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Silver Wolves

This site is dedicated to The Story Tellers Tavern. It is a guild in neopets dedicated to showing stories and reading others. Also, members in the guild will be able to show their poems and song lyrics and get help with things if they get stuck. Check out the guild by going here Or click on the link at the bottom of the page. The guild members work will sometimes be displayed here. Also so with winners of contests and such. Learn more by going to the guild. If you are not a member of neopets you can not get the guild unless you make an account.

Stories will be put here with author's name.

Author:aeiy/firemoonblaze(creater of site) Title:Not yet titled

It was a long time ago, when the chimney sweepers still walked the roof tops and the horse's hooves still echoed along the city's cobble stone streets. I was a little girl then, only about seven or eight. Even with my young age I can still remember every word he spoke.

"No! Please stop! It was me!" I yelled at mother. My little brother, Tim, had accidentally knocked over a small glass dove while my mother was out getting bread and more thread for her sewing. It had shattered and when she got back Tim was crying and she assumed it was his doing. Mother turned and looked at me, the beating stickheld with one hand in the air. "You broke my dove?" She asked in almost a whisper. I gulped and nodded my head yes. "Come here." She said in that same quite tone. My heart began pumping fast and I looked around the room searching for a way out. I ran past her to the door. My hand slipped on the door knob, the most frightenin second of my seven year old life I would think. On the second try I wrenched open the door and slammed it behind me.I ran down the dark streets soon hearing my mother not far behin me. I ran into one alley after another randomly trying to make my escape. Suddenly a hand reached out from another alley, grabbed me, and pulled me into the darkness clamping a hand over my mouth. My mother ran past hastily, worry clouding her face. The hand disappeared from my mouth and I looked towards the figurebut it was to dark to see details past that it was a man, he was tall but far from clumsy. He beckoned me to follow him with a gently pull on my arm and he disappeared down the thick blackness of the mysterious alley.

I stood alone what seemed like hours though it was only a few seconds. It was so quite and some what eerie. Not even the strange man's footsteps seemed to register in my mind. Was there even any footsteps when he left me so suddenly?Who was he? A million other questions popped up in my mind and soon most of them would be answered and I would never forget for I shall never want to.

Despite my fears and utter emptiness I followed him soon seeing his silhoette standing in a small doorway. I stepped past him and took my first step down a long stair way, and an amazing adventure.

(More of the story will be added later.)

Author:firemoonblaze/aeiy(creator of site)

Title: Windscar

Chapter: Blood Dream

In a blink of an eyes every thing turned from bright colors to black and white. "No..." She began to run, she had to get away from all the people. The girl suddenly had a strange feeling in her stomach, wether it was from the transformation or from the look on every ones face, she didn't know. Her plan was to run to the forest and get as far as she could in there, hopefully that would be enough. As the girl reached the forest she began to feel the prickles of hair growing from her skin.

She ran far into the forest untill she thought she was well away from all the people. There she sat down against a tree and watched the long claws growing on her nuckles. Then her wonderful senses kicked in, unluckily they kicked her a nasty surprise. She could smell above her a boy. She jumped up seeing a boy sitting in the tree.

This boys death mistake? Jumping down from the tree. "Hurry, run while you still can!" The boy snickered looking at her newly formed ears, " it Halloween already?" The girl looked at him with pleading eyes, she did not want him to be her first victum. "Please sart running, with any luck you'll get to the town before I kill you." The boy titled his head and gave a questioned look, the girl knew he had just lost. "I am sorry that I have to do this, it won't be fair to you or...grrr." Her voice was drowned out by growls and she dropped to her four legs.

You could see a glint of sorrow in her eyes before the wolf took over, now all was left was hatred and hunger. She gave a loud and frightening howl that it seemed the whole world had frozen in fright. Then she bared her fangs and leaped at him.

(second chapter will be added later)

The site will soon have story to a not yet created Teen Titans show, Alex, a werewolf, meets the Teen Titans and disaster happens between her, the Titans, and Beast Boy like it once did when they mingled with and old friend, Terra. Also find out the adventure of a soon to be written book of powerful but deadly wolf spirits and confused pasts and futures! All coming soon for your eyes only and entertainment!
A little thing about me!

A COPPER Dragon Lies Beneath!

My inner dragon color is COPPER. Click here to try the Quiz!
My inner dragon is the mighty warrior of dragon-kind. I don't play silly head-games or use fruity magic, I stick to the basics: big muscles and lots of flame. Wipe that smirk off your face, pal. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.

My other Inner dragon which is not that inner!

A BLACK Dragon Lies Beneath!

My inner dragon color is BLACK. Click here to try the Quiz!
My inner dragon is one of two harmonious dragons (the other is White). Deep down I'm dark, foreboding, and just a tad wicked. *evil grin* Fun, no? Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.

This is what they said: If there ever was an apparition of Evil to strike terror into the hearts of man and beast, your Inner Dragon is it. Blackies are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. Your antithesis is the White Dragon. Together, you two embody the Yin and Yang concept of eastern religions (especially Taoism). But of course, being a Blackie on the inside you couldn't care less about that religion garbage. You like to chomp things, cause trouble, make off with people's significant others, and so on and so forth. Your favorable attributes are night, the Moon, the stars, dreams, psychic guidance, balancing Karma, seeking truth, and helpful dark magic. Everybody's still got to watch out for you though, because deep down you like to smite at random and have a nasty breath weapon combination of Fire and Acid. *evil grin* Fun, no?

Please e-mail me if you like my website so far! I am sorry to say that my werewolf story(not the teen titans one) will not be shown for a few weeks, please bare with me. Also, if you like neopets and you have made an account and had fun roleplaying but want more, visit a great wolf guild where roleplaying will soon be a great event. Go to neopets and in the search box type in: Neo Wolf Masters
Beware! I am very evil! Though I can not garintee that I am a blood sucking vampire or a crazy killing spree werewolf or not, I am still very very very very very very very very very very very very very evil! Example: I typed in 13 verys just for you to read them and be cursed forever?!! Muhahahaha! (If you want to learn something off the streets, five or more exclimation marks are sure signs of insanity. HAHAHA(evil laugh)!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever noticed that evil grins and evil laughs go together like peas and carrots? *evil laugh**evil grin* Muhaha(one for the road)Muhaha!
I am sorry but the link to my e-mail at the bottom of the page is currently undercontsruction so be smart and find some other way to contact me if you want to, send in your comments. Find the website message boards at or click on the last link at the bottom of the page. At the message boards you can roleplay with many different things!
Comment of the week:

Time is veiwed in two ways, it is a never ending way to spoil you life with waiting and annoyance,or, time is a promise.

Think about what time is to you and what you think of it, then send it in to me. If you have a comment of your own please send it to me(e-mail) and I would love to post it on this page!

Do whatever you want

A few dark creatures that you might want to use for a story you are writing!

Great websites for rpg, roleplay, and superstition!

By mythology web, see intresting facts, new books on strang things, and chat to others.
I can't garintee the friendliest of websites, but talk to others about mythology and other strange experiences.
Find out about a newly developing blues/other band writing songs from the heart, soon to hear their music and lyrics.
Once going here click on Roleplay and enter a world where you choose what kind of roleplay or make up your own on vampires, fantasy, and much much more.
After making an account, be one of four mythical creatures and enter the creatures rpg world!
To do roleplaying for this website go here.
The Story Tellers Tavern
