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Cvest La Vie Mon Cheri

Released: 1993 - Hong Kong
Title: Cvest La Vie Mon Cheri (Endless Love)
Xin1 Bu2 Liao3 Qing2

Anita Yuen, Lau Chin Wan, Carina Lau, Carrie Ng,

Fung Bo Bo, Paul Chun Pui

Duration: Approx. 99 min
Director: Derek Yee
Producer: Alexander Chan, Samson Ng
Writing Credits: Derek Yee
Original music: Chris Babida, Stephen Chan
Cinematography: Tsi-wai Tam

Film Editing:

 Mei Feng
Production Designer: Chung-Man Mai
Anita's Character: Min

Other Info: 

Anita's honor: Best Actress Of 13th Hong Kong Film Awards


Kit (Lau Chin-Wan) is a moody young jazz composer. His artistic aspirations, brusque personality and unwilliness to compromise make him an outsider in the commercially oriented music industry of Hong Kong. Even his girlfriend Tracy (Carina Lau), a popular singer, finds him hard to put up with. They quarrel and he moves out of her place.


He doesn't have much money so he ends up in a small flat in an old building in the working class district of Yaumatei. It's near Temple Street where every evening there are street performance, while hawkers sell the wares, and a cheap and lively night market serves up a range of snacks. It's very far from the glamorous world in which he used to associate thanks to Tracy, but he finds it have its charms. Chief among these is Min (Anita).


Min is a 20-years-old girl who sings pop songs and Cantonese opera with a small troupe run by her mother (Fung Bo Bo), a Cantonese opera singer who was once a small-line star. Other members of the troupe include Min's sharp-tongued and miserly cousin Ling (Carrie Ng) and her uncle, a saxophone player. Kit always compose his music at night and sleep at days. It put out Min's family but Min think the music which he play with saxophone is nice. Min is an optimistic girl. In Kit's period of depression, Min's childlike innocence, and the passion towards music of the troupe members greatly encourages Kit.


Eventually Min and Kit fall in love. Once Kit is given a job which he is earnestly long for, he is so happy and invite Min to have a dinner with him. At the nice date night, Min dress so pretty and dress a skirt for the first time while Kit shave his beard cleanly. Everything is sweet when they eat dinner together and walking around the temples. Suddenly Min collapses in pain and has to be rushed to hospital...


In fact, Min suffer from cancer of bone when she was very young. Because of her optimist and the doctor's effort, she get rid of the pain of the cancer. After 10 years, nobody think the cancer will occur again. Min's family is very sad and so is Kit. Min is strongly stricken and depressed. She behave despairingly and don't want to speak to anyone including Kit. But Kit told her never to give up and say what Min have said to Kit which encourage him climb up from his depression.


Kit brought a ring and want Min to married to him. And he said he will look after and love her forever. One late night, Min said that she want to eat red-bean cake and Kit promise he will buy it for her by all means though it was very late. The hawkers who sell the cake have left. Then he take a taxi and buy the red-bean cake at last. When he go back happily, he see many doctors stand front of Min's ward. He walks slowly and unbelievable that Min have died. And Min leave a message to him which said:


If the worst thing in our life is no more than death, what else of difficulty existed in the world!


Anita's Character - Min


  Min  Min  Min  Min  Min




  Min  Min  Min  Min  Min 




Other Main Casts:

  Kit (Lau Chin Wan)  Tracy (Carina Lau)  Ling (Carrie Ng)  Min's Mother (Fung Bo Bo)  Min's Uncle (Paul Chun Pui) 

**Mouse over the pix to know the character & actor

#Media Clips


 +Audio: Original music by Chris Babida, Stephen Chan

 |-  Original Song: Endless Love (singer: Wan Fang)  [download-1.1mb#ra]  <- playing now

 |-  Midi Song: Endless Love  [download-1]   [download-2]

 |-  Incidental Music  01 02 03 04 05

 +Video: Film clips - click the image to download

4'03", 2.96MB

1'29",1.08MB 3'27", 2.53MB


Our Reviews:

  • This is one of my favorite Anita's movies. Tells a touching love story. Both happy and tragical plot. As a actress just have two years of acting experience, Anita really did a good job in this film. Even the action when Min have medicine behave a happy and optimist eye of life though she suffer from the pain of cancer. By right of this film, Anita was given the 13th HK Movie Awards - the Best Actress and become famous quickly. Christi

  • This is the best movie I have ever seen. Better than any Hollywood movie!! A must for those who loves love story.

  • If you like Drama movies this is a must have movie.

  • Anita is really really the best actress ! So pretty and talent....... I love her so much!

  • A must see especially with you like :-)

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