Alciaīs pub


Hi  there. After quite a while it nearly seems that Iīm able to build a decent page. For my mess  before this one, my deepest apologies. Iīm really ashamed of myself. But nevertheless, youīve made a long journey and you might want to rest and relax now with a glass of wine and entertaining stories. Please sit down and enjoy...


Here you can go to several rooms in my little pub. You are free to visit them all if the times and your moods right, but take care not to get somewhere you just donīt want to be. Read the links carefully, so you donīt have to blame me, if anything there should disturb you. Remember, Iīve warned you before.

RoS fanfic                  (soft drinks, well, as soft as it can be with those two chaps. You can bring your older children, too.)

Ros fanfic  (the booze, spell NC-17 or slash or both... Not for the faint at heart and definitely not for anyone under the legal age!!!

My little diary                         What if the RoS characters have been in school with us and wrote in our diaries..?             

About me                 yes, I know, Gizzy, itīs boring...


Horsies             not yet






Story ideas:

Other fandoms: