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Season 2 Episode 3 "Good Till The Last Drop" Written by Greg D'Angelo

Scene 1: Stone wakes up in a cheap hotel, he goes downstairs & puts the key on the counter. The clerk asks "are you checking out?" "Yeah" replies Zeke. He walks outside & looks at the busy people scampering down the street. "Another day in hell" he mumbles to himself. He walks to a diner, & goes inside, he takes a seat by the counter. The waitress walks over & asks "are ya ready or ya wanna menu?" "Yeah, i'll have 2 eggs,... with bacon." "How'd ya like them?" "Um, scrambled, like life & death." She smiles & replies, "breakfast comes with the drink of your choice, juice, coffee, tea." "Um, orange juice." "Okay" she replies & turns around "Yo Harry, 2 scrambled with bacon!" She grabs a glass & pours him some orange juice, she places it on the counter. He says "thanks." The phone rings, she walks to the other side of the counter & answers, "Harry's." Zeke takes a sip, "ahh, a nice heathy breakfast," says The Devil. "You're up early," replies Zeke. "You know what they say, the early bird catches the worm." "Let me guess I'm the worm." "Oh no Mr. Stone, the worm represents each damned soul, & trust me this next worm-is extra slipery" Satan points at the TV which then goes on, playing a cartoon. The devil continues "ahh TV, the worlds greatest source of glutney,... & other sins too" the devil disapears. "Weirdo" mumbles Zeke, he turns & watches the TV.

Intro/opening credits

Scene 2: Zeke is walking down the street. Someone drops a newspaper in the trash, Stone looks at it.It reads: retired animator found dead. Zeke picks it up & reads more (Zeke reads it & camera shows it) "well know animator George Wayner, who just retired a month ago, has died under mysterious surcomstances. At aproximatly nine AM yesterday, Wayners' maid walks into his room finding him deceased, aparently an anvil was roped on his head. While the authorities have no current leads or suspects, the real question is how was the anvil droped, there are no signs of break in or tampering or damage to the ceiling..." Zeke stops reading, & throws back down the paper."Great more fun" he says.

Scene 3: A man with a trench coat & hat walks up to a studio, the gaurd who is fairly old asks "can I help you with something" "I'm looking for you actually" "what, get the hell out of here replies the gaurd, he tries to shove the man, but he can't & falls. He gets up & pulls out his nightstick, the man laughs & waves his hand,... the nightstick comes alive & starts laughing, the gaurd drops it but it jumps up & starts hitting him. The man kicks the gaurd who then falls , & he says "I can't believe you don't recognize me, after I didn't get paid you threw me out" He goes to kick the gaurd again but 2 other gaurds grab him from behind. He breaks there hold, turns around and grabs them by the necks, an anvil falls on both them. He looks back at the 1st gaurd & pauses, "please don't hurt me" says the gaurd, as he tries to crawl away , but can't. Still the man just stands there. Then a car is seen Speeding towards them, the man walks inside. Porky Pig is then scene driving a little car towards the gaurd. The picture fades, but the gaurd is heard screaming.

Scene 4: The man is inside the studio office, he aproaches the secretary but says nothing, she says "excuse me sir,... can i help you, do you have an appointment" He looks back "umm" he says, she falls down & her chair is seen dancing smiling & laughing. "Sorry my dear, Max Johnson needs no appointment" He walks to the door, to the side of the secretary's desk, & opens it.

Scene 5: The man, Max Johnson, enters an office. The executive behind the desk, who's name plaque reads: Peter Gilmur VP of animation, says "how did you get past the gaurds, who are you?" "My name is Max" he says as he picks up the name plaque "and you should be a less concerned with how I got in here, as to how you're getting out" "I don't understand, what do you want" asks Gilmur. "Want!" yells Max, "I wanted recognition, but, I'll settle for destruction" With one hand he sqeezes the plaque, & it shatters into tiny peices. Gilmur screams, "pease don't" asks Max "I have very sensitive ears, now Mr. Gilmur" "yes" he replies "I promise not to hurt you, alright?" "Okay, but what do you want?" "All I ask, is that you look up." They both look up, & instantly a giant mallet wacks Gilmur.

Scene 6: Zeke walks over to a house/crime scene. Another detective asks him "can I help you Mr.?" Zeke takes out his badge "yeah, I'm Detective Stone." The man looks at the badge, "what's the matter, not enough crime for you in New York?" "No, I'm just on a different type of vacation" "I'm sgt. Bentley" says the man as he extends his hand, Zeke shakes it. "Listen, would you uhh, mind if I asked you a few quetions?" "I would gladly answer you, but the thing is, I don't know jack. Say, why don't you look around maybe you can explain this?" Zeke nods. Zeke enters the house, he looks around checking windows & doors, & then makes his way into the bedroom. A body is covered on the bed, & it is noticable that an anvil is on the pillow area. As Zeke walks in, the floor sizzles; letting him know another damned soul has been there. He walks over & picks up the sheet, immediatly turning his head & droping the sheet. He takes out a flashlight & looks around, he flashes it above the bed, but nothing. Sgt. Bentley walks in, "now you see how weird this is, it's like beyond twilight zone weird! How do you move an anvil without leaving a trail?" "I don't know, sorcery perhaps" replies Stone "At this point that's a good lead, anyway we got a call there's been another incident." "Where?" "TV studio, uptown" "Any famous people" asks Zeke "Not likely, it's a cartoon studio." Zeke has a blank look on his face, & then says "this guy,... he was in animation" Bentley looks at Zeke & says "so?" "So, whoever's doing this, hates cartoons." "Come on," says Bentley, "we'll talk on the way."

Scene 7: They arive at the studio in Bentley's car, they get out & you can see in the background the secretary from before talking to a cop. Stone & Bentley aproach them. "What in hell happened here?" Asks Bentley as he looks around at 3 bodies, and the cop replies "a massacre, survived only by this woman." Stone walks over to the gaurd who was run over & examines the tracks. "Hey Stone, what's wrong?" asks Bentley. "The tracks,... they appear to start over there, & then just end on the gaurd" Bentley & the other cop just stare blankly, until the cop says "there's one more inside" "Let's go" repiles Bentley. "Hey Stone would you wait here." They walk inside, & then Zeke aproaches the woman. "I'm detective Stone, would you mind if I ask you a few questions?" "Okay" she replies. "Could you just tell me anything odd that you recall from earlier." "I was just sitting at my desk and in walks a man, which is odd cause there were 3 gaurds, I asked if I could help him but he, he..." "It's ok take your time" says Zeke "He said he needed no apointment,... and you won't" she stops apruptly. "I won't what, it's ok" says Zeke. "You won't believe me, but somehow I felt my chair move from under me, almost like he did it. Andd when I fell, I must have hit my head, cause the chair started laughing at me." The woman starts crying, "I do believe you, um, did you get a good look at him" "no he had a hat & a trech coat,... but he said his name was Max Johnson" The other 2 walk out, & sgt. Bentley says "hey Stone, can you check this out?" He turns to the other cop & continues "and you, get that woman home!" "Yes sir," he replies. The cop walks to the woman as Stone & Bentley walk inside. They're in the office looking at the desk with the giant mallet behind it, Zeke walks over & looks, his face half shocked-half disgusted. He examines the mallet, then looks up, and says "I don't get it. Even if you could lift it, how do you swing it?" "It's almost enough to make me believe in your sorcery theory"

Scene 8: Stone is in a library looking at old nespaper articles, he eventually finds one from 1953 titled: Cartoon Killer, he reads the article, it discribes how a cartoon producer was killed by someone droping a 100 lb sand bag on him, & Max Johnson was found dead by a self inflicted gunshot wound, with a suicide note explaining the producer ripped him off & deserved to be killed. Zeke gets up, & says "thank you" to the librarian, then leaves. The camera pans to a bunch of tables where some people are reading, the devil is seen hiding behind a book shelf with a big grin on his face. He puts out his hand & closes it, a few books next to a boy fly off the table & make some noise. The librarian gets up & walks over and says "young man, if you can't be quite, I'm going to have to ask you to leave" the boy doesn't respond, he just picks up the books. Then you see the devil laughing.

Scene 9: It is night Zeke is waiting on the roof of a studio, a man with a hat and a trench coat on is then seen walking below, Zeke jumps down behind him, the man stops "I'm Detective Stone, I need to see your "ID" replies the man, who then instantly turns around & punches Zeke in the jaw, who in turn falls down, you can now see the man is Max Johnson. Max starts kicking Zeke "you dare get in my way" he yells. An anvil then falls at Zeke's head, but he catches it & throws it at Max, who takes it in the gut. Zeke gets up, & Max charges him. They start to brawl, finally Max gets the upperhand by throwing Zeke against a wall. "You can't arrest a dead man, Detective" "No, but I can send you back to hell!" "But I am not evil." "You've slautered people, the 1st was in 1953, & now your back to continue the masacre." "They deserved it" exclaims Max. "Okay, maybe the 1st guy deserved it,... alot of people do deserve it, or so I once thought,... and the others, what did they do to deserve this?" "The cartoon industry, has been corrupted & I must cleanse it" says Max. Zeke puts his left hand behind his hip, & says "someone should cleanse you." "Look at me then" yells Max. "That's it, you want recognition don't you, that's why the extravagant murders, & leaving your name with a witness" Zeke pulls out his gun "do look up detective" replies Max. Zeke smiles, & shuts his eyes and pulls the triger, Max gets hit in an eye, Zeke (now looking) then shoots his other eye. "Nooooo" screams Max as he gets sucked back to hell, the tattoo burns off Zeke. The devil appears (with his music playing), "such good work detective, you almost deserve a raise." Zeke smiles & shakes his head, and then replies "let's see, how did that famous cartoon line go,... ba-de ba-de ba-de, that's all folks" Satan laughs, & Zeke is seen walking away.

-The End-

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