Quotes (Page 49)!

  1. "Protel is gonna give you enough rope to hang yourself." ~My Junior Design lab tech
  2. "You don't charge your own hours. That's a labour of love." ~My Junior Design prof on business cases
  3. "I won't touch anything anymore." ~My Junior Design prof after the computer flipped out on him
  4. "If things go wrong...which they will go..." ~My Junior Design prof being very encouraging
  5. "Don't parade your ignorance, Owen, just because you don't understand the language." ~Doctor Toshiko Sato on technobabble in Peter Anghelides' Another Life
  6. "I heard that, and I think I may resent it." ~Ianto Jones in Peter Anghelides' Another Life
  7. "Let's be cautious with the armed forces, OK? In the face of alien weirdness, the military instinct is to involve UNIT at the first opportunity. We can do without that kind of hassle." ~Captain Jack Harkness in Peter Anghelides' Another Life
  8. "I'm not a try-the-handle kinda guy." ~Captain Jack Harkness in Peter Anghelides' Another Life
  9. "I'm not great at queuing." ~Captain Jack Harkness (who is evidently not British) in Peter Anghelides' Another Life
  10. "Don't make a fuss, Jack. You'll just draw attention to yourself. Lie down and try to look like you're at death's door, for God's sake." ~Gwen Cooper in Peter Anghelides' Another Life
  11. "That ain't a grain of salt. That's one of those blocks they give cows to lick." ~Emerson Cod
  12. "Well, that idea might make a stupid idea feel better about itself." ~Emerson Cod
  13. "Someone in love is like a gangsta. They be like, 'Oh baby, you're bleeding. How did that happen?' while they're hiding the razor in their weave." ~Emerson Cod
  14. "Young Ned felt a gnawing pity growing in his stomach. As was tradition." ~Pushing Daisies Narrator
  15. "Wouldn't it just rock and roll if liking someone meant they had to like you back? Of course that'd be a different universe and something else would probably suck." ~Olive Snook
  16. "I'm gonna say, 'Please come back'...I don't know if I mean it." ~Stephen Colbert
  17. "He was suspicious of all abstractions which took the form 'A is B.' In his opinion, neither justice nor mercy were very closely related to love, let alone being identical with it�otherwise, why have three words instead of one? A metaphor is not a tautology." ~James Blish, "A Style in Treason"
  18. "Like most people, I underestimated the viability of the past, the one thing the poets have been trying to pound into our corporate pinheads since words were invented: We learn from words, but never learn much more than that from time to time the same things happen." ~James Blish, "And Some Were Savages"
  19. "The Atridae, it is very clear, still mutter in their sleep not far below the surface of our waking minds, for all that we no longer allow old Freud to cram our lives back into the straitjackets of those old religious plays." ~James Blish, "A Dusk of Idols"
  20. "It's true American democracy - all they had to do was clap, and there was still a 60% turnout." ~John Oliver
  21. "Badasses listen to Huey Lewis." ~Kenny
  22. "I might start petting cows if you're not careful." ~Hillary
  23. "[Movie] Trailers are like magical invitations." ~Kenny
  24. "...damn elusive Bakers! KNOCK it off, both of you!" ~Captain Chaotica!!
  25. "I wonder how many takes they had to throw out, over the course of his years on the show, because somebody DID accidentally half-strangle/wham their star onto the ground..." ~Captain Chaotica!! on The Scarf
  26. "It's like bone cold, where the particles get in and are like, '[Screw] you.'" ~Hillary
  27. "That's our job - to strap rockets onto everything." ~Adam Savage
  28. "Yeah, snarky. It's a word. Google it, it exists." ~Dane Cook
  29. "Here's what drove me banana sandwich..." ~Dane Cook
  30. "What's the point of being on a team if you don't get a last-minute rescue?" ~Captain John Hart
  31. "Now we've gotta avoid ourselves. Great." ~Captain Jack Harkness
  32. "Come on! Have a little faith! With a dashing hero like me on the case, how can we fail?" ~Captain Jack Harkness
  33. "He is dashing, you have to give him that." ~Ianto Jones
  34. "Because I am very fond of delta particles." ~The Third Doctor
  35. "A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting." ~The Third Doctor
  36. "I am just a tourist. I like it here." ~The Third Doctor on Earth
  37. "Is this Doctor a long-shanked rascal with a mighty nose?" ~Irongron
  38. "I never lie. Well, hardly never." ~The Third Doctor
  39. "Well, don't just stand there, Benton. Go and put yourself under arrest." ~Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
  40. "I just heard your wind effect gnashing its teeth." ~Sarah Jane Smith
  41. "When miners have to take up arms to protect their rights, they probably have their reasons." ~The Third Doctor
  42. "I will say one thing for your Doctor - he has quite a knack for talking himself out of trouble." ~Eckersley
  43. "When we have children like that in England, we encourage them to emigrate." ~Geoffrey
  44. "We don't sniff the sub-etheric resonator." ~Ianto Jones
  45. "I know everything. And it says so on the bottom of the screen." ~Ianto Jones
  46. "It's almost obscene what you do to security systems..." ~Ianto Jones to Toshiko Sato
  47. "I knew that was the key to it all, the bald guy..." ~Hillary
  48. "Isn't that interesting...something formerly ham." ~Dr. Niles Crane
  49. "I don't know if I can handle this - we're using this item in the way it was intended." ~Jamie Hyneman
  50. "Well, that sounds cool, but how are we going to test this without killing ourselves?" ~Tore Bellici
  51. "I always take minor inconveniences as a Personal Affront on Behalf of the Universe to My Personage." ~Draca Darkwingette
  52. "I've felt since the first of the month that it is _going_ to be a Year of Change, but it finally clicked into place today that, while it's a major step to have become pro-Change in the first place, I'm still going to have to be mildly proactive in actually instigating action at some point." ~Draca Darkwingette
  53. "Nothing is more frightening than a monster that cares about his health, cause you know he'll be around for a while." ~Geoff Ramsey
  54. "A spokesman should be someone who's good at public speaking - I'm practically wetting myself right now." ~Ray Barone
  55. "I am someone who did not read Tom Sawyer, and yet I didn't not turn out to be a hobo." ~Ray Barone
  56. "Randy, it's not a booby trap, it's a spider web." ~Captain Leeland Stottlemeyer
  57. "This gets pretty freaky here." ~Chris Hansen
  58. "Okay, linear time...screwed up time." ~Captain Jack Harkness
  59. "So I'll be saving the world in some pajamas. How daft is that?" ~Tommy Brockless
  60. "One is only frightened when there is hope of rescue." ~Sabor
  61. "Now I know what a fly feels like. What an absolutely fascinating experience." ~The Third Doctor
  62. "Look - much as I admire your stoic acceptance of the inevitable, I would appreciate it if you would shut up for a moment." ~The Third Doctor
  63. "You are not accustomed to feeling frightened, are you, Doctor?" ~The Great One
  64. "To borrow a TARDIS was a little...naughty, to say the least." ~K'anpo Rinpoche
  65. "You mean he's done it again?" ~Sergeant Benton on regeneration
  66. "He used to drive me mad. But I miss having him about." ~Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
  67. "You may be a Doctor, but I am The Doctor. The definite article, you might say." ~The Fourth Doctor
  68. "A new body's like a new house - takes a little time to settle in." ~The Fourth Doctor
  69. "You must cultivate a sense of urgency." ~The Fourth Doctor
  70. "Assuming I'm right - and I invariably am..." ~The Fourth Doctor
  71. "Rather a splendid paradox, eh, Brigadier? The only ones who could do it wouldn't need to." ~The Fourth Doctor on advanced technology
  72. "Of course I'll talk to him. I'll talk to anybody." ~The Fourth Doctor
  73. "The trouble with computers is, they're very sophisticated idiots. They do exactly what you tell them at amazing speeds." ~The Fourth Doctor
  74. "Just once I'd like to meet an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets." ~Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
  75. "It's a free cosmos." ~The Fourth Doctor
  76. "There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes." ~The Fourth Doctor
  77. "Harry, call me 'old girl' again, and I'll spit in your eye." ~Sarah Jane Smith
  78. "Homo sapiens... What an inventive, invincible species. It's only a few million years since they crawled up out of the mud and learned to walk. Puny, defenseless bipeds. They've survived flood, famine, and plague. They've survived cosmic wars and holocausts. And now, here they are, out among the stars, waiting to begin a new life, ready to out-sit eternity. They're indomitable. Indomitable. What do you think you're doing, Harry?" ~The Fourth Doctor
  79. "My doctorate is purely honorary, and Harry here is only qualified to work on sailors." ~The Fourth Doctor
  80. "For once in my life, I feel surplus to requirement." ~The Fourth Doctor
  81. "Gremlins can get into everything, old girl. First law of the sea!" ~Lieutenant Harry Sullivan
  82. "When I say I'm afraid, Sarah, I'm not making jokes." ~The Fourth Doctor
  83. "It might be irrational of me, but human beings are quite my favourite species." ~The Fourth Doctor
  84. "There's plenty of room in the galaxy for us all." ~The Fourth Doctor
  85. "Harry, I am NOT a thing." ~Sarah Jane Smith
  86. "I'll get you out of there if I have to knock his bally head off and steal his keys." ~Lieutenant Harry Sullivan
  87. "Never throw anything away, Harry." ~The Fourth Doctor
  88. "It's a mistake to clutter one's pockets, Harry." ~The Fourth Doctor
  89. "Oh god, [House] has been wooing me for years." ~Dr. Eric Foreman
  90. "I will not tolerate this continued interference in my life." ~The Fourth Doctor about the Time Lords
  91. "Excuse me... Can you help me? I'm a spy." ~The Fourth Doctor channeling Cap'n (not Captain) Jack
  92. "That is nasty. Better not tell Harry - he's gone first." ~The Fourth Doctor
  93. "Explosives AND detonators. Seems almost providential." ~The Fourth Doctor
  94. "All I know is that there is a god...laughing his [tail feathers] off." ~Galen Tyrrol
  95. "So...since all of them struck him as having at least _potential_ brains/curiosity about the way the universe works, he tries to cultivate that potential in them. Unfortunately, the Doctor has always believed in TOUGH love--so he does that 'cultivation' with a combine harvester instead of a hoe! And only _some_ little seedlings survive that to flourish..." ~Captain Chaotica!! on Mickey, Harry, Sarah, etc.
  96. "Next post: is Dr Who actually a Fennec Fox? You be the judge..." ~Neil Gaiman
  97. "The oddest moment of today was finding a slip of paper in The Graveyard Book book I'm writing in, on stationary from the hotel I was in in Budapest in June, which listed everything that needed to happen in Chapter 7, including the climactic denouement which I was very proud of having come up with last week. Not sure whether this says something about my rubbish memory, or about the sometimes inevitable nature of storytelling. As in, 'Of course it went there, because that was where it was going to go.'" ~Neil Gaiman
  98. "And I thought that no one would ever be able to out-horn Captain Jack." ~Draca Darkwingette on Captain John Hart
  99. "Mmm, I'm in Torchwood overload ... what a _lovely_ place to be." ~Draca Darkwingette
  100. "You deserve a medal for self-sacrifice beyond the bounds of stupidity." ~Kellman

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