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One True Love

Aladdin lay comfortably on the bed he shared with Jasmine in the royal bedroom. He was reading a book Jasmine had given him. Jasmine had recently taught him to read words other than food names on signs that were sold in the marketplace.

“Aladdin, I reserved the kitchen. We can’t go outside, it’s too hot, so I figured we’d cook dinner for tonight.” Jasmine’s delicate figure appeared in the doorway. “I hope you want to.” Aladdin dropped the book he was trying to read and gaped at Jasmine.

“Jasmine, I can’t cook, you know that… I’ve never even been to the kitchen…"

“Well, tonight will be your first time there, you’ll have fun.”

He was still staring intently at her. He didn’t want to seem like a fool when Jasmine asked him to pass some gourmet ingredient to her, and he was clueless about it. And the servants? What would they say? They’d probably all smirk behind their hands and watch him closely so he didn’t burn down the palace. A look of fear must have crossed his face, because Jasmine came and sat beside him.

“Aladdin, if you’re worried about the servants, I made them leave.” She lay down on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. “We’ll be alone in there. I’ll teach you to cook, and since it’s too hot to go out in the marketplace, we’ll be doing something alone for a change.” she told him, rubbing his shoulders.

“Jasmine, you know I love doing things alone with you, but why can’t Genie help, so he can snap his fingers have dinner done and we could do something different alone?”

“Aladdin, this is different, you said it yourself, you’ve never been in the kitchen,” she told him, slipping off the bed, just as Aladdin flipped over to get up with her. She ended up below him; both were surprised, but Aladdin kissed her like he had it planned all along.

“Why can’t we do things like that alone?”

Arriving in the kitchen an hour later proved Jasmine was correct. It was completely vacant of servants, which made Aladdin somewhat happy. He still was upset he had been dragged into this, and instead of the smile he usually had on his face when he was with his wife, a frown took its spot.

“Oh, Aladdin, come on, smile. We’re only cooking for ourselves, Father, Genie, Abu, and Iago. Besides, if we do a bad job, Iago and Abu will tell us, so no one has to pretend.”

“Is it possible for your father to fire me as the job of your husband?” Aladdin ranted, as Jasmine handed him an apron. He looked at it in disdain. “No way!”

“Alright, fine, when you stain these clothes and have to go shopping for cloth and go back to the tailor, don’t complain to me.” Aladdin grabbed the apron, and tried to tie it around his back. “I’ve got it honey.” Jasmine pinned the apron and tied a knot around him. She smiled at him. “Help me with this happily and you choose what we do later.”

“Fine, Jas, I’ll help.” She gave him a hug.

“Let’s do this.” She rubbed her hands together. “There are a bunch of recipes over there, pick one out, and we’ll get the ingredients.” Jasmine tapped the counter with the recipes on it, and when she turned around Aladdin mischievously flipped them over, shuffled them, and picked one out.

“Chicken,” he told her, “At least that’s pretty easy. Not like salmon or that stuff we had last night.”

“What? Oh, the starfish.” Aladdin turned green.

“The, the what?”

“Al, I was joking. It was some kind of vegetable, I think.” She turned to look at him, smiling as he stacked up the recipes. “You’re acting gullible. Do you truthfully think I’d eat a starfish? If I told you now I was pregnant…” He looked up at her immediately.

“You, you are?” His mouth dropped open.

“No,” she exclaimed, “not yet. That was the point. You’re believing crazy and impossible things.”

“I don’t think so,” Aladdin told her handing her a bottle of seasoning. “It’s definitely possible for you to be pregnant, I mean, well, we could’ve...” he looked at her sheepishly. “Maybe we should be more careful. I’d like to be alone with you for awhile longer before we have any kids.”

“I think so too.. I don’t think that I’m not ready to be a mother,” she said, “but I am a wife, and I felt like I was ready for that. Hmmm.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” he told her. “Well, the recipe says it cooks for a half an hour.” Jasmine put the chicken in a spot where it would cook, and boosted herself up on a counter. She sat for a minute, until Aladdin asked, “You want to go for a walk?”

“A walk?” she asked incredulously, jumping off the counter. “What, so the chicken can burn while we’re out?”

“Well, it’s bound to do that anyway, as I helped make it.” Aladdin said when Jasmine walked over and put her arm around him. She lay against his chest, her body rising and falling with every breath Aladdin took.

“Don’t be silly, you’re an outstanding cook!” Jasmine said sweetly. Aladdin kissed her neck soundly and put his arms around her waist.

“Don’t let this get out to anyone, Iago will have my head on a platter with your chicken if you tell him I played chef.”

“I’d never let him. It wouldn’t be any fun being married to you if your head wasn’t attached to your body,” she teased him, running her fingers tenderly over his chest.

“Stop! That tickles!” He grinned and pushed her away lightly.

“I never knew you were ticklish,” she told him, cackling. She reached out her hands again, but Aladdin moved swiftly away. “I’ve got you,” she said grabbing his arm.

“No, please,” he said, laughing hysterically as Jasmine tickled his chest. “The chicken,” he quickly reminded her to make her cease. She stopped abruptly and saw that the chicken was done.

“Alright, get a couple of plates, and put this on. Genie prepared the side dishes already.”

“Aha, I knew Genie was helping out,” he exclaimed as he handed her plates and forks.

“Well, I knew I couldn’t rely on myself alone with you to prepare more than one dish,” she said with a grin. “We almost ended up burning it, didn’t we?”

“I guess,” Aladdin said smirking. They made their way to the dinner table, only to notice that a pretty, older woman was seated at the end of the table where Aladdin usually sat. Before he could protest, the platters and side dishes were being passed around and Jasmine took his hand in hers carefully and sat him on half of the cushion she usually sat upon. The look in Jasmine’s eyes was as clueless as his, but told him he shouldn’t say anything.

“This is Queen Ceria, ruler of the city Kinner. She has come here to request a treaty between Kinner and Agrabah. Her husband passed on recently to Allah. They have a small war on their hands and are requesting our help to destroy the rival army. If we do, we shall be forever united together…”

Jasmine wasn’t listening well, because she was deeply concentrating on the curled lip of Ceria. She was staring angrily at Aladdin, and Jasmine knew why. Why couldn’t everyone just accept the fact that she was in love with Aladdin? What did it matter if he was royalty anyway? She frowned, realizing Ceria and herself had gotten off to a bad start, and Ceria hadn’t even said a word.

“Learn some manners,” she thought, not realizing she had said it aloud. Everyone stopped and turned to look at her, even Abu and Iago, who as usual, were fighting over food. “Uh,” she said embarrassedly, feeling the color red rise up to her face, “it’s this book I’m reading, it’s hard to explain. Can I be excused?” she mumbled, standing up.

“Yes, Jasmine, please be sure to come have dessert with us later.” Jasmine wasn’t listening, she kicked Aladdin in the side softly and muttered to him to follow her.

“I, um,” Aladdin said, swallowing, and wiping his face with the cloth napkin, “May I?” he pointed to Jasmine’s receding figure in the hallway.

“Please, go right ahead,” the Sultan said, smiling at him. “I’ll see you for dessert, right, my boy?”

Aladdin coughed and managed to sputter, “Sure,” he said, still watching Jasmine frantically waving to him from the hall, he bowed in the Sultan and Ceria’s direction and bolted out the doors to Jasmine. He hacked again, “What’s wrong? First I’m meeting some lady who’s giving me the look and I’m coughing because you kicked me in the side and I was eating that chicken, and then I’m running out the door to follow you. I thought you were hurt or something. I’m choking on my food here, and that lady’s giving me a nasty lomrph…” Jasmine grabbed his arms and put them around her waist, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him firmly on the lips.

“Blech, it tastes like chicken. We didn’t do the greatest job, did we?” she asked him when she was finished and had wiped her lips on her shawl. “I guess not,” he said wryly, “but you did a good job with that kiss.” She smiled at him. “Now,” Aladdin said, after kissing her again and arriving at their bedroom, “mind telling me why you dragged me here?” Jasmine sighed, “Oh, I didn’t like the way that lady was looking at you, so I thought I said that in my head,” she giggled, “I guess not. I’m so embarrassed.” Aladdin sat down on the vanity chair, straddling it. “What does it matter Jas? They’re always going to look at me that way.” He took off his turban and placed it on the vanity. “Don’t let it bother you so much.”

Jasmine went and sat on the vanity, staring into the mirror. Aladdin turned around and put his feet up. “You look great, Jas, you always do.” Jasmine didn’t respond, instead she twisted around and pushed Aladdin of the chair to the floor.

“I wasn’t admiring myself in the mirror, I was admiring you.” Aladdin, looking surprised at being on the floor and for what Jasmine had just said, started to chuckle.

“Yeah right, no one admires me,” He said, picking himself up off the floor. Jasmine tackled him, laying her head on his chest. She pulled herself up. “I admire you.” She took his face into her hands and kissed him swiftly.

“You’re the only one,” he said, but this time he was teasing her.

“Sure,” Jasmine said, pulling herself and Aladdin towards the bed. Pinning him below her on it, she reminded him of how much Abu, Iago, Carpet, Rajah, her father, and Genie cared about him.

“Rajah,” he sneered, staring at Jasmine’s beautiful face inches above him, “Hasn’t eaten me yet because you told him not to.”

She giggled, “I remember the night you dressed up as Prince Ali and Rajah attacked you like it was yesterday. It was very stupid of you to take off your turban, you knew I’d figure out it was you.” Jasmine said.

“Genie wanted me to tell you who I was whole time. I thought you’d laugh at me.”

“Laugh at you?” she scoffed, “Think about it logically. I was this close to you in the marketplace, except not on top of you. I was planning on kissing you, and I know you were planning on kissing me too. I knew I was the princess, and I knew you were just a boy on the streets. I loved you, even from knowing you for just one day. Why would I laugh?”

“I…” Aladdin thought about it for a minute, “I don’t know why. I wasn’t thinking, I guess.”

Jasmine laughed again, her hair falling into her face, “Sure, like you weren’t thinking when you asked me if I trusted you, or when you rolled that apple down your arm, or when I asked you about Abu? Maybe you really did want me to know it was you…”

“Hmmm,” he mused, “No, the Abu thing was a total mistake, I didn’t want that to come out of my mouth.” He smiled up at her, “but you tricked me.”

“That I did,” She lay her head on his chest, the soft silk massaging her cheek. “You know, Aladdin, I think I like a bare chest better, even though this silk is soft. I’m more used to that, because you sleep with a bare chest.”

“I’d rather a bare chest and a tank top, trust me, I’m sweating like a camel.”

“Camel’s sweat?” Jasmine asked him, laughing.

“Would rather a starfish?” Aladdin asked her, starting to chuckle. She tickled his chest like she had in the kitchen, and he began to laugh even harder. “Stop, please, no… Jas, come on…” She buried her head in his chest, tears of laughter spilling from her eyes.

“You’re so cute,” she told him, still giggling and stroking his chest, feeling him squirm beneath her. She kissed him, stopping the tickle and he put his arms around her, holding her tightly.

“I love you so much.” Aladdin said, his face bright red from being tickled. She kissed him again.

“I love you too,” she said, placing her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. An knock at the door made her abruptly open them up again.

“I’ve got it,” Aladdin slipped off the bed and out from under her, opening the door. “Err, hello Queen Ceria.” He patted his messy hair down embarrassedly, Jasmine watching carefully, quickly got up and joined Aladdin at the door.

“Is there something we can help you with?” Jasmine asked, putting her arm around Aladdin’s waist. Ceria coughed, watching Jasmine touch Aladdin.

“Ahh, no,” she said peeking into their room. “Your father,” she pointed to Jasmine, “said that dessert is ready, and he would like you both to join him.” Aladdin shut the door from Ceria’s prying eyes, offered Jasmine his arm, which she lovingly took, and walked down to the dining room.

“Queen Ceria,” Jasmine questioned, “just out of curiosity, why have you come up to our room, when father could have sent a servant to get us?”

“I offered to go,” Ceria said in a singsong voice. “I wanted to view more of this lovely palace. Your menagerie is gorgeous, as well as the view from my balcony. I wish Kinner was as beautiful as Agrabah.” Aladdin arched an eyebrow at Jasmine and she shrugged. Why was Ceria acting so different all of a sudden?

“Why, thank you,” Aladdin said courteously, but Ceria glared at him. Jasmine glowered back at her. Her nice attitude didn’t last for very long, Jasmine thought.

“It isn’t your kingdom, anyway street rat.” Trying to control herself, she silently thought what she urged to say. ‘And once I get control, it will never be,’ she said under her breath, but Aladdin heard it. He glanced at Jasmine, but she hadn’t heard. Should he even tell her? It would probably make her even more upset. He zoned out through dessert, not really concentrating on anything, except whether or not to tell Jasmine. He smiled to himself, thinking that Jasmine would probably end up beating Ceria up. ‘I think I’ll go for a walk later,’ he told himself silently.

Everyone excused themselves, and Aladdin went out to his old home in the marketplace to think about things. He told Jasmine he was going to spend the night with Genie and the gang. He felt bad about lying, but he had to mull things over. This Ceria lady gave him the creeps, and she didn’t like him at all, but it seemed the Sultan was quite taken with her. He smiled at her a lot during dinner, and thought this agreement thing was a great idea. Aladdin moved a tattered pillow and blanket over towards the window and looked at the palace which he now called home. A memory of talking to Abu flashed through his mind.

“Someday Abu, we’ll be rich, live in a palace and never have any problems at all.”

Too bad only two of those little wishes had come true. He had been having problems ever since he met Jasmine, problems with freedom, love, and royalty, problems with monsters, magic, family, and friends. They were perfect for each other. He remembered another important conversation.

“Sometimes you feel so…”

“You’re just…”

“Trapped…” Aladdin smiled, looking at the palace again.

“Aladdin?” Aladdin turned his head, and noticed Jasmine walking inside. “Why didn’t you tell me you were staying here?” She looked a little hurt, but more concerned.

“Oh, Jasmine,” he said, “That Ceria lady, she’s bothering me. I don’t know why though.” She sat down on the grimy stones and rocks littering the floor next to Aladdin.

“Are you okay?” Jasmine asked, tilting his head towards her so he would meet her eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just, you, know, thinking deep thoughts.” She looked at him suspiciously.

“What did she say to you?”

“How’d you…”

“Aladdin, I’m your wife, I figured something was wrong. Tell me, I’m here for you. I love you.”

“Well, you know she called me a street rat, but that’s probably my universal term, and I was thinking of asking your father to do something about it because it’s kind of bothering me a bit, but, Jas, no offense, your dad seems to like her.”

She stopped and stared. “Aladdin, you don’t really think that, do you?” He got up and sat on the edge by the window.

“I don’t know Jas, I don’t know.” He sat cross-legged and stared at the night sky and the palace. Jasmine sat behind him and massaged his shoulders to comfort him.

“Hey, Aladdin,” she said, in an effort to cheer him up, “look, a shooting star.” Aladdin looked up, and stared. Jasmine sat down beside him, took his hand softly, and lay her head on his shoulder.

“Jasmine, that isn’t a shooting star. That’s Carpet.”

Jasmine stared too. “There’s somebody on him,” she whispered.

“C’mon, Jas, let’s go, I have a bad feeling about this.” He dragged her towards the palace.

“My dear Ceria, I don’t think I’ve had this much fun since I was a child,” the Sultan said excitedly.

“I have neither,” she agreed, “This carpet makes me feel years younger. I’ve never seen so much in one day.”

“Ah, I realize now what my dear Jasmine must have felt when Aladdin took her on her first carpet ride.” Ceria looked shocked.

“Aladdin took Princess Jasmine on this carpet?”

“Why, yes, Queen Ceria, this is the only flying carpet I’ve ever seen,” he said, patting Carpet. “This little guy’s one of the reasons she fell in love with him. He showed her the world outside the palace, something she had always wanted to see.” Ceria tried to hide her scowl at the mention of Aladdin, as she really disliked him.

That night, in her room, she stood in front of the mirror smiling. “Now that I have the Sultan on my good side, I can get rid of Aladdin and his dirty friends and take over Agrabah!”

“Aladdin, I don’t like it at all. So, my father may like her, but that doesn’t give her the right to treat you like that.” Aladdin had been standing outside of the Sultan’s room listening to their conversation, which he hadn’t told Jasmine all of, because it was the type of romantic conversation that he would have with her. Ceria had pushed him down a staircase, taking advantage of the fact that she was alone with him, and that Aladdin had eavesdropped on her conversation.

“Hold still.” She took a warm, wet cloth and rubbed it on his arm where Ceria had kicked him. “It’s going to be a big bruise for awhile.”

“Yeah,” he smiled at Jasmine, “well, I’ve been hurt worse. Too bad we can’t see the physician.”

“Aladdin, we went over that already, we can’t tell anyone yet, not until we talk to father.”

“Yeah, I know, Jas, but it does hurt.” She rubbed his cheek, back, and leg with the cloth. “It should be fine, though, but it’s painful.”

“Too painful for this?” she asked kindly, kissing him on the lips.

“Nothing’s too painful for that,” he said smiling. He pulled himself up from the vanity chair, and Jasmine helped him take off his boots and cape, so he didn’t have to stretch his sore muscles. She tossed him his street pants.

“Wear these,” she grabbed a nightgown and quickly slipped it on. Aladdin was struggling with the buttons on the back of his clothes. “Allow me,” and she undid them swiftly and pulled the outfit down to his shoulders. Aladdin hurriedly pulled off his outfit and put his street pants on. “I’m sorry,” Jasmine said. “This is mostly my fault.” Aladdin collapsed on the bed.

“How is it your fault? Some people are just jerks, Jas. Don’t worry about it.”

“If I wasn’t the princess…”

“Please, be quiet Jasmine, you’re my princess, and I am not going to forget that just because I got beaten up by some old lady.” Jasmine giggled,

“You don’t know how funny that sounds, Al,” she said, laying down next to him.

“It’s funny you, know. That lady looks like she’s like fifty, and I’m almost twenty. I’m thirty years younger than her and she still beat me up. I’ve beaten Mozenrath, and just about every monster ever. I think she hurt my dignity more than my body.” Jasmine giggled, but tried to quiet Aladdin too.

“Shh,” she said, putting her finger on his lips, and laying down on his shoulder sharing his pillow, “Go to sleep, we have to talk to father about her tomorrow,” she snuggled as close as she could get and he draped him arm around her. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Aladdin and Jasmine planned to have breakfast alone with Jasmine’s father, but early the next morning the Sultan came knocking on their door.

“Jasmine, Aladdin, are you awake?” Thinking Jasmine should get some more sleep since she was awfully worried about this Ceria woman, Aladdin staggered to the door.

“Good morning Sultan,” he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, “Come in.”

“My dear boy,” he exclaimed excitedly, waltzing inside, “Where is Jasmine?”

“She’s asleep…”

“No, I’m right here,” she told him, pulling the covers to her shoulders. “Good morning Daddy,” she smiled and kissed him on the nose. “Good morning Al,” Aladdin kissed her softly.

“Good morning my Princess.” She laughed and took his hand.

“Why are you up so early, father?” she asked him suspiciously.

“My dears, I was wondering if the two of you could eat breakfast without me this morning.” He blushed, “Ceria and I have…something planned.”

“It seems you’ve taken a liking to her,” Aladdin spoke up, “but…”

“Father, she’s been acting really rude to Aladdin. She’s been calling him street rat and glaring at him and she…” Jasmine blurted.

“Ah, so that comment from that ‘book’ was directed to her, I presume?” the Sultan asked, eyes twinkling.

Now it was Jasmine’s turn to blush, “well, yes, but I thought…” Aladdin rubbed her back and when she leaned against him, embarrassed, the blanket covering her fell. Aladdin put an arm around her waist, and Jasmine’s father noticed something upon it.

“My, boy, what is that upon your arm?” The Sultan gestured at the bruise. “There’s one on your cheek too, but out of respect I didn’t want to point it out.” Jasmine turned to look at him, fear in her eyes, but she mumbled tell him under her breath.

“Err,” Aladdin stammered, “Ceria pushed me down the staircase.” He removed his hand from Jasmine’s waist, got up and fixed his pants to show the bruised calf muscle.

“Jasmine, are you making Aladdin lie to me about this?” Jasmine was shocked. “Of course not father, that’s the truth. Why would I do such a thing?”

“Are you jealous of my relationship with Queen Ceria?”

“Of course not. Are you jealous of my relationship with Aladdin?”

“No, not at…”

“Why would I lie to you, and worse, why would I have Aladdin lie to you?” Jasmine tried to ask this calmly, but her voice was shaking and getting louder. “Why would you think that? Oh, I’ve had it.” She jumped up ran from the room crying.

“Um, Sultan, I’ll take care of breakfast and Jasmine, go have fun with Ceria.”

“Thank you my boy.”

Five minutes later, Aladdin had reached the door of Jasmine’s old room.

“Jas, can I come in?” He heard a loud sniffle and a quieter yes. He tiptoed in quietly, and saw she was kneeling by her old bed crying, Rajah by her side. “Jasmine, are you alright?” He knelt down next to her and took her in his arms. “Please, don’t cry.”

“Oh, Aladdin, he thinks I lied to him, he thinks I’m jealous of his relationship.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “How am I going to explain to him that Ceria is awful? How? Aladdin, he’s in love with her. Just like I’m in love with you.” She put her head on his shoulder and he stroked her cheek.

“Jas, don’t worry we’ll find a way.” Jasmine smiled weakly and put her arms around his neck, clutching him as tight as she could. She buried her head in his bare chest and they sat for an hour, Aladdin holding her closely.

That hour passed and Jasmine had fallen asleep in Aladdin’s lap.

“Jas, you want to get up?” She stirred and moaned.

“Oh, Al, I’m still upset. Just stressed and oh…”

“Jas, I was supposed to take care of breakfast. I hope Genie did.”

“Genie probably did. Don’t worry. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I feel like a spoiled child.”

“Oh, Jasmine, you’re anything but. You reacted in a fine way. If that had happened to me, I would have been just as upset.”

“You wouldn’t have cried,” she said accusingly.

“Well, maybe not,” Aladdin admitted, “but I would have reacted in a way that I usually respond in, like not talking to anyone, or being mad and stressed out. Come on,” he said, kissing her softly. “We’re having breakfast brought up to our room.”

“Thank you so much, Aladdin,” Jasmine said, hugging him securely, “thank you for everything.”

“Ah, thank you my dear Ceria, this has been fabulous. Great idea.”

“Yes, I had a lot of fun, my Sultan. I love your city of Agrabah,” Ceria said, “I wish Kinner could be as great.”

“Mmmm, I’d love to see Kinner.”

“Well, Sultan,” the devious Ceria replied, “Forgive me for being, ah, too forward, but, if I were to suggest, well,” Ceria looked at the ground, holding back a cackle.

“Yes, Ceria.”

“Well, I seem to have become, ah, attracted to you,” Ceria said, almost snorting with hysterical laughter, “And, I’d like to suggest a marriage, a political marriage, but it would also be a marriage for love, because,” she began to cough, “because I think I’m in love with you.”

“Well, my dear Ceria, that works quite well, considering I think I feel the same way.”

Genie backed away from the door to the Sultan’s bedroom in disbelief. He had just talked to Al and Jas about Ceria, those bruises on Al, and the Sultan’s seeming attraction to her. Marriage? No way! That jerk Ceria, living in the palace, or worse, the Sultan living in her palace? He flew through the hallways looking for Al as quick as he could.

“I’m glad we told Genie,” Aladdin confessed to Jasmine, “he gave me great stuff to put on those bruises.”

“I’m glad he gave you that stuff,” Jasmine replied, rubbing his calf with the medicine. “Hopefully this will make it heal faster,” she told him, moving over towards his back. “Wear a vest today, so it will be easier to put this stuff on.” She began rubbing the medication on his back. “Don’t get on her bad side again, Al, there’s no telling what she’ll do. I don’t want to lose you.”

“Jasmine, she’s just an little old lady.”

“Yeah, and that’s just a little bruise,” she exclaimed sarcastically, pointing at the bruises on his arm and leg. “That lady, however old she may be, did that to you, and it’s beginning to scare me, Al.”

“Don’t worry Jas,” he assured her, “it’s okay, it’ll be alright.”

She came around to the front and started massaging his cheek with the ointment.

“Would you stop moving your head?”

“You’re moving it. When you blend it.”

“I am not,” Jasmine said, pretending to be upset, but she kissed him on the nose anyway. At that moment, the door opened and in flew Iago, Carpet (with Abu on his back) and Genie.

“Al, I need to tell you something really important,” the Genie breathed heavily. Jasmine helped him put on his vest, and Aladdin got up off the bed. “Jas, I, if I tell you, please, don’t get mad.” Jasmine got up suspiciously,

“What is it?”

“It’s, well, Ceria basically proposed to your father, and, well Jas, he said yes.” Jasmine sat on the bed, disbelieving. Genie swallowed. “He said he was in love with her.

“No. He, no…”

“Jasmine, it’s okay,” Aladdin assured her. “It’ll be alright, please, Jas, don’t worry.”

“Aladdin, no, you don’t understand. Now that my father said yes, she has partial control over our kingdom, even though they aren’t married. Like, if I was the queen before I married you, and you proposed to me, and I said yes, the wedding was being planned, you basically would be the new Sultan, even if we weren’t married. You’d have to ask me before you did anything, of course, and since I was the royalty at least by blood, I’d have to approve, so Ceria would have to ask my father first… ”

“So, what aren’t you saying?” Iago asked immediately.

“The Sultan and the soon-be-queen Queen are responsible for all of Agrabah now, and Kinner is passed down to her heir, which I think father said was a son. The son takes care of the war they’re having…”

“This has to do with me, doesn’t it?” Aladdin asked quietly.

“I’m afraid Ceria right now, if my father agrees,” she said tearfully, “has the power to send you away. All of you.” She collapsed in Aladdin’s arms, tears spilling from her eyes.

“Ah, I knew it would work,” Ceria said that night. “I now have control over Agrabah, and if I can mesmerize the Sultan to agree, but I have to leave him as normal as long as I can, so it won’t drain me of my magic. Then Aladdin and his goofy friends leave the palace, Jasmine is heartbroken, I make her marry my son, she rules Kinner, I kill the Sultan, and have total control over Agrabah on my own.”

Sleeping that night was hard for both Jasmine and Aladdin. They were both afraid they were going to lose the most important person in their life. They were sitting on the balcony talking.

“Jasmine?” She looked at him.


“I know this sounds selfish, but Jasmine, I don’t want to lose you.”

“Oh, Aladdin,” she said, sniffling, “It isn’t selfish at all, just sweet. I don’t want to lose you either.”

“No, Jasmine, I don’t want to lose you. I love you, and I can’t bear to think of life without you.”

“Aladdin,” she said sadly, “I love you with all my heart, and we will do something about Ceria, I promise you. I won’t lose you.”

“Jasmine, if Ceria banishes us, and your father doesn’t agree…”

“He’d make her stop.”

“Do you think, do you think he’ll agree, Jas?”

“Well, Al, I don’t know, he’s still mad at me, but…” Aladdin looked horrified.

“Jasmine, him being mad at you would cause him to have us divorce?” Jasmine didn’t look at Aladdin.

“Aladdin, I truthfully don’t know. Please, just, oh…” She began to cry. He opened his arms and she crawled in his lap, tears running down her face. Jasmine wrapped her arms around his neck and he clutched her tightly to his chest. He put his head in her hair, rubbing her back and shoulders.

“I won’t lose you,” Aladdin said firmly, “I won’t.”

Ceria was excited about this whole wedding, for it was her chance to take over Agrabah. It was planned to be exactly a week away. The Sultan too, was excited, gifts were being brought, clothes being sewn, Jasmine was made a bridesmaid against her will, and before Ceria put the Sultan under her control, he asked Aladdin to be best man, although Ceria tried to convince him out of it, the Sultan wouldn’t let her. Neither Aladdin nor Jasmine wanted any part in the wedding.

During the afternoon, Jasmine walked up to her father’s room and knocked on the door.

“Come in, Ceria, dear, is that you?”

“No, daddy, it’s Jasmine,” she said, and opened the door. “Err, hello, daddy, I was wondering, could I talk to you? I mean, before you’re a married man and all.” The Sultan stopped drawing out his plans for the wedding and motioned for Jasmine to come sit next to him on his bed.

“What would you like to talk about? Is it Ceria?” “Well, yes.” Jasmine said guiltily.

“Why, Jasmine?”

“Father, I wanted to tell you that I wasn’t lying, and Ceria really did push Aladdin down the stairs.”

“That’s preposterous! Absolutely not. Jasmine…”

“Father, also,” Jasmine continued, as if she didn’t hear him. “I just want to say one more thing.”

“Yes,” he prodded her, “continue,”

“Do you remember mother?” His face changed, and he looked at her solemnly. “You must have been in love with her, right? That was the only reason you let me marry Aladdin. Because you knew what love truly was.”


“I cannot see how someone for years can cry themselves to sleep for the loss of someone they loved so dearly, then marry another, claiming they love her just as much. I just don’t understand.” Jasmine looked at him sadly. “Father, did you even love her?” She turned on her heel and walked out, tears rolling down her cheeks.

That night at dinner, the Sultan and Ceria made an announcement. The Sultan seemed to be normal, but really was under control of Ceria.

“My dear Aladdin,” she said sarcastically, “I have conversed with the Sultan and we have decided that we no longer want you staying in the Palace with us. Right, my dear?” Aladdin was expecting this sometime soon, but still was a little shocked.

“Yes, Ceria. Aladdin,” the Sultan cleared his throat. “We no longer…”

“Father, you can’t… I love Aladdin, you’re divorcing us. No!”

“Ah, my dear,” Ceria said, “you are engaged to my son Rashid, weren’t you aware?”

“Never!” Jasmine snarled at her. “Father, how could you even agree to this horrible woman?”

“Well, Jasmine, you did have Aladdin lie to me, I felt that you should be taught a lesson. So, as soon as I say I do in my wedding, you and Aladdin are no longer married.”

“Father, what’s wrong with you? You’ve always cared about my feelings, even if you haven’t always believed in them. We talked about this, we did, I told you Aladdin wasn’t lying. Ever since you met this, this witch,” Jasmine spat at him, “you’ve been mesmerized by her.” Aladdin looked at Genie, suspecting something. “Everything she wants you do. I have news for you, I am not marrying Rashid, I am married to Aladdin.”

Aladdin watched her disbelievingly, thinking how she’d have the will to go against her father for him. He looked down at himself, wondering how Jasmine could do that. He was just a street rat, after all. Nothing special.

“Well, Jasmine darling, it’s your loss. Your father and I am getting married, you are marrying my son Rashid, the street rat is going back to the streets, where he belongs.”

Jasmine glared at her and stomped out of the room. Aladdin followed, ignoring Ceria’s order for him to leave the palace, and unaware that she had sent the palace guards after him. Genie and the gang quickly left, staying at Aladdin’s old home, waiting for him. After locking herself in her room, Jasmine cried herself to sleep.

Realizing that Jasmine wasn’t going to let him in, Aladdin went out to the marketplace to his old home and had Carpet fly him to the balcony.

“Jasmine?” He walked over quietly and shook her awake.

“Was it a dream?”

“I’m afraid it wasn’t,” he told her sincerely. “I asked Genie, and he thinks that your father is under a spell of some kind that controls him. Genie said he sensed some powerful magic. Your dad is aware now, that Ceria is controlling him, and you were right the whole time, but probably can’t break that spell. Genie said he wasn’t all too familiar with those kinds of spells, but he said he’d try and figure it out.”

“Oh, Aladdin, I’m scared. She’s taking me to see Rashid tomorrow, she yelled it through the door before. What am I going to do? I’m not going.”

“Well, we’re staying at my old place, Genie somehow locked all the doors, I don’t know how, but now nobody can get up there but us. I know it’s not your usual luxury, but…”

“It’ll be perfect.”

“You won’t be able to bathe.” Aladdin said, teasing her.

“Genie will let me.” Aladdin smiled.

“Do you want to pack clothes?” Aladdin asked.

“I guess, and if you don’t mind, I’d like to take Rajah, there’s no telling what Ceria will do to him. Do you want to pack clothes?” Jasmine asked.

“Yeah, some stuff. Only so you don’t wrinkle your nose when I wear the same clothes for days at a time. I’m sure Rashid never wears the same clothes twice.” Jasmine rolled her eyes, rummaged through a drawer and tossed him a bag.

“Pack, I’ll go find Rajah, and I want to write father a note.”

“Alright,” Aladdin said. “Ten minutes, no longer.” She kissed him on the nose, unlocked the door and left the room. Aladdin shuffled through the drawers, pulling out nightgowns, turbans, shoes, capes, head bands, disguises and anything else he could get his hands on. The door opened and Jasmine walked in, Rajah behind her. Rajah saw Aladdin and pounced on him, paws on his chest, licking his face.

“Almost like you, Jas,” he said laughing. She giggled sadly, looked through the bag and tossed it to Carpet. “Ready my princess? You don’t want to go for a ride, do you?” Jasmine prodded Rajah to jump onto Carpet, and held out her hand to Aladdin.

“Is it safe?” she asked suspiciously, jumping into Aladdin’s lap.

“When we’re together, everything is safe,” he told her, trying to cheer her up and help her forget the worries she had about her father and his safety. Aladdin’s old home was a little bit small for a married couple, a crazy Genie, a jewel obsessed parrot (who by the way, was supposed to vacationing in the fair city of Agrabah) and monkey, a flying carpet and a ferocious tiger, and all seven of them realized it immediately. There was a lot of fighting and they were very cramped.

The people of Agrabah were in shock. First their Sultan wants to get remarried, then their prince is dismissed, their princess went missing along with their whole crazy gang. What was happening?

Jasmine and Aladdin weren’t allowed to be romantic, because Iago said so, Rajah wasn’t allowed to stalk anyone, and Abu wasn’t allowed to steal. Everyone took turns spying on Ceria and the Sultan, who was still mesmerized, and if they didn’t do anything, he would be that way forever. No one was acting like themselves. And since they couldn’t be romantic, Aladdin and Jasmine took to taking walks alone at night.

“Jas?” Aladdin asked, “Do you want to go for a walk?”

“Mmmm,” Jasmine said, opening her eyes. “Alright, let’s go.” He handed her a brown robe disguise which she put over her nightgown.

“Aladdin,” Jasmine asked, “When are we going back to the palace?” He looked at her intently. She took his hand in her own.

“Jas, we have been going back…”

“No, Aladdin, when are we stopping the marriage and going back to live…”

“Getting sick of sleeping on the floor?”

“And having you all watching me bathe,” she said embarrassedly. Aladdin looked sheepish.

“Well, I guess I did kind of watch, well, I mean…”Aladdin stammered. Jasmine wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly.

“I don’t mind you, Al, I meant Iago and Abu. Those two seem like they’ve never seen a girl before, when I’m washing. And besides, I’ve watched you bathe before,” Jasmine said smiling, “Genie and Carpet are too polite to watch, and Rajah has been with me long enough to not care. I miss my father, and the palace, and private baths,” she said with a grin. “And I’m worried about the spell and the wedding, and my father and Ceria, and how we’re going to make everything right.”

“Oh, Jasmine,” he said pulling her close, “Don’t worry, tomorrow is the wedding, hopefully we can stop it. It’s going to be hard, and you’re going to have to be strong.” Aladdin sat down on a bench in an abandoned alley, patting the empty spot next to him. Jasmine sat beside him, her head on his shoulder.

“I’ll be strong, but,” she stopped, “what if we can’t stop the wedding? Where will we go? What will we do? What will happen to my father?”

“Jasmine, it’s going to be you who will make that choice.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll have to chose whether or not you want to stay with us, or go with Rashid or your father.” Jasmine’s eyes bulged out.

“Do you really think I’d go with Rashid?”

“Well, if you went with your father, you’d be sent to live with him.” Jasmine thought about that for a moment.

“Aladdin, I don’t know.” Jasmine threw her arms around his neck, pulling him close to her. “I just don’t know.”

“Al, Jas? Oh, I’m interrupting, sorry I was listening in, but I was wondering where you guys went.” Genie walked out of a solid wall, and still thinking deep thoughts, Jasmine got up and walked back to the hovel, falling asleep quickly under a blanket and pillow, not realizing Aladdin was standing above her watching her sleep most of the night.

The day of the wedding Aladdin awoke early, still worried for Jasmine. They had no real plan, and if they didn’t pull this off they were going to lose Agrabah and the Jasmine’s father, and that would probably cause him to lose Jasmine as well. She’d probably withdraw herself from everything, and…what if Jasmine chose Rashid? What if Ceria promised to free her father if she married Rashid? Aladdin shuddered, realizing how rude he had been to her last night. Asking her to marry a man she didn’t love so she could be with her father was easier that staying with a street rat and his gang in poverty. And living in an abandoned building on the bad side of a city where she had grown up as princess? Jasmine would have bad memories for the rest of her life, he told himself.

“Jasmine,” he rehearsed aloud to the morning sky. “I can’t take it anymore. I feel like a huge jerk for putting that on you yesterday, asking you to choose between your kingdom and your father and me. I just don’t know what to do, and, oh,” Aladdin sighed, “this speech isn’t doing me any good.”

“It’s doing me good,” Jasmine said, putting her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry I walked out last night, I’m just so frustrated.”

“It’s mostly my fault,” he told her, positioning his arms around her waist, “I shouldn’t have said that, I…”

“Shhh,” she put a finger on his lips, quieting him as best she could. “Don’t worry, please.”

“Jasmine, no it was selfish of me, I shouldn’t have done that, I shouldn’t have said that, with all you’re going through, I shoulmmmm…” Jasmine leaned against him, his neck and face in her hands, her lips on his. When she was finished, she held onto him tightly, speaking softly.

“Help me defeat Ceria and get to my father, and then you can apologize all you want. That’s all I ask of you,” she told him quietly. “And don’t worry about being selfish. You’re going through all this out of love, not selfishness, alright?”

Aladdin tightened his grip on her waist, feeling her soft body in his arms. She put her hands in his hair, stroking him tenderly. “ Right. I love you, Jasmine and I’m sorry.” He grinned as best he could, “Let’s go finish off Ceria.”

Many royals arrived that morning, and Jasmine helped identify them from the air with Aladdin.

“That’s Prince Achmed. He was the suitor that came before you,” she said pointing.

“Oh, yeah, he pushed me into the mud,” Aladdin told her.

“Ah, Abu told me about that,” she smiled and pointed again. “Oh that’s a princess from nearby, and that’s her father. Ugh, they were both rude. And he’s…” It went on that way for awhile, until a man dressed in more wealth than any of the other guests, appeared on a beautiful black stallion with servants following him.

“Aladdin, I don’t know him.” Jasmine gestured toward the man.

“Genie reporting, sir.” Genie appeared doing a great impression of an important army officer, with Iago flapping and carrying Abu in his talons alongside him.

“What’s up?” he screeched. “And get a load of those jewels,” he exclaimed, motioning towards the rich guy.

“Uh-huh!” Abu agreed.

“As I was saying Monkey-boy and Bigmouth, that man covered in wealth down there is Prince Rashid. Fly lower Carpet, we need to get a good impression of just who and what our enemy is.” Jasmine stared down at him.

“Wow, Kinner must be pretty wealthy. What I wouldn’t do for one of those diamonds he’s got studded on his saddle on a piece of jewelry…” Everyone stopped to look at her.

“You’re thinking about diamonds at a time like this?” Iago squawked disbelievingly. Abu nodded in agreement. Even Aladdin looked shocked. Jasmine giggled.

“You can’t get between a girl and jewelry.” Aladdin rolled his eyes and muttered dryly.

“I’ll be sure to think of that on our next anniversary.” Jasmine kissed his cheek.

“Forget it. We have to live until our next anniversary,” she exclaimed. Aladdin smiled at her.

“You know Jas, that guy down there is pretty handsome,” Aladdin said wryly. “Maybe you want to meet him. He’s bound to be a better husband than me.”

“Nobody is more handsome than you, and nobody could be a better husband.” She kissed him, ignoring Iago’s ‘Eww gross, girls have cooties’ remark.

After picking up Rajah, they landed on a palace tower. They divided up, Aladdin and Jasmine standing behind the door. They were to go in as the ceremony proceeded. Rajah was hiding behind an altar that Genie had zapped out of nowhere, Abu was hanging from the ceiling, Carpet was on the floor, and Iago perched in the rafters. Genie was in the Palace library, thinking of all the ways they could stop the wedding (which weren’t many). Jasmine was extremely worried, knowing that that if the wedding ceremony finished, she would no longer legally be married to Aladdin, and would be forced to choose between them. Pushing herself against the door, she took Aladdin’s hand, in hers and clutched it tightly.

“Jas,” Aladdin whispered, “I wasn’t you to know I’ll always love you, even if we aren’t married, and get separated.” She looked him boldly in the eyes.

“Don’t worry. I’ll always love you as well. Now shhh…” Jasmine whispered back, “the ceremony’s starting.”

They concentrated on most of it, waiting for Genie’s signal. Suddenly, Genie’s voice was in their heads, ‘everyone out when the words, Speak now or forever hold your peace, are said. And, Iago and Abu, step away from the treasure. Oh, and Rajah, try not to kill anybody.’ Jasmine had to cover her mouth to keep from giggling, even though she was extremely scared and nervous.

“Queen Ceria of Kinner, and Sultan of Agrabah, united to become one kingdom. People present at this wedding, we have been through hard times, and together, we will become one, and face these problems together.” After many boring words, the minister said, “Speak now or forever hold your peace.” The minister said, and Aladdin pushed Jasmine out, then followed her as they ran down the aisle to the altar. A hush went over the crowd, while Genie coaxed the rest of the gang out of their hiding spots. Everyone stood there for a minute, until a voice interrupted the silence.

“Ah, so this is Princess Jasmine, my wife-to-be, how nice.” Prince Rashid said stealthily.

“Never!” Jasmine snarled at him, “I’m married already.” She took Aladdin’s hand in her own. “Release my father. I know he’s been hypnotized by this evil woman.”

“It’s a little late for that, my dear,” Ceria said cunningly. “In a matter of moments, our wedding will bind us together, and your father has no say in whether or not he wants all this now. Oh, and when the service is finished, you will no longer be technically married to the streetrat, and him and his dirty friends will be forced to leave Agrabah. I suppose your daddy no longer loves me, heh?” She smirked and cackled. “Now,” she motioned to the minister, “on with the ceremony.” She quickly took control of the minister’s mind, and he began to talk.

Suddenly, the Sultan twitched, and everyone looked his way. “I...cannot…go through with this. Ceria, you are evil, leave my palace, and my kingdom…” Ceria looked at him terrified. This cannot be, she thought. “Ohhh,” the Sultan moaned, gripping his forehead in pain. Jasmine ran to his side. “Leave my daughter, and my son-in-law. Leave their friends. Guards, seize them!”

Rasoul thundered from the doorway, ready to obey the Sultan, grabbed Ceria while another guard took hold of Rashid, and everyone cheered. Aladdin grabbed Jasmine, kissed her elatedly, picked her up, and twirled her around the room in joy. Genie squeezed Abu and Iago until they both felt as if they’d pop. Carpet wrapped himself around Rajah hugged him. Jasmine jumped from Aladdin’s arms and walked cautiously over to her father.

“Daddy, are you alright?”

“Err, fine, I’ve got a splitting headache, but…”

“Let’s get you in bed daddy, it’s been a long day for all of us.”

“A long week,” Aladdin corrected, walking up behind them. “Jasmine’s right, you really should rest.”

“No, wait both of you. Please, have Genie dismiss everyone in here, I need to talk to the two of you alone.” Aladdin told Genie what the Sultan wanted, and when the crowd had parted, the three of them sat on the marble floor amidst fallen decorations. “Listen, Jasmine, Aladdin, I owe both of you an apology. I’m sorry we went through all that,” he told them. “I…I…”

“Sultan, it’s alright, everyone makes mistakes,”

“Aladdin, this was no mistake, this was stupidity. I was so absorbed in what I thought was love…”

“Sultan, it’s okay. I know how you feel.” He wrapped an arm around Jasmine, who stayed silent, “I’m always absorbed in love.” Jasmine giggled and kissed Aladdin’s nose.

“Daddy, Aladdin’s right,”

“Jasmine, and that conversation we had,”

“What conversation?” Aladdin asked.

“Shh, I’ll tell you after.” Jasmine told him.

“I thought about how much I loved your mother every day I was under Ceria’s control. I realized you were right, I still had so much love for your mother. But, Jasmine, I want you to know, your mother isn’t coming back to us. And that’s it. It wasn’t because I loved Ceria more than your mother. I just know I have to let go sometime. This obviously was the wrong time. And it obviously wasn’t true love.” He had tears in his eyes when he said this.

“Father, I’m so sorry,” Jasmine said, tears spilling from her eyes.

“I’m sorry too.” The three sat in silence for awhile, until the Sultan interrupted the stillness.

“I see your bruises have healed,” he told Aladdin.

“Yeah, well…”

“I’m sorry I accused you both of lying.”

“It’s okay daddy. Everything’s okay now. I promise.” She pulled herself to her feet. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”

It was a week later, and the Sultan was feeling stronger, now that Ceria was gone. He could fully control his body, but he was stressed about something Jasmine couldn’t figure out.

“Aladdin, I thought we talked everything out. Why is daddy still upset?” She stared at him intently with her back against the cool marble of the balcony.

“Jas, think about it, he really thought he loved Ceria, didn’t he? What would you have done if you had lost me?”

“But Aladdin…”

“Jasmine, he finally found somebody who could help him take his mind off your mother, have fun with, and care about. He was lonely until he met Ceria. She portrayed herself as the perfect person for him.” He turned his body around and leaned off the balcony, staring into the dark of night. “He’s sore about falling for her and losing her, and about us. He’s probably upset we were right, when he really wanted someone he could spend the rest of his days with.” They sat in silence on the balcony for a couple of moments.

“You’re right Aladdin, you’re right about everything.” The Sultan strode onto the balcony. “Aladdin, Jasmine,” He took both their hands in his own. “I’m so sorry. I’m not sure if I meant what I said a week ago. After the wedding, I mean. I thought Ceria and I could be together forever,” He placed Jasmine’s hand inside Aladdin’s, and tried to smile through tears. “Just like you two will always be. And, I’m so sorry, because it looks as if I failed.”

“Oh, Daddy…” Jasmine stopped sadly.

“Sultan, I don’t think you failed.” Aladdin told him.

“You, you don’t?” He asked incredulously. “Why?”

“I think you just realized that you can only have one true love in your life.” He pulled Jasmine closer to him. “You loved Jasmine’s mother so much, and you just felt you could have a good time with Ceria. You can care about someone, but it doesn’t mean you sincerely love them. And still, you can love somebody and care about them as well. I think you thought you loved her. But there is only one true love in somebody’s life. And you had your true love, it was Jasmine’s mother.” The Sultan nodded.

“Thank you both. Tomorrow, can we have breakfast together, just us three.” Aladdin and Jasmine nodded in agreement. And, well, if you don’t mind, I have one more person I need to apologize to.” He shuffled out, and Aladdin took Jasmine back into their room. They were silent for a few moments while they were dressing and fixing their bed.

“Aladdin, who was my father going to apologize to?”

“Well, Jas, if I’m correct, he’s going to apologize to the stars.”

“The stars?” She asked, it suddenly dawning on her.

“The stars, and his one true love who is among them.”