Lyrics post - mai.n kyaa karuu.N rukatii nahii.n - Maan - 1954 Meena Kapoor - Anil Biswas A very pretty Anil Vishwas composition, included in the 'Kalyan influence' section in the Meet tape, circa 2001. The Yaman influence is used with a very light hand. The film was directed by Anilda's lyricist-friend from his National Studios days, Dr Safdar Sitapuri 'aah'. Dr Safdar supplied penned some songs in the film, too. Please confirm or dispute the suspect word in the second stanza and supply the missing word(s) in the mukhada. I did a search for 'Anil Vishwas' for no reason in particular and was surprised to find just one occurrence of that string in the entire history of rmim. That is how his name is written in Marathi books on music. Ganapati Vasudev Behere, the firebrand journalist who championed Hindutva before the word became popular and when doing so was risky, ran a weekly named SOBAT. One of his rewards was that he was once beaten up by Shiv Sena youngsters. Ga Vaa Behere was a romantic, a fornicator, a lover of music, a bit of a freedom fighter, publisher of Gopal Godse's book on Gandhi's murder after a legal battle, a friend of Lata's who revered and feared her and who was feared in turn by Lata. When he heard Lata was planning an autobiography, he asked her whether she intended to cover this affair and that of hers, discuss various rifts, give sincerest opinion on music-related issues, etc honestly in the book. He then advised her not to write the book if she wanted to conceal more things than discuss. Hence or otherwise, the autobiography plan was shelved. Despite chronic shortage of funds, 'Ga Vaa' was dedicated to 'Sobat'. His cranky nature made him refuse any advertisements about temples in his weekly as he did not believe in God. He of course supported the Ayodhya movement. He often wrote more than 50% material in the weekly's issues single-handedly. To make this somewhat more acceptable to his readers, Behere used many pen-names and tried to cultivate different styles. One pen-name was reserved for issues which touch most human hearts and scrupulously avoided politics. It was thanks to this pseudonym of Behere's that I first heard the words which spell sheer magic : Anil Vishwas. An eponymous collection of articles in that column titled 'GaVaaksh' or 'kaTaaksh' has been published in book-form. I don't remember whether that book's author has been named Anil Vishwas or Ga Vaa Behere. - dn % \startsong \stitle{mai.n kyaa karuu.N rukatii nahii.n}% \film{Maan}% \year{1954}% \starring{Chitra, Ajit, Jagirdar, Yashodhara Katju, Achala Sachdev, Durga Khote}% \singer{Meena Kapoor}% \music{Anil Biswas}% \lyrics{Dr Safdar 'aah'}% % % Contributor : dhananjay naniwadekar % Date : 05 feb 2003 % Credits : % Comments : Director of Maan - Dr Safdar Sitapuri 'aah'. % Anilda Series. The song shows Kalyan/Yaman touches. % \printtitle #indian % mai.n kyaa karuu.N rukatii nahii.n ashko.n kii rawaanii kab aa_e.Nge wo ???????? raat suhaanii aapas me.n gale milate hu_e chaa.Nd sitaare mallaah muhabbat ke ye madahosh nazaare afasos! adhurii hai abhii merii kahaanii wo aa_e.Nge, wo aa_e.Nge, ai subah na aanaa ai chaa.Nd, mujhe chaa.Nd\-sii??? suurat wo dikhaanaa milane kii tamannaa me.n ta.Dapatii hai jawaanii % #endindian \endsong %