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Welcome to My Beautiful webSite...(lol)...this is MY Place to express myself and get my thoughts outta my head and into the Universe! Here you’ll find information on all my favourite things including LOTR, POTC, Muppet Movies, 80's classics, The Osbournes, Costume Design and Fashion!!! So sit back, relax, and try to figure out how my crazy little mind works! (lol)

Updated October 19, 2004.

This is Life As We Know it... it sux and then you die! I've maxed out my stress level this month! I'm working multiple jobs, doing school stuff and trying to balance in my own social dilemas! Somehow life doens't seem to stop like it used to, I used to be able to catch my breath but now I can't! I need this study break that's coming up just to relax for a minute! Life is passing me by too quickly... it's all becoming a blur now... I feel empty and full at the same time! It's taking over me! I need to breathe!


SO the summer has come and gone... I came, I saw, I was... ya right! I didn't do much, Relaxed for 4 months and now I am back in Toronto to continue my education! lol... And finally I even remember this sites address! ha ha! no one said that I was smart alright? I want to be back home today! This is not a time to be so far from Home! Sadness over comes me on this dark day! Everything is eventual! Honestly!


So I havn't been really updating this site! lol... AND Now I'm moving away for the Summer! SO I guess this means this site will be on hold for the next 4 months and will be updated in September when I return! These last four months have been crazy! I Know I have grown so much, even since my first posting of this website! I only hope that my future looks as bright and that I only further develop my mind and Self Knowledge! Wishing me the bestest luck with my summer ventures! I'll Be Back...


Today is a Damn good day...I feel at peace right now! Relaxed and Happy... I have created a Live Journal Now! It works better to get my daily thoughts out compared to this... No HTML Bullshit there! lol...But I won't forget this site! It's Me! It's classic... I just havn't had the time lately! But I'm back now! Aww Piss me off... ER's not on tonight! Way to damper the spirit CTV! sigh...I'll sleep with the memories of today...Check out my Journal...Go to My Links section!


I'm tired of being ME! That prolly sounds awful, but I don't mean "ME" was a poor choice of words! what I mean to say is I'm tired of the typical things people think of me! Doesn't anyone understand that I don't want to be known just as someone else's little sister! I'm 18 now! SO I just don't know why I am perceived the way I am! I'm never 'sexy', I'm always 'cute'...I'm never 'hot', I'm 'beautiful...I've been stuck with this "cabbage patch Doll" image that follows me wherever I go! Doesn't anyone realize I don't want to be a little girl anymore! I want to break out here! I want to be a new me! But no one will let me! AHHH!!! How do you get rid of a reputation U've had for 18 years?How do you prove you're not a little girl anymore without facing question and ridicule? Is it Possible? It's something to think about........


I watched POTC last night… That is positively the BEST movie out there! Hee hee… It has everything I Luv! Comedy, Action, Pirates, Fabulous Baroque Dresses...and ofcourse Orlando Bloom! (tee hee)….I Luv watching movies! I could sit on my Ass and watch ‘em all day! If only school didn’t get in the way! But I’m not complaining! I’m actually taking Fashion Merchandising right now! It’s eventual! One day I hope to be doing Film/Theatre Wardrobe! I’m too shy to do actually ACT in a movie… But I’m not shittin’ ya when I say I Luv Movies! HA HA!

I am probably the only person around who hasn't seen The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King...I really want to go see it! Damn! I havn't seen the other two in awhile either! I'm havin' withdrawls here :( Webistes and Screensavers just arn't the same! I Need to buy the movies for myself soon! doh! Has Anyone Else read the Spanish Script for FOTR??? No?! well...I did! Cuz LOTR is "Mi tessssoro..." (lol)

Roomates were created to test a person's strength and tolerance!

ok...I guess that means I have a LOW tolerance level! She is annoying the HELL out of me again! She's one of the messiest people I have ever met! The fact that I am Obsessive Compulsive has Nothing to do with it really... Nobody should have to put up with this laziness! Why can't people have more respect for others? I try my best to be nice to Her! *sigh*... I suppose everyone must deal with some stress, I may consider myself lucky that this is the worst problem right now! Hee hee

Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?

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