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Men brought together to make legal and political decisions, in this case to declare a king. They were usually made up of nobles and royalty.
Nobles and landowners that also served as military leaders
Someone who makes their lively hood by plundering and causing havoc, usually in groups.
Another word for creek.
Someone who believes to be heir to something, in this case a crown, through birthright or blood right.
A community of people, usually related.
A large two-handed Scottish sword many Scottish warriors carried claymores for hundreds of years, despite their large size they were very lightweight making them the perfect balance of speed and power

To be drafted into military service.
Formally and legally removed from a king or lordship.
Term used by others to describe the people Edward II kept in close confidence, these people were also his homosexual lovers.
An agreement between two nobles, lord and vassal. The vassal would pledge allegiance to a lord and provide the lord with money and military units and service. In exchange the lord would protect the vassal from invaders or thieves as well as provide a means for the vassal to make a living. This was the primary political and economic structure during the middle ages.
Military term used to describe the sides of an armies position. To flank an opposing forces units means to attack them from the side rather than head on.

A shallow section of a body of water that can be crossed by simply wading.
A military station or a group of soldiers stationed in a particular place.
A valley on the underside of a cliff.
A suit made of chain linked together tightly so that it protects the wearer, not as heavy as armor.

High Guardian of Scotland:
The highest rank or honor a night can recieve, basically equivalent to a 5 star general.
A tribute paid as a peace offering from someone wishing to avoid an invasion. Or as a pledge of loyalty from someone wishing to join forces with another army.
Ragman's Roll:
When Edward I defeated John Balliol and claimed Scotland as his own. In order to fully consolidate Scotland he made all landowners sign a paper swearing allegiance to him as King. Those who refused had their lands stripped from them and were declared outlaws. The Ragman's Roll was a list of these outlaws, This was a very wise plan of Edward's because it let him know who his enemies to the north were.

A group of nomadic Muslims who conquered the middle east and parts of Europe including Spain. Their greatest ruler was Saladin who managed to unite The Middle East all the way to the border of China under Saracen rule.
A military formation of spearmen. The men in front knelt down and held the spears out in front of them while the men in the back stood holding the spears above the frontlines heads forming a wall of spikes. This formation was especially useful against charging cavalry. The film makes like Wallace was the man who invented this but actually it was used by Alexander the Great many centuries before William Wallace and Robert the Bruce beat the English back with it.

Stone of Destiny:
Also called the Stone of Scone it was a flat piece of sandstone on which Scottish kings were traditionally crowned (it was placed in a compartment just under the seat of the throne). The stone supposedly dates back to Biblical times, it's believed that Jacob used it as a pillow. The stone supposedly made its way to Ireland where St. Patrick blessed the stone and took it to Scotland. Edward I took it from Scotland back to England to symbolize that from then on the English king would be the ruler of Scotland. Some believe that Edward never took the real Stone of Destiny but a fake that monks replaced it with.

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