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Boromir was the mistrusted fellow in the fellowship. He seeked the ring to use it to reclaim the land of Gondor and the race of men. He was good in battle and had usefull assets to the fellowship. At Amon Hen he treid to take the ring from Frodo but failed and relised his mistake. He gave up hid life for Merry and Pippin. Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas sent him down the Falls of Rauros respectivly in the boats they got from Galdreil at Lothlorien.


Aliases: none

Date of Birth: TA 2978

Race: Man of Gondor

Height: Close to 6 feet

Date of Death: 3019

Alignment: Good

Parents: Denethor II, Finduilas

Spouse: none

Date of Marriage: N/A

Children: N/A

Physical description: Tall, dark hair, grey eyes, as most men of Gondor. Broad and muscular.

Biography: Eldest son of Denethor II, Boromir was a proud man: proud of himself, and his city. After leading the forces against Sauron at Osgiliath, he went to Rivendell to learn of the answer to the dream he shared with his brother Faramir. At the Council of Elrond he was chosen as a companion in the Fellowship of the Ring. Boromir could be credited with Aragorn for saving the lives of the Fellowship on Caradhras, tunneling through the snow to get the party to safety. Boromir was valiant in battle, as he proved in Moria. However, Boromir had been tempted by the power of the Ring since he first learned of its whereabouts, and the temptation finally proved too much for him at Amon Hen, where he attempted to take the ring from Frodo by force. He instantly repented, but his rant forced Frodo's immediate decision to leave the Fellowship, and strike out for Mordor on his own. Boromir was killed shortly thereafter, defending Pippin and Merry from a raiding orc-band.


((may have other characters in them))

boromir and aragorn

silent and serious

using the horn of gondor

Durring filming (?)


Name: Sean Bean

Date of Birth: April 17, 1959

Sun Sign: Aries

Hometown: Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK

Height: 5' 11"

Eyes: Green

Hair: Blond

Marital Status: Currently single. Divorced 3 times.

Children: Two daughters (Lorna & Molly) with his second wife, Melanie Hill. One daughter, Evie, with his third wife Abigail Cruttenden (Jane Sharpe).

Distinguishing Marks: Tattoo on left shoulder with "100% Blade". Tattoo on right shoulder with the Elvish word for Nine...from "Lord of the Rings", and scar over left eye, a gift from Harrison Ford during Patriot Games.

Education: 2 'O' Levels from school, attended Rotheram College, then won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA).

Football (Soccer) Team: Sheffield Utd (The Blades).

Achievements: Honorary Doctorate from Sheffield Hallam University (Nov 97)


Boromir is really good when it comes to battle and I don't think he ment to hurt the fellowship by letting the ring controll his mind. I really like the part where he still fights for the hobbits with 2 arrows stuck in his body and when he dies and honors aragorn is such a good part.

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