope for the future. Star Wars rekindled a deep mythology - Star Wars is basically a thousand year old story. It's amazing that it made so much money because we've been told that story a thousand times - but it's just such a good story." ~James Marsters
  23. "Oh!! Totally NOT Ginger! Mary Ann. Totally NOT Ginger! Mary Ann. Totally Mary Ann. Because Ginger would never be true to you. I live in Hollywood. I know!" ~James Marsters, who apparently shares at least a few things with Spike
  24. "I tend to be emotional when... I breathe." ~James Marsters
  25. "Clowns make me… Think." ~James Marsters
  26. "I don’t know if any of us are mature enough to handle the brutal honesty of what’s inside other people's heads." ~James Marsters
  27. "For me, chemistry is trust. If you have trust you can risk together. It’s like a partnership and it means you can have fun together while jumping off a mountain. I have not always been able to get good trust with an acting partner. One of the best was Juliet Landau; I always felt safe with her. Chemistry has nothing to do with physical attraction – that often gets in the way." ~James Marsters
  28. "I think Buffy tried to sleep with Spike but Spike wouldn't have her. He really didn't trust her. He said they should just be friends." ~James Marsters
  29. "Always communicate no matter how hard it is to tell someone something's wrong. It's worse not to talk about it. I learn this every few years. The truth hurts for 3 days. Lack of truth hurts your whole life." ~James Marsters
  30. "I would be in a morgue if I would have come to LA straight from Juilliard. I would have made Lindsay Lohan look like Dakota Fanning." ~James Marsters
  31. "One of the best things about humans is we recognize patterns, so we get things like science, music, philosophy. One of the worst things is that we see patterns that are not there so we get things like racism, homophobia and Jerry Falwell." ~James Marsters
  32. "I’m happy when my acting is simple - that is when Spike is most potent, when the words come out." ~James Marsters
  33. "'Cougar,' for the three people still blissfully unaware, is a slang term applied to women who date younger men. Men who date younger women, on the other hand, are typically described with a slightly less loaded term: 'men'." ~Jamison Foser
  34. "Gay be damned (him AND me), I want to civil union that man!" ~imnotemily about Neil Patrick Harris
  35. "How easy is it to swim through water? You run across water with two samurai swords strapped to your feet." ~Stephen Colbert comparing Katherine Reutter to Michael Phelps
  36. "Is it the first skate across the finish line? So technically I can just throw it across?" ~Stephen Colbert about speed skating
  37. "I'm afraid you have Cordozar Broadus. There's nothing we can do but prescribe you medical marijuana." ~Stephen Colbert
  38. "You have just been adorable, sir." ~Stephen Colbert to Snoop Dogg
  39. "One person is not as dramatic as a universe, true, but...ask Five. Sometimes one person is enough. Wait, scratch that. This is the Doctor we're talking about, here. One person is ALWAYS enough." ~Captain Chaotica!!
  40. "Oops. I have started blogging. I will stop now, and sleep for a little while." ~Neil Gaiman
  41. "Then they came for the hyperbolic and paranoid, and I had no choice but to get on the bus because I'm psycho!" ~Jon Stewart
  42. "A stitch in time fills up space." ~The Seventh Doctor
  43. "Spike! Heard you weren't evil anymore, which kinda makes the hair silly." ~Cordelia Chase
  44. "I'm wondering if you can lend me a pillow case and a broom handle." ~The Seventh Doctor
  45. "I came here under a white flag, and I will leave here under that same white flag. And woe betide any man who breeches its integrity." ~The Seventh Doctor
  46. "I just open my mouth and words come out. They don't make much sense." ~The Tenth Doctor
  47. "That's the Adelaide Brooke I always wanted to meet; a woman with starlight in her soul." ~The Tenth Doctor
  48. "Sounds like me - maintenance man of the universe." ~The Tenth Doctor
  49. "Water is patient, Adelaide. Water just waits. It wears down the clifftops, the mountains, the whole world. Water always wins." ~The Tenth Doctor
  50. "Who needs atom clamps? I have a funny robot!" ~The Tenth Doctor
  51. "It's our only choice...apart from plan B - RUN!" ~The Seventh Doctor
  52. "Let's put a pin in that theory to explore another time." ~The Flash
  53. "[The pancreas] just kind of looks like the intestines' sidekick." ~Duckie
  54. "I really can't believe this game exists, but it seems to be a fact, because I'm playing it." ~The Angry Videogame Nerd
  55. "Just walkin' around, and a head run amok from Easter Island comes flying towards you!" ~The Angry Videogame Nerd
  56. "He's tall and thin, wears a brown suit - maybe a blue suit - he's got a long brown coat. Modern sort of hair, all sticky uppy." ~Wilfred Mott about the Tenth Doctor
  57. "Even if I change, it feels like dying. Everything I am dies. Some new man goes sauntering away. And I'm dead." ~The Tenth Doctor
  58. "Hold on, she's not going to be called 'Noble-Temple'? Sounds like a tourist spot." ~The Tenth Doctor
  59. "No I didn't [kill anyone in the war]. No, I did not, no. But don't say it like it's shameful!" ~Wilfred Mott
  60. "I thought it'd be cleaner." ~Wilfred Mott about the TARDIS
  61. "Oh my lord, she's a cactus." ~Wilfred Mott about an alien
  62. "I've regenerated. The difference is purely perceptual." ~The Seventh Doctor
  63. "You also seem to be a victim of Mr. Glitz's cavalier attitude towards fact." ~Belazs
  64. "They said I had AD...something. Can we have class outside?" ~Barney Stinson
  65. "You're a sturdy, cheese-bearing cracker." ~Lily Aldrin to Marshall Eriksen
  66. "You're a genius. You're stone cold brilliant you are, I swear, you really are. But you could be so much more. You could be beautiful. With a mind like that... We could travel the stars; it would be my honour. 'Cause you don't need to OWN the universe, just see it. Have the privilege of seeing the whole of time and space. That's ownership enough." ~The Tenth Doctor to The Master
  67. "Actually, the most impressive thing about you is that, after all this time, you're still bone-dead stupid." ~The Tenth Doctor to The Master
  68. "Worst. Rescue. EVAH." ~The Tenth Doctor
  69. "You've always got a trick up your sleeve. Nice little bit of the Doctor flim flam...sort of thing." ~Wilfred Mott
  70. "Hee hee. I'm an astronaut!" ~Wilfred Mott
  71. "It's not like I'm an innocent. I've taken lives. Then it got worse; I got clever. Manipulated people into taking their own. Sometimes I think a Time Lord lives too long." ~The Tenth Doctor
  72. "Please don't die. You're the most wonderful man, and I don't want you to die." ~Wilfred Mott to The Doctor
  73. "I am not leaving that man on his own. Not today." ~Wilfred Mott about The Doctor
  74. "Nose. I've had worse." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  75. "You can't say 'coldcocked'...when you're talking about Gay Man of the Decade." ~Neil Patrick Harris
  76. "That's not my future... NO! I don't want to be a WAITER!" ~Valentine
  77. "If I had a Kraken, I would release it every day, just to be able to say, 'What did you do today?' 'Oh, I released a Kraken.'" ~Kat
  78. "I long ago resigned myself to being an inky-fingered scribbler." ~Neil Gaiman
  79. "They were all Doc Browns so nothing really phased them." ~Kat, "The Adventures of Penny Poetry and Lorraine Literature"
  80. "You need to shut your poem-hole." ~Lorraine Literature
  81. "Lorraine did love liminal spaces, but it was so hard to find good real estate in one." ~Kat, "The Adventures of Penny Poetry and Lorraine Literature"
  82. "That's sweet, but you have this odd habit of everyone around you dying. You're always there to help, but your life might as well be Murder, He Wrote." ~Lorraine Literature to The Doctor
  83. "I assume Keith David could make the Minneapolis phone directory sound like slowly melting dark chocolate." ~Captain Chaotica!!
  84. "My legs hurt so bad I can't even fall down." ~Marshall Eriksen
  85. "Ted, I challenged myself to get laid wearing overalls, and, if you stand in my way, then you're letting Barney win. And you don't want that; that smug son of a bitch will never let us hear the end of it." ~Barney Stinson
  86. "I don't care to watch any more seconds pass by. They get to be like annoying gnats after awhile, always buzzing about me." ~The Doctor in "The Adventures of Penny Poetry and Lorraine Literature"
  87. "That was weird in all capacities of the word," ~Penny Poetry
  88. "'I am that merry wanderer of the night'? I am that giggling-dangerous-totally-bloody-psychotic-menace-to-life-and-limb, more like it." ~Peasblossom
  89. "The price of getting what you want, is getting what once you wanted." ~Morpheus
  90. "Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot." ~Morpheus
  91. "Twilight is one girl's choice between necrophelia and bestiality." ~Someone overheard by Kat
  92. "What kind of cop eats a crucial piece of evidence?" ~Randy Disher
  93. "I'm just proud to know you." ~Adrian Monk to Randy Disher
  94. "There was a chance - somebody dug up an old All Creatures Great And Small, script but [the BBC] didn't seem keen on doing it. Maybe they just thought we were too decrepit; I don't know!" ~Peter Davison
  95. "And I'm floating there like some precambrian aquatic lifeform..." ~Colin Firth
  96. "Glitz, I sympathise with your disappointment, but I'm about to plummet to my death!" ~The Seventh Doctor
  97. "If he was a mortician, the corpses would keep their eyes open." ~Sabalom Glitz
  98. "You're a man of insight and logic, Doctor." ~Sabalom Glitz
  99. "I think we go straight on. Either that, or we don't." ~The Seventh Doctor
  100. "Where have I heard of it before? I mean, where was it? Was it in the past, or is it in the future?" ~The Seventh Doctor
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