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by:Leigh-Taylor Smith

What is a hernia? A hernia can be described best as a weakness or split in the muscle wall of the abdomen, therefore it allows the abdominal contents, including intestines, to bulge out. The hernias are noticed best when flexing the muscles of the abdomen wall, even when a cough or sneeze occurs. Hernias can be congenital (starting at birth) or traumaic in origin. The three most common hernias, are the 1.) umbilical hernia, 2.) groin or inguinal hernia, and the 3.) femoral hernia.

Inguinal Hernia-This type of hernia is most likely to occur in a male than a female, and out of all hernias 70% are inguinal hernias. It's called the inguinal hernia because the intestines goes through an opening towards the lower part of the abdomen, called the inguinal canal. Makes sense, huh? In males, the inguinal canal is a passageway between the abdomen and the scrotum through which the spermatic cord passes (the testicles hang from the spermatic cord). In females, the inguinal canal is a passageway in which a ligament goes through, this ligament holds the uterus in place. Symptoms of this type of hernia include, pain when coughing, lifting something heavy, or even just bending over.

Umbilical Hernia- Umbilical Hernias are most common in infants and children younger than six months. This hernia is caused when a part of an intestine bulges through the abdominal wall right beside the belly button. The most common way a parent can spot their child's hernia is when they cry, because when they cry their hernias bulge out beside their belly buttons. Yet, this is the only type of hernia that can easily heal on its own, mainly they heal before the child is one year old. If they do not heal on their own surgery can easily be done.

Femoral Hernia- Unlike the Inguinal hernia, the Femoral hernia is much more likely to occur in females than males. This type of hernia is found near the groin area and at or very close to the leg crease, slightly lower than the Inguinal hernia. Associated with this hernia is a very painful lump or bulge on the crease of the leg adjacent to the pubic region. Both the Femoral and Inguinal hernia are very close to each other anatomically, and occasionally can be mistaken for one another. Below is a picture of the femoral canal.

Hernia Repair:Hernia repair is the most common operations performed in the United States. Every year, over one half million Americans undergo surgery for the treatment of this problem. Last century the most common way to fix a hernia was the Bassini process, but it left the patient in a considerable amount of pain for up to 6 weeks and out of work for at least 3 months! Within the patiens that were repaired with this process 10%- 30% had it recurr within 5 years. Then developments led to the next process known as the "Shouldice" repair, in the pricess they would overlap the tissues and stitch them back together, this was a stronger repair than the Bassini process but it still left a small amoutn of tension. The newest and most effective process today is the Liechtenstein "rension free" mesh repair. In this process they use a piece of polypropylene (XXX) mesh and stitch it across muscle bands leaving the patient with very little pain and no tension at all. With a much quicker return to their daily lives.

Ways to Prevent a Hernia:
1. Eat fiber: fiber helps keep bowel movements regular allowing one not to strain.
2. Quit smoking: After smoking regularly one can get a smoker's cough, this can make a hernia more likely to occur.
3. Manage your weight: Extra weight in men more than women, settles around the abdomen, causing the peritoneum to stretch(the peritoneum is the... XXX) making hernias more probable.
4. Excercise regularly: Strong muscles reduce the chance of getting a hernia.
5. Learn how to lift correctly: Bend the knees, not the back! If something is too heavy, don't strain to pick it up!

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