Non-Tolkien Fan fics

These are some fics i have either written recently about actors or i have taken it off my last website. Hopefully you'll like them. Please sign the guest book on the mainpage telling me if you do or don't.

The Greatest reward

Status: In the works
Charecters: Orlando Bloom and other actors...
Summary: Based on the song, 'The greatest Reward' Sometimes the best things are the ones that have been there the whole time, even when things were tough


Status:In the Works
Charecters: Hayden Christensen, other actors
Summary: Life isn't always perfect for anyone, especially actors

More than friends

Charecters:*N Sync
Summary: Sometimes you just have to take that chance...


Status: In the Works
Charecters: *N Sync
Summary: Destiny sometimes has its own plans