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The Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids

Hello My name is Bruce Russell and I created this for my Senior Project. This website is designed to enlighten the public to the dangers of anabolic steroids. There are some articles below you may find interesting and I also have included my entire research paper at the bottom that will give you more details on the dangers of anabolic steroids.

Anabolic Steroids

What are anabolic steroids?
Who is using them?
Why are they using them?
How are they used?
What are the Health Consequences?
How do they effect behavior?
Are they addictive?
Where can I seek further information?

The Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids

In today’s world, popular consensus appears to be that bigger is better. Bigger homes, bigger cars, bigger egos, and bigger athletes are in constant demand. To obtain this popular largeness a price is to be paid. Big houses will cost money, big cars will guzzle gas, big egos are criticized by the media, and bigger stronger athletes may suffer a consequence far more severe. Athletic supremacy is far more competitive than it was twenty years ago and the competition is growing restless. Every athlete who has ever played a sport has sought a physical advantage one way or another and in most cases they are trying to become bigger, stronger, and faster. Achieving this is difficult. Some athletes can obtain these attributes using conventional methods such as a monitored diet and/or body conditioning and get the results they are looking for. But in many cases the individual possesses the will but not the way due to their genetics. For example, Someone may lift twice as long, twice as hard, and eat twice as healthy but see half the results as someone who was put together better genetically. This can be ever so frustrating. This is why many athletes turn to anabolic steroids as a last resort. Anabolic steroids are steroids that promote tissue growth by creating protein in an attempt to enhance muscle growth. They will add tremendous growth in a short period of time. With steroids you can add strength that surpasses anything that you would have been able to gain naturally, but not without serious side effects that can be irreversible and extremely hazardous to a user’s health. Now more then ever steroids are becoming more popular and more accessible. This may be because famous athletes are now being accused of using illegal substances to improve their game. Among the accused are Baseball stars Gary Sheffield, Jason Giambi, and 6 time MVP Barry Bonds. Record breaking track stars are now being accused such as female sprinter Marion Jones. With the numbers that these players are putting up late in their careers it appears that these anabolic steroids could be a godsend. With constant reports swirling of use by some the most admired athletes on earth of course steroids are going to become more popular. Over one million Americans use steroids today, but how many would still be using them if they were fully educated on the severe and often irreversible side effects that anabolic steroids can cause (Northport)? President George W. Bush attacked the moral wrongs of steroids when he claimed "Some in professional sports are not settling much of an example. The use of performance-enhancing drugs like steroids in baseball, football, and other sports is dangerous, and it sends the wrong message: that there are shortcuts to accomplishment, and that performance is more important than character,". President Bush chose to speak of steroids in his state of the union address(San Diego). He felt steroids were a big enough problem that they could be addressed and recognized amidst the topic of war. The reason steroids are illegal and strongly notorious is the side effects both external and internal they carry. Anabolic steroids bring lots of external changes that are not only painful but also can be very embarrassing and aesthetically displeasing. The skin is the largest and most sensitive organ and one of the most recognizable steroid side effects. Steroids can cause virilization in which the skin's pores increase in size which makes it harder to keep the skin clean and gives off a rough appearance. Unfortunately this process is irreversible. Acne can become an overwhelming problem associated with steroids. If a user has never had acne problems before steroids can ignite breakouts. If a user had acne before their steroid use then the acne gets more severe and can leave unwanted scaring. Since women’s skin is much more sensitive overall, steroids can effect them more dramatically. Another skin issue that steroids can cause is stretch marks. Stretch marks are caused by the quick growth of muscles which is what steroids promote (Steroid). The skin can not expand as fast as the muscles thus resulting in ugly stretch marks. Residing hairlines can also be linked to steroids. When steroids create testosterone, 1/20th of that production is DHT or dihydrotestosterone. DHT is directly related to genetic balding (IU). Steroids will not cause balding, but the increase in DHT can speed the natural process up. Anabolic steroids are widely known to cause intense psychic changes. Men and women especially experience aggressive behavior with the use of androgenic steroids, high dosages and long-term consumption. Some cannot properly cope with this, thus letting their aggressions out on others. They become easily irritated, impatient, and inclined toward quick temper and anger outbursts. In extreme cases this can lead to an increase in the use of violence which has caused the breakup of relationships and marriages. Some male athletes using steroids can become depressive. The cause for this is these athletes tend to turn a lot of steroids into estrogen. Male’s hypothalamus reacts to the female hormone estradiol which explains the mood swings and depressions. Steroids are also known to make athletes psychically dependent and, after their discontinuance, evoke withdrawal symptoms. A user can find it difficult to accept the strength losses they experience after they stop using and can suffer problems with their ego. Many athletes simply forget that the performance cannot remain at the same level without steroid use. This is how steroids can be addictive (Friends). Male steroid users can develop a side effect known as feminization. The female sex hormone estrogen can be created from excessive levels of testosterone which can bring an increase in fatty deposits and soft muscles. This normally happens after a steroid cycle when the users androgen level is at its lowest and can be over taken by the estrogen more easily. A form of estrogen known as estradiol can be disastrous to the males sperm count because it lowers the natural production of testosterone allowing a counter productive effect on the male gonad cycle. The estrogen created can also bring on a hormonal imbalance and give male steroid users actual breasts. This is known as Gynecomastia (Steroid). This is a side effect that will not go away with discontinuation and requires expensive and potentially embarrassing medical procedures to reverse. While Male users can face feminization, female users experience masculinization. This is when virilization results in masculine characteristics. Masculinization is loaded with an array of irreversible side effects. The side effects include hirsutism (facial and body hair), a deeper voice, larger sex organs, irregularities of the menstrual cycle, increased libido, thinning of the hair, anxiety, aggression, and depression (Steroid truth). Steroids might make you bigger but defiantly not taller. In fact, almost all steroids encourage the close off of epiphyseal plates which control bone growth. This is an important reason that teenagers especially not use anabolic steroids since they are at a growth sensitive stage in their adolescence (Friends). Anabolic steroids prove to be life threatening by increasing the risk of heart disease. The arterial walls are polluted by the raise of cholesterol brought on by anabolic steroids. This risk is severe but not irreversible. Steroids can also present many other cardiovascular risks to the user. Most steroids cause water and electrolyte retention and cause a user’s skin to appear swollen thus causing the heart to work overtime. It is also hard to avoid high blood pressure while using anabolic steroids. High blood pressure is usually induced by high water or sodium retention accompanied with a rapid weight increase. These are all things steroids promote. Stress, overworking, overeating and holding your breath during very heavy lifts can also promote high blood pressure. Headaches are also common. Since steroidal compounds trigger a hormonal imbalance, a person’s endocrine system can be altered thus leading to headaches. Headaches are also a symptom of possible high blood pressure (Steroid). It is possible for steroids to have a negative effect on the kidneys. It is hard for the kidneys to filter the body when there is the type of stress on them that steroids cause. The side effect of high blood pressure and electrolyte imbalance leads to a unwanted strain on the kidneys. Kidney disorders often show themselves in lower back pain, renal colic, fever, kidney enlargement and swelling (Steroid). Sure A steroid user’s muscles appear strong and healthy, but their connective tissues are heading in a different direction. The connective tissues can not grow as fast as muscle and when steroids speed up the muscles the tissues often lag behind. This leads a user to more frequent injuries and some unique ones at that. Pro bodybuilder Alq Gurley reportedly completely tore the quadriceps muscles in both legs when he fell while simply walking(Collins). Ken Caminiti, a former baseball MVP who admittedly use steroids, claimed that steroids caused lots of injuries for him. “ I got really strong, really quick. I pulled a lot of muscles. I broke down a lot," he said. "I'm still paying for it. My tendons and ligaments got all torn up. My muscles got too strong for my tendons and ligaments.” (CnnSI) Steroids can also damage a liver to the tune of Peliosis Hepatitis. Peliosis Hepatitis is life threatening and can only be detected when the liver has completely shut down. Discontinuization can repair this problem but only before the liver has shut down(NIDA). Anabolic steroid use is often associated with an increase in plasma activity of liver enzymes that can reflect damage or permeability of the hepatocellular membrane. These enzymes include aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase. These enzymes are present in hepatocytes in relatively high concentrations (Sportsci).Sometimes steroids are used to recover from viral illnesses, but when they are discontinued, the body is so dependent on the steroids for immunity that the user becomes tired and worn down and susceptible to illness and infection (Steroid). When steroids are first used, a man’s sexual function will increase, but this is only temporary because once your body adjusts to the steroids the desire will lessen dramatically. With prolonged use of a steroid, the man will eventually feel less sexual desire and will be less capable of maintaining an erection. Also, when the steroid use is discontinued, the body’s natural level of testosterone will be suppressed. This side effect is temporary, but it takes time for the effects of the steroid to wear off (steroid). Not only are anabolic steroids dangerous due to a wide range of side effects, but they are also illegal to use, sell, or possess without a prescription to use or license to sell. According to the Federal Controlled Substance Act Possession and distribution of anabolic steroids for non medical purposes are illegal under Federal law. In November 1990, steroids were added to Schedule III of the Federal Controlled Substances Act, which made the non medical possession of anabolic steroids a criminal act and greatly increased the penalties for steroid distribution. Possession of steroids is now punishable by up to 1 year in prison, and distribution can draw a sentence of up to 5 years and a fine of $250,000 (DEA). Having a drug charge on a personal record can be devastating to any future endeavors that might be sought. Not only that, but being caught with anabolic steroids can bring great embarrassment and the user will immediately be dubbed a cheater. One of the major reasons the U.S. government is cracking down so hard on steroids is the growing black market of counterfeit steroids. Most of these counterfeit anabolic steroids are sold over the Internet to un knowledgeable customers. These black market products are very common and normally manufactured under extremely unsanitary conditions. There is a good chance that these fakes contain more bacteria then actual steroid substance and not only are ineffective but can cause infection and sickness. Since it can be nearly impossible to detect the difference between real and fake steroids it is once again best to avoid them all together(Collins). If the scientific explanations of these dangerous side effects doesn’t get the point across, maybe real life examples will help. Lyle Alzado was an all pro defensive end in the NFL. He was undersized and used anabolic steroids to gain an advantage and succeed in the league. He was accustomed to abusing steroids since college and never could give up the habit. A mere seven years after playing in his last regular-season game, Alzado died from brain lymphoma, a rare form of cancer. Alzado was certain the drugs were responsible for his cancer. He only lived half a life as he died at the age of 43. Even before he was diagnosed with cancer the steroids were killing parts of him. His second wife Cindy blamed steroids for there break up. Due to Alzado’s constant mood swings, the police were called by Cindy 5 times for Lyle physically abusing her. His teammates claimed he had a “split personality” and he was once quoted as saying that he “never met a man he didn’t want to fight”. Less than a year before his death, he told Sports Illustrated that "It was addicting, mentally addicting," and “I just didn't feel strong unless I was taking something...It wasn't worth it," Alzado wrote. "If you're on steroids or human growth hormone, stop. I should have."(ESPNclassic) Anabolic steroids, although proven to enhance physical appearance and performance, come with a plethora of minor and major side effects. A person must decide whether or not the risks associated with prolonged steroid use are worth the benefits they will gain. Prolonged use of anabolic steroids will cause great harm to a person’s general health as is shown in multiple studies done over the years. There are natural supplements that can help an athlete gain muscle in a much safer environment. According to Chris Luther, a kinesiology major who spent some time studying steroids, “The amount of muscle you can gain naturally is the maximum your body is made to hold and still stay healthy.”(interview). Side effects such as “roid rages”, feminization, kidney and liver problems, high blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease simply do not justify the use of anabolic steroids as a performance-enhancing supplement. Steroids are illegal, except by prescription, for a reason, and all individuals must consider the great risks when pondering the decision to use steroids in their training. Works Cited “Anobolic Steroid Side Effects.” Steroids. (9 Oct 2004). “Anabolic Steroids: Side Effects.” Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine and Science. <> (9 Oct 2004). : “Bush's shot at steroids well aimed.” The San Diego Union Tribune. .(9 Oct 2004). “Caminiti comes clean.” CNNSi. . (9 Oct 2004). Collins, Rick. “Anabolic Steroids, bodybuilding and the law.” Elite Fitness. .(9 Oct 2004). “Controlled Substance Act.” U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. < http://usdoj.dov/dea/agency/csa.html> (9 Oct 2004). “Introduction to the Steroid Hormones.” IU School of Medicine. (9 Oct 2004). Luther, Chris. Personal interview. 29 Sept. 2004. “Not the size of the dog in the fight.” ESPN Classic. <> (9 Oct 2004). “Research Report Series - Anabolic Steroid Abuse.” National Institute of Drug Abuse. . (9 Oct 2004). “Steroid Side-Effects.” Steroid Truth. (9 Oct 2004).