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Season 3 Episode 4 ”United We Stand"
Written By Greg D’Angelo
Idea Inspired in part by one of the back 6

A voice says Previously on Brimstone, The following clips are played.

1-From Pilot, in the confessional, Zeke says “Bless me father, for I have sinned.”

2-From Poem, Zeke is at Chinese restaurant with Nina Chow. She says “there’s a story I heard as a child, 108 spirits were imprisoned atop a holy mountain. A great emperor made a mistake, he allowed them to escape. No one could stand up to them, so the emperor convinced a small group to fight against the 108, & become heroes.”

3-From Ashes Zeke is in a bar having a drink with Ash. She asks him “is there a Mrs. man of mystery in the picture? When was the last time you saw her?” “I don’t even know where she is” replies Zeke “That’s just complicated enough for me” responds Ash.

4-From Ashes, Ash puts her hand on Zeke’s check & says “there is no Ash.” She morphs into her true form & says "I’m going to destroy this world’s faith in one god.”

5-From Ashes, Zeke asks The Devil “you’re afraid of her” who replies “You have no idea how dangerous she is.”

6- From The Last Temptation, Merlin moves an arm, about the throw a fireball, but is held in place. Zeke shoots his eye out, once he is fully sucked back to hell, you can see Ash standing there. “I’ve been look for you” she says.

7-From Poem, Satan tells Zeke “if you’re not interested in rounding up these fugitives, there are plenty of others, just dying to take your place. And jokes Zeke back at him “How many of them can you trust”.

8-From Ashes, Zeke & Ash are kissing, then the picture cuts to them dancing, but he pulls away, & says in a low voice “sorry.” She watches him walk away.

9-From Pilot, The Devil pushes Stone off the top of a building.

Scene 1: Zeke Wakes up, & looks at a few tattoos on his chest, as if there something wrong with them. The Devil walks in & says “Something wrong?” He walks towards Zeke, slowly & methodically, Zeke stairs oddly feeling something wrong. “I seem to be missing a few tattoos, that’s all” says Zeke. “Why wouldn’t there be less tattoos on you?” says The Devil. “After all,...” continues Satan putting a hand on Zeke’s shoulder, then morphing into Ash “It’s not like you’re the only soul hunter.” Zeke’s jaw drops.

Intro/Opening Credits

Scene 2: Zeke wakes up groggy, unsure if what just happened was real or he just had a dream. He turns on the TV & starts getting dressed. The news comes on & he gets his answer quickly. The news caster starts speaking about a fire at a church. He looks shocked, & mad at the same time.

Scene 3: Cops are at the scene, & detectives they are looking all over for evidence. They don’t find any, but when everything settles down, Zeke sneaks in. He flashes his badge & is able to look around, he walks into the burnt down church, or what’s left of it, & quickly looks around. From across the room he spots something odd. He walks over, & knells down, he picks up some floor boards, & the ground sizzles. “Just as I thought.” He touches it, & images of people laughing are seen in his head.

Scene 4: It is night, Ash is walking down the street, with a big case. “Damn it, where are these goons?” She stops in front of a building. It looks like a plain building, except the entrance. There are two pillars painted blue, & an elegant sign that says Buddhist Center. She puts the case down & 4 guys walk on screen. She turns & says “your late.” “Sorry boss,” says one. “whatever, she says nonchalantly, “on with our business.”

*White Flash*

A fire is blazing from the building, a few people come running out. The camera turns & show Ash & friends on top a near by building. The men are laughing, but Ash isn’t. “What’s uh wrong boss? one asks, with a somewhat concerned voice. “I was hoping there would be more people inside.” Another goon turns around, “I though it didn’t matter if people got hurt, you just wanted religious places destroy?” “You fool, I want people to see, how being here put there very lives in danger, so they would think it was people, I was trying to kill!” “I dunt get it” he replies. Ash just shakes her head. She taps him on the shoulder, “it’s ok, just do as I say big guy.” He responds with a sluggish smile, then they all turn and walk off.

Scene 6: Zeke is in a diner with Det. Kane, they have a few maps out, & some other papers. Zeke writes something & kane ask him, “your looking for a pattern?” “Yeah, look” Zeke says pointing to a spot on the map with a few X’s & a big circle on it. “Each one of these are places attacked hit by an arsonist in the past week.” “That’s alot of places, even for Ash,” replies Zeke. “Ash” That’s the suspect, um damned soul.” Yeah,” says Zeke in a slow, & not to happy voice. “And she set those fires in california a few years ago right. I remember they never caught the person, it just stopped.” “It didn’t stop,... it was just on vacation. But yeah, that’s her.” Kane shakes his head in disbelief. “There’s one thing I don’t get” says Zeke. “What?” “A a synagogue here, then a church here,” says Zeke pointing to spots on the map. “But then instead of hitting more monotheistic places, she’s opted for a few Hindu & Buddhist centers too. She even interupted a trditional african celibration, sending over a hundred people fleeing in terror” “And if my memory stands correct it was only Churches, synagogues, & a mosques last time.” “Right!” “There are Unitarians, who believe every religions god is the same one,” states Kane. “True, but most people are not like that, Ash never seemed like that.” “People learn,” replies Kane with a shrug. “Seems, she has a weird way of understanding other religions.”

Scene 7: Ash is in a room, & The Devil appears, she can’t see him but smiles. “I thought we had an agreement” asks the Devil. “I take no orders from you” she replies, “ah but,...” he begin to calmly say something but is interrupted as she throws a dagger right towards his face, he catches it though, & it melts into nothingness. He merely walks towards her, as he continues his speech “you said you wouldn’t tell Zeke of our agreement, but you broke you word, nobody betrays The Devil, without regretting it.” He is near Ash at this point, & grabs her throat. “I didn’t tell him that you...” “I know what you told him,” booms Satan, cutting her off this time. “Now I prefer not to get physical, on this lowly plain, but this time is different, I have no allegiance to the dead.” He picks her up & throws her through the wall. She looks more shocked then in pain. “And no respect for the undead,” he continues. “Your foolish attempts are in vain. Keep at it, & Zeke will send you back to hell.” She has no chance to comment back, as he disappears.
The picture cuts to another room. Two of Ashes minions are sitting at a table, playing cards. “Hit me,” one says & teh other makes like he will hit him literally. All of a sudden they here a crash. They get up & run in to check on Ash. They see her on the floor, one goes to help her, but she pushes him away & gets up herself. “What happened, did we miss em?” Asks the same, ever dense, goon as before. “No, you idiots, I just sliped, that’s all. They both look at the wall, they, even the not so bright one, can clearly tell somehtign hapened, but they don’t want to persue trouble with Asher Badaktu. They simply nod there heads, then take there leave.

Scene 8: It is night time. Ashes goons have entered a mosque in these wee hours, seeking some unholy recreation. They are running about setting up a bomb, when Zeke bursts in, gun in hand his gun. Ash is no where to be seen, & the 4 men surround Stone, & begin circling him. Then a voice (the voice of Ash that is), is heard from somewhere, “you have one chance to join us, detective.” Zeke grins, “I think not” he replies. “Then die” booms Ash. The men come at him, & 2 of them jump on him, literally. He manages to throw one of them, & the other tackles him down, but Zeke, using the momentum of the fall, to tosses him into a roll. The over 2 hover over him, though, in an ominous way. But just as one steps forward to attack Zeke, the other kicks him. As he falls, Zeke pick up his gun & shoots his eyes out. A second after, the 1st 2 get up, having missed there comrade’s betrayal, & grab Zeke. “We got him now” says one, “tie his feet” say the other throwing the betrayer a rope. But just before he catches it, it turns into a snake, & bites him in the left eye, then recoils around his neck. He tries to rip it off, but in vain, & it bites his other eye, & he is dispatched back to hell. Mean while Zeke manages to trip one of his assailants, he gets up & punches the other one. he grabs his gun, & turns to shoot them, but they duck away. And Ash booms out “Why do you keep us divided?” “Because it’s fun maybe” mocks Zeke. A fireball comes zooming at him & he jumps out the door.

Scene 9: To zeke’s suprise Ash is standing there. “Suprised to see me?” “Not that suprised” he replies in a cool manner, followed by a turn where he shoots one of ashes lackeys in the eye. Her minions scatter, & so does Zeke, just in time to dodge another fireball. He fires a few shots at Ash, but no effect, they appear to go through her. Having no time to waste on Ash, he runs over, to her minion with one eye left & attempts to shoot him, in his remaining eye, but the other one grabs him him & pins him down. He begins punching Zeke, who tries fighting back, but this one seems very strong to him, even stronger then before. He sees Ash approaching too, but ignores her. He uses his legs to push his attacker away, then somehow grabs the gun, tackles him & shoots his eyes out. Her turns to look, but there is no sign of her or her remaining minion.

*White flash*

Zeke has tracked his buddies, back to an abandoned ware house. “Come out” says Zeke “& bring Ash with you.” “You never cease to amaze me, detective.” “Why? You actually gave me clues to follow you, it was a simple trail.” “Not that, I know your a great detective. Your skills could be useful to me, but you keep us divided, why?” asks Ash stepping out of the shadows with her friend beside her. “If I recall our 1st date, you pushed me away, remember?” “You keep interfering, & with luck you have survived,... but not for long!” Ash shoves her, so called, friend into Zeke, & breaks apart into tiny pieces then fades away. The remaining two stumble to the ground & have a wrestling match. Eventually Zeke, starts aiming for his eye. Trying to defend his eye, Zeke is able to pin him down, & gives a hard punch into they eye, obviously sending him back to hell, & sending Zeke flying backwards into a wall. Out of no where, The Devil walks over, & helps Zeke up. “So you fail to get Ash again I see.” “She escaped,...” “While you played with her friends? 4 of them, was it? Not bad. But you only get points for the 3 you sent back.” “Get a life!” “This disappoints me so, I really thought you had her this time, but don’t worry, I understand,... this time.” “So I can keep my job, I’m not fired?” Zeke asks sarcastically. Satan pauses, & puts a hand to his chin, pretending to think. “Yes, you still have a job, you do seem to be getting better.” “Gee, thanks” replies Zeke, again with sarcasm. He starts walking away, The Devil pretends he’s going to kick Zeke in the butt once his back is turned, & Zeke replies “I see you” holding up his gun, The Devil laughs & the picture fades.

-The End-

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