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2 The Limit – Feature Film


2 THE LIMIT is a fast paced, action packed journey into the life of professional motorcycle racing: the betrayal of a racer to his team, the frustrating recruitment process, love and hate on and off the course, and the guts it takes to become a champion. This is the crowning portrayal of life and death on the motorcycle raceway.

The only survivor of a family that was involved in a deadly car wreck leaves Josh Gale hopeless, dejected, and fearful of getting too close to anybody ever again. Working in a motorcycle repair shop and street racing are the sole means that keep him feeling alive. Though, that all changes when Alex Yates approaches him with an offer of a lifetime.

Alex Yates is the manager of Team Advantage Motorcycle Racing. Just days before the crucial start of the race season, Mark Amies, Team Advantage’s number one rider abandons the team. With no available riders to fill Mark’s spot, Tommy Rose, Team Advantage’s number two rider, relays to Alex of his friend Josh’s natural ability to command a bike. Leaving Alex no other option, he hunts Josh down and takes him aboard the team.

Mark and Josh’s rivalry and competitive edge, push them both to their limits as they pursue their rush and addiction of the speedway. In the relentless chase of the finish line, they often go well over 150 mph – resulting in lightening fast action where racers have to successfully dodge other competitors or face brutal & deadly collisions.

Josh’s life is made complete again not only by belonging to Team Advantage, but also by falling in love with Veronica. Through her tenderness and patience, Josh learns what it means to feel love again and trust in others.

2 THE LIMIT is a ‘non stop’ thrill ride. It’s about living life to the extreme, having no regrets, and finding out that life only begins when fear fades away.


JOSH GALE OF TEAM ADVANTAGE is a handsome and athletic younger man. He is also a fiercely independent spirit due to the loss of all his family members in a brutal car wreck. Not one to ever turn down a challenge, he takes up an offer to become a professional motorcycle racer. As the story unfolds, it reveals that Josh is actually a witty, charming, outgoing and enduring character. His natural born leadership capabilities enable him to win the season championship as well as the heart of his true love.

ALEX YATES, MANAGER OF TEAM ADVANTAGE is an extremely good looking and fit man. He is the key individual in the making and maintenance of TEAM ADVANTAGE. Always attentive and professional, he keeps Josh and Tommy performing at their best - on and off the track. A man of honor and dignity, Alex is the epitome of what all managers strive to become.

KELLY WARNER is the stunning girlfriend of Alex Yates. She is loving, loyal and very secure in her relationship with her man.

TOMMY ROSE OF TEAM ADVANTAGE is an attractive, in shape, young man. He thinks of himself as a player, but at heart he is the definition of friendship and loyalty. A true hero, he is the reason for Josh’s second chance at life. Tommy and Josh’s combined force make Team Advantage the champion among all race teams.

VERONICA ROSE is a beautiful and physically attractive young lady in her twenties. She is Tommy’s intelligent and tenderhearted sister that falls in love with Josh. Just like her older brother, she understands the meaning of commitment and is willing to go through the fire for the ones she loves.

SABRINA PAGE is Veronica’s best friend and the life of the party. She always has a smile on her face and is absolutely guy crazy.

MARK AMIES, EX-MEMBER OF TEAM ADVANTAGE is a ruggedly handsome man. Being a relatively seasoned rider, he feels somewhat threatened by the new and faster members of the sport. His hardened edge and self confidence is shown in how he attacks any and everything that stands in his way of being champion. Creating an intense competition for Josh, Mark is a skilled rider that knows no limits.

VIC BRAUN is Mark’s girlfriend with an attitude. She thinks that she is better than everyone else and is not afraid to say so. She stands close to Mark at all times and the groupies would not dare approach him for fear of her wrath.

GARRY SIMS, CHIEF MECHANIC OF TEAM ADVANTAGE is a hard working man in his mid to late 40’s. He is Alex’s good friend and an indispensable asset to the team. A veteran to the job, he is always confident and competent with his work on the track. Though, his one drawback is that he stresses way too much.

TED SILVER, ATTORNEY FOR TEAM ADVANTAGE is a man who takes his job very seriously. He works hard in providing the best possible legal counsel for Alex and he is able to keep calm and level headed in any situation.

BARBARA ANSOM is Ted’s capable and efficient secretary. She loves her job and is very professional in her conduct and manner.

CAM SMITH AND DAVE HUNTER OF TEAM ERIOS are easy going characters in their mid 20’s. They are a powerful team and rank among the top in the professional motorcycle racing circuit. They befriend Josh and become an integral part of his social circle.

BRENT COLLINGS AND STEVIE KILMER OF TEAM MSR are friends of Team Advantage and Team Erios. They are both in their early 20’s and love the rush of being professional racers. Though, Stevie has the unique distinction of being the only girl racer on the circuit and she sometimes over compensates by trying to be tougher than the other guys.

PRIMARY SPORTSCASTER is a professional in the art of communication with an abundance of charisma and energy. A veteran to the sport, this person is always eager to announce the unfolding events of each race - in a way that keeps the audience of the edge of their seats.