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Welcome to my lovely site! I hope you enjoy your stay.


    WAHEY!!! NEW WEBSITE!!! How exciting is this? Back to the point. This is my brand spanking new website that is being created purely for your entertainment and not because I'm sad and bored.

    The majority of this websites content revolves around films. For those of you out there who know me this comes as no surprise.

    MY favourite feature so far has got to be the ultimate horror film quiz. If you think you have the knowledge then give it a go, I dare ya!

    Ooo reminds me, if this exact page with all the same rubbish stays on this site for more than 2 months someone please email and tell me to change it or I will completely forget.

    To swiftly move away from this page of tripe, please click my lovely pet Panda...Chi-Chi, she will guide you onto better (ish) places.

