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monday, febuary 16;
Misfits - "american psycho"
woah man.. i like my new site.. this will be my new blog from now on. here i plan to list my daily occurances. enjoy..
today my friends paul and andrew plus myself skated our asses off... me and paul spent the nite together last nite at pauls after a hard night of alcoholic consumption and marijuana indulgence. haha. we woke up around like 10:30am or so and around 11am is when andrew called. he said he wanted to go skating so we decided on warming up over at his house and then goin to skate the 'ghetto banks'.. this basketball court type of place dead center in the middle of the ghetto in downtown bham.. they had nice concrete bank ramps. i busted my shit a few times thanks to god damn pebbles and also just cause i couldnt bust my tricks right or whatnot. so then we left there and chilled down at FAITH. one of the local skateshops. we pretty much just scoped out their merch, conversated, and then left. we were then headed off to arbys to eat lunch. after eating we went to the homewood skatepark and skated for about 2 hrs. after that we went to take andrew home. afterwards we came back to my apartments and chilled trying to think of something to do.. time went by so we began to find ourself talking to my stepdads friend who is a recovering crystal meth addict and heroin addict. he was a very nice guy named aaron. he told us ab what he thought ab everything! and i do mean everything! he was nice tho.. pretty soon it was getting late so paul had to go home. paul left and my friends lauren, josh, and big chase came and picked me up and we parked his blazer out in the woods at my apts and we smoked a fatass blunt.. it was funtimes of course so when we were all done and chilled we went back to our friends luis' apartment.. its also in my apartments (small world).. i chilled there for a while watching 'WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY' and 'THE ORIGINAL KINGS OF COMEDY'.. soon it was 10:30pm so i decided to go home since i have court shit in the morning.. i came home and watched a bit of tv with the madre (mom). and now im sitting here posting about what i did today.. im feeling sore as shit from all the falls. its ok tho my wounds will heal. well i dont have much else to say so i guess im out no doubt;