The Story So Far

For all of you who don't feel like reading what has gone on before you started reading, here is a summary of all our plays. Keep in mind that some have been left out on accident.


In the first season we are introduced to the duo of Ben and Jerry. Two guys who live in Cookevegas and go to Cookevegas High. Ben owns a "Pinto Bean" car. They aregue and fight and try to get Bree and Kat's attention. Ben played with Bree's hair and Jerry kicked Kat's seat. Jerry is cluless while Ben thinks he's the smartest thing in the world and won't help Jerry. Mr. Focker, their teacher, has to constantly tell them to be quiet. Jerry made cookies in biology, and then there was a series of days where they were mad at each other. Jerry was always coming up with stuff to backfire on Ben. They called Jenny Craig for pizza. They robbed a fishing store. They made the whole town sing "Pony". Jerry peed in his pants from laughing so hard and Kat slipped in it. Then Landy and Keith, the boogerboy, joined the group. Along the way, Skittles disrupted class and Kat talked too much and Bree got all the guys. There was the Shakespeare day and the dance. On Valentine's Day, Jerry gave Bree a card with a verse from the movie Clueless on it. Ben dared Jerry to ask Bree out and he did. They went on a date where Jerry messed everything up. How can we forget when Ben hid a bad magazine under a car one and was quiet all during class? Bree and Kat wrote a Top Ten Reasons Why Ben and Jerry stink and gave it to them. Ben tried to help Bree's sadness over her brush and Jerry played with Bree's pooping pig keychain. Jerry lead a revolt against Mr. Focker's cruelty and Ben taught class. They worked at the library and then Ben moved out of town. Jerry got depressed and got into soccor. Bit by bit they got closer to Bree and Kat's secret about their notebook. Ben and Jerry got dogs and then yearbook day and the end of school came. Ben brought down two valley girls named Hope and Dawn. Bree and Kat did not like them and were afraid they were going to lose Ben and Jerry. They looked so much like Dawn and Hope that they tied them up and pretended to be them. Ben and Jerry tried to get them all to be friends. Bree and Kat found out Jerry was really smart when they spied on him. In the season finale, Dawn and Hope hired Landy to kill Bree and she was shot. Carl dumped Amanda to be with Bree. Mr. and Mrs. Ice got a divorce and Ben got a whole new way of living. Mr. Ice and Mr. Focer got something together. Skittles told Ben and Jerry about Kat and Bree's notebook and Jerry got mad at Bree. He did not forgive her till she was in the hospital. Kat and Eric got back together and she found out he has always been using her. Dawn and Hope got Jerry drunk and stole his innocence. Landy called Jerry and asked to be bailed out of jail but he would not do it. Ben made a promise to himself that he would get Kat and the season ended.

Season Two

The second season began with the gang in a rock band. Their manager Skeeter, who Kat liked, was up to no good and Kat quit the band. Soon after, everyone else quit. Kat moved to France and became rich when her father became embassoder. We find out Kat's mother died while giving birth to her. Ben spied on Bree at her pool and Jerry worked at Burger King. A French guy named Marc was being sent to watch Kat while she visited home. Kat did not like Marc cause he thought she belonged to him and he was a snob. He took his friend James along. Ben tried to get Kat's love while Marc got Bree's. Kat and James took a walk and Kat reveals that she feels like no one cares and that it woulnd't matter if she went into a snob. Bree discoverd that Marc was using her. Marc, James, and Kat all went back to France. Bree visited California where she tried out for Romeo and Juliet and met her love Abs. Kat fell into a pool and was rescued by the rich Daniel Velveeta. Jerry got an obbsession with being German and ran off to Germany after two Bree and Kat look alikes who turned out to be Hope and Dawn. Kat returned home with Dan and finds her old home being rebuilt into a mansion. She's changed for the worse. Bree is deeply in love with Abs who is in a band. They all end up in Ben's summer house. Skittles likes Abs and is determined to have him. Abs and Dan became like brothers. Ans says Bree's outfit is ugly and ends up kissing Skittles.Kat loses Dan and kisses Ben. Bree and Kat went to each other for comfort and finally got Abs and Dan back. Kat went back home but soon returned for good. She, Dan, and Marc return to her huge mansion in Cookevegas. Marc decides to play dad and tries to keep Dan and Kat separate. One day Kat fell for Ben but he was too dumb to realize it. Ben has a dream that he married Kat and Jerry married Bree. Ben turnes into a gothic. The gang met Four (Abs's band) and Kat fell for Scott. Ben played dead by the pool and Ben saw his first firework show with the gang. They went to the skating rink where Kat admitted to still liking Skeeter and Bree was being stalked by D. Kat got a job at Jerry's mom's Flower Shop even though she's rich and Ben searches for the perfect purple shirt. Jerry got all for saving the environment adn Bree and Kat switched personalities for a day. They all went with Four to New Yor where something went on between Abs and Kat. Ben adn Jerry went to Jail, and Mr. Focker became principal and upgraded to algebra one. The whole gang had first block Spanish except for Bree and Kat who switched classes to be in it. Kat had a nightmare about Mr. F being evil and they thought Ben was a teachers pet. Bree tried to run away but Abs stopped her. Jerry was blackmailed, Ben got in and out of drug selling, and Kat almost lost herself to John. Kat and Skeeter became close friends and she met Sammy. Bree helped solve the fight of Kat's rumor of Dan's sexuality. A very hot Christian guy named Angel arrived bringing spirituality to the scene. They tried to have a basketball team, and Jerry got a cell phone. Kat fell for Alex who Dan scared off. The WTC collapsed leaving the gang terrified. Ben, Jerry, Kat, and Bree made a bet saying that Ben and Jerry couldn't stay as pregnant women for a while. Jerry began to like peanuts and they found a student who looked like Mr. F. They went to the homecoming dance. The guys all went crazy when Bree and KAt wanted babies. They had a ballon lab, fight over peanuts, and a conversation about grasshoppers. Then Ellen the prep arrived. They let farts and Ben was juggled blue. They told a puking story and had a very interesting talent show. Jerry told dirty jokes and then the twins, Kara and Steven, joined the class. Dan liked Kara and Kat kicked him out of the house. Ben told about the cologne in his pocket and they had to pay to leave Freak City. Jerry cheated on a test, argued over caramel, and spoke furbish. Dan and Abs couldn't get Bree and Kat back. Dawn and Hope joined the class for a day. The gang went on a hay ride and to a haunted house. Bree and Kat almost became enemies over Scott and Steven. Ben got a birthday party and Bree got a bad hair cut. They went cow tipping, ran over some animals, cut off chicken heads, and were on the mid term review. Ben exploded coke and Jerry invented a psyco peanut butter. Ben and Jerry tried to play matchmaker after Jerry's break up with Ellen who moved away. Then a disasterous earthquake hit that broke the gang apart. It killed Sammy and Steven but brought back Carl. Dan went to France and Ben went missing. Kat worried about her father's life while he was hiding from the terrorists and Bree and Skeeter tried to find a way out of the gang. Skittles became pregnant with Abs as the father. What a way to end the season.
