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.:::The Black Pearl:::. NEWSLETTER


Disney's Offical POTC site
Entertainment Weekly's POTC site
POTC Screen Caps
POTC Script
Jack Site

by Sunfox19 9-13-03

Hello there maties! This be a grand spankin' new newsletter! This is going to tell you about the new things going on in the guild, annoucements, links, suggestions and more! In order to get this newsletter in full swing, I need as many pirates to participate as possible! Just to tell you, this isn't my best work. I promise this will be better!

Also... I put up some contests, enquire below. And pirate of the month, enquire below.

Contests!!!! There will be the same contest until someone wins! The prizes are codestones, faeries, and dubloons! You get to choose your prize. Remember, the answer has to be EXACT in order to get a prize.

Come up with a good question for the next contest.

Remember that it has to be POTC and it can't be anything that you can find from the script because there is a link on the newsletter you can go to to get the answers. Please neomail sunfox19.

Pirate of the Month

We will choose one pirate per month at the end of each month to be pirate of the month! The pirate of the month gets 10,000 NP! We will choose whoever is active, donates, helps out other guild members, etc. The first Pirate of the Month will be annouced September 30th.


This section is where guild members can suggest things that they would like to see in our guild. You can remain annonymous if you want. Please send suggestions to sunfox19.

Note: If you find any good sites, please neomail me at sunfox19 so we can put it in the links section. Yow will get credit!

Well that concludes this weeks newsletter. Hopefully they will just keep getting better and better. TIl next week, maties!

Special thanks to katwbst and paws2see for helping me get this newsletter going!
