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The Wolf Kin

"Wolves remember things differently from the way people do. Every wolf remembers the history

of all wolves, or at least the shape of it. They remember running down

prey side-by-side with men, but it was so long ago that

it's more like the shadow of a shadow than a memory."

The phenomenenon of Wolf brothers and sisters is an old thing, as old

as humankind and wolves, far older than Aes Sedai. It has nothing to do

with the One Power and any attempts in stilling or gentling would be futile.

In the Wheel of Time

In the Wheel of Time Books there are three known Wolf Brothers.

Wolves and Wolf brothers/sisters

click on the dragons to view the wolf brothers and sisters of

and the Wolves which appear in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time.

Websites of Interest

Tar Valon
The Bel Tine Babes
Bel Tine Babes message board
The Tower Angels
Dreamwalkers/wolf brothers message board