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The Blue 4 Rescue Rangers Homepage

Welcome to the Blue 4 Rescue Rangers personal homepage! This is the place that our family and friends can read updates about and by us personally, send us messages, and see lots and lots of pictures. This page is always under a constant state of construction, so don't be frustrated, thanks.

Important News! The AmeriCorps*NCCC Graduation is on July 25th @ 10am, in Sterett Hall, here on the old naval base in Charleston! We openly welcome anyone and everyone to join us there! Asa Fager will be the opening speaker for the ceremony! Hope to see you there!

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Blue 4 News:
04/02 - Henderson, Kentucky is the name of the town. Habitat for Humanity is the project. We're building a house here and everyone on the team will agree that there is such a thing as too much generosity. Practically everyone in the town has stopped by to say hello and the vast majority of them usually bring some kind of treat with them. We have an endless supply of soda, constant goodies (such as cookies and muffins and candy), and dinner is cooked for us half the time we're here. It is incredible. A couple people on the team have mentioned wanting to move here. Can't blame 'em.

03/02 - Greetings from Tennessee. We're currently working at Long Hunter State Park cutting privet (an exotic and invasive shrub which is currently taking over the park) for 8 hours a day. Jealous? Yeah, we figured. Spring break overlaps with this project, so we won't be here long, but the living situation is pretty sweet, real beds, real showers, real houses, and a TV! Although this has been our first project alone as a team out on spike, we're doing pretty good.

01/02 - New Orleans has welcomed us warmly. Blue 4, partnered up with Red 7, is residing at Camp Tchefuncte in Covington, LA. This have gone well enough, we're currently tutoring in an after-school program run by the YMCA. However, during the day we do a variety of work. Some are tutoring in schools and some are doing grounds work. One way or another we're still working hard and "getting things done." So far, the only complaint that could be made is that our living situation isn't at its best. The water can't really decide if it wants to stay hot or cold, it smells like rotten eggs, there's no heat in the dining hall, and we're stuck in the middle of no where. We have been to New Orleans a couple times though, and have many different stories to tell.

Later in 12/01 - Still in NYC! Woohoo! We've been working with the American Red Cross. We've all been doing various kinds of work, helping to support the Second Family Gift Program (I'm sure that the ARC website will tell you more about that program). This has been a very stressful, time-wise and emotinally. But we have all felt that we are doing a lot of good and accomplished much. Thanks for your love and support. It's almost Christmas time! That means that we'll all be coming home soon, and we're all very excited for that. Especially Andrea, she gets to talk to her boyfriend (who's on a mission in Russia) for the first time in more than 8 months! Though we're all looking forward to seeing our friends and family soon.

12/01 - NYC here we come! Woohoo! Blue 4 has been chosen as one of two teams from the southeast campus to go and work in New York City. We're not entirely sure what work we'll be doing, but we're going. We could either be doing work in warehouses or possibly talking to vicitms families. None of us are quite sure. We found out the day before we left that we had been asigned this project. Please keep us in your thoughts as we go through this incredible experience, and be sure that we'll all have lots of stories to tell when we come back.

11/01 - Blue 4 is curren't working with a group called the United Methodist Relief Center (UMRC). We've been refurbishing houses for people in poverty with them, and we plan to do so until Christmas. This has been a wonderful project for us, and we're all very happy with it. It gets us up at 6 every morning and has us working hard all day. We've been doing lots of painting, roofing (tin and shingle), and even some drywalling.
This has been a very wonderful project in the whole. It has been an eye opening experience, but also a lot of fun, and we're certainly making the best of staying in Charleston for our first spike.
Our first project was in Mt. Pleasant, not far from Charleston. We de- then re-roofed an older woman's house. Then painted her entire house (with no rollers). We did all of this in about a week and a half. Our latest project is in St. Stephen's, way out in the country. We are de- then re-roofing a tin roof and building a wheelchair ramp. It's hard work, and its about an hour from the base, but the family is very sweet to us and are very greatful, making it all very worthwhile. Although, some of us might say that the best part of the project is all the kids running around that we can play with.
Thank you for looking at our website, and supporting us, we appreciate it very much. Bookmark this page so you can read all the updates and see the new pictures. Thank you so much.

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