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This Is...Annette Davidson!

ANNETTE DAVIDSON ON FILM Annette Davidson starred in two short films made by 42degreesSouthFilms, 'The Time Natural' & '40'. In 2000, Glass Onion Productions took over all holdings pertaining to 42degreesSouthFilms and re-released 'The Time Natural' as 'Time Pieces', in PAL format VHS, as a compilation with '40'. 'Time Pieces' contained a lot of the original material from it's predecessor, plus some previously unreleased footage. A third unreleased work was issued on the same Glass Onion video, an untitled, professionally edited piece that contained some sexually explicit content. Ms. Davidson tried to have this third work vetoed, but Glass Onion Productions won a court injunction as owners of all former film stock, edited, released or otherwise that had formerly belonged to Marc Sutherland or his 42degreesSouthFilm company. The New Zealand Standards Authority however, refused to give the short film a categoric rating, so until notified otherwise, it can not be released in this country. It has been released in the United States where it carries a censors R18 rating. At present, Ms. Davidson is contracted to Glass Onion Productions by law and must make herself available for three further short films to be shot, produced and released by June 24th, 2004. It is rumoured that two of these may have been already filmed. A director of Glass Onion, Mr. Michael Edwards, was recently dismissed by the Film company's B.O.D's for 'letting slip' that Ms. Davidson has been involved in two projects with Glass Onion. Another source quotes the proposed films as being already titled: 'Hitch-hiker' and 'Blow'. The same source was able to confirm that both films are similar to those previously released and contain shots of Ms. Davidson fully naked. It is also known that the actress is extremely unhappy with her affiliation with Glass Onion, but must meet the demands of her existing contract and is herself seeking further court action. Annette is always happy to answer any correspondence or to oblige with requests for nude or autographed photo's from her vast image library. All orders, feedback or enquiries, please use the e-mail link as provided below.

Links to Annette Davidson on the web...

Annette Davidson Interview
Annette Davidson is The Time Natural

My Favorite things about Angelfire...
