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Joel and Lili's Wedding(s) Photo Album

This is our online gallery of photos and commentary and who knows maybe even a video at some point? from our two weddings, near Portland, Oregon on July 31st, 2004, and near Frankfurt, Germany on September 25th, 2004. If you find it not working well, check back in a week.. we are still putting the images up.

We were so grateful to have so many of our dear friends with us for these fabulous occasions, and are so grateful for all your support.

If you did not make it to both, or either of these occasions, feel free to take a little journey here--it should fill you in.

Please sign our Guestbook -below- after you look around. Your comments are appreciated.

Love, Joel and Lili.

[please note: if you have a slow internet connection (dial-up), some of the images may not load properly, and become distorted. If this happens, please reload or refresh the page you are on, or individual images]

[Falls Ihr eine langsame Internet Verbindung habt, kann es passieren, dass manche Bilder nicht richtig laden und verzerrt sind. Wenn dies passiert, probiert die Seite oder das Bild einfach nochmal zu laden]

Thanks to everyone who took photos: Emily Johnson, Brian Colley, Alice Lhotellier, Kristina Loomis, Juergen Weber, Benni Weber, Connie Autenrieth, Beate & Joanna Navratil, Andy Simmons, Andrew Shepard, Vincent Meligne, Jennifer Seal, David Cramer, and anyone else we might have forgotten.

Oregon Wedding, 7.31.04 Germany Wedding, 9.25.04

Sign Our Guestbook View Our Guestbook


  • Lili's Art
  • Joel's Photography
  • The Belmont Method
  • The James and Joel Show!
  • The Website of Chez the Rat

    © 2004