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Welcome to Banting's cosmo course web page

These are the five main things on this website introducing you to the course

               HAIR,STYLES,WASHING,BLOW DRY, COLOUR           >                                 

  • UP DO'S
  • BLOWDRY CURL/STYLE MUCH MUCH MORE >                                            A STUDENT STYLING HAIR                              >
    > In this unit, you will learn how: to create braids, cut hair, wash and blow dry, style, make up do's , learn how to hide hair elastics, and bobby pins how to colour hair, how to distinguish the different peices of equpment....This is a very exciting unit _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MANICURE AND FACIALS > FACIALS... Everyone loves getting those relaxing facials once and a while including your self. Well while in this unit you learn how to give facials using manipulating massages,creams and oils this is most definatly a unit no one should go without +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > With this unit, you learn about the nail set up, disorters and how to help prevent them.
    1)WASH YOUR HANDS AND SET UP YOUR MANICURING TABLE                                                          2)REMOVE ANY JEWELLERY YOUR CLIENT IS WEARING                                                          3) SWAB THE ARM AND HAND WITH 70% ALCHOL       &nbs                            p;                      4) REMOVE THE NAIL POLISH                                                          5) FILE THEIR FINGER NAILS TO THEIR DESIRED SHAPE                                                          6)APPLY THE CUTICLE REMOVER TOO CUTICLES ON ALL FINGERS                              7)SOAK THE FINGER TIP IN THE WARM SOAPY HAND BOWL                              8)REPEAT STEPS FROM 1-7 WITH OTHER HAND                              9)REMOVE THE SOAKING HAND FROM FINGER BOWL AND DRY FINGER TIPS                              10)APPLY CUTICLE REMOVER AGAIN AND PUSH BACK CUTICLES WITH ORANGE WOOD STICK                              11)CLEAN UNDER THE FREE EDGE USING THE ORANGE WOOD STICK                              12) REPEAT SAME STEPS FROM 9-12 ON OTHER HAND                              13)BRUSH THE SOAKING HAND WITH NAIL BRUSH , DRY NAILS AND HANDS                              14)BEVEL THE NAILS                              15)APPLY HAND LOTION, KEEP OFF NAIL PLATE                              16)APPLY a) 1 COAT OF BASE COAT b) 1 COAT OF DESIRED COLOUR c) 1 COAT OF TOP COAT                                17)REMOVE EXTRA NAIL POLISH FROM SKIN                              18)CLEAN TOOLS                                                          CONGRAGULATIONS YOU JUST GAVE A MANICURE > In a semester you see over 8 guesspeakers the ones that we saw were: table bgcolor=white border=4 bordercolor=blue cellpadding=5 cellspacing=3>
    Adri from Coldrin Theatre for Make upRoy, from Hair AcadamyKelly from my babrerMary Anne for WaxingSusan Boccia for SchwartzchophJen from star nailsBernnie the heath inspectorWendy Gail from the museum They all were great people to have as speakers
    FEILD TRIPS ____________FEILD TRIPS________ One feild trip we went to was the Hair show in Toronto where for the day we went around looking at the different salon brands and watched demonstrations                             Another feild trip we took was to the Retirement home their we went for the day doing manicures, facials, hair styles and hand waxing, its an experience neither the elderly nor students will forget. > > >