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Welcome to the current incarnation of my Faire Pictures page. Angelfire sucks, I know, but I still can't beat 20Megs of space for free. I'm looking at moving this once again to a dedicated (read paid for by me) site but need a job first. Updates will normally come in the form of new pages being added.

Event Date
Arizona Faire Feb 15-17
Arizona Faire Feb 16-18
Palm Springs Faire March 23-24
Escondido Faire April 06
Southern May 04 - June 16

Due to Angelfire's "Annoying popups aren't bad enough so we're hacking your diskspace to nothing" policy, most of the old pics have been removed to stay under space constraints. New pages will normally result in old ones being deleted. Not much else I can do right now.

Mar 23, 2003: Pics from AZ weekend 2 addded.
Feb 27, 2003: Jason's AZ pics added.
Feb 20, 2003: Rest of my pics added from Arizona
Aug 01, 2002: Old pics deleted
November 07, 2001: Site created