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Smells Like Bacon

Synopsis: Too good to summarize

Running Time: Sorry, no.

Jeff's Review of "Smells Like Bacon"

Throughout life, you are likely to only know of one thing that rivals this film in its genius. (Joe Bass--perhaps not the person--but the name...oh man, read it over and over! It gets better every time!) Smells Like Bacon is the moment in a man's life when he has achieved greatness, and fulfilled all of his goals, and dreams. Smells Like Bacon, is not just a phrase, it is not just some funny line that Jeff dug out of his seemingly bottomless pit of stupid, hilarious, and odd knowledge. Smells like Bacon is a state of mind. Whenever you accomplish something, and feel smells like bacon.

Elliot's Review of "Smells Like Bacon"

Because of the routines we follow, we often forget that it's the small and joyfull things in life that matter. This movie shortly temporarily replaces that hole of anger, bordem, or whatever pathetic problem you complain about to your friends. The simple story of Smells Like Bacon reminds us of how easy life can be sometimes. See the movie, and once you do, tell others of it.