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The moon is full overhead, the glow casting shadows over the mountian, illuminating the silhouette of a Kougra up upon a tall tree. Its red eyes stare down at you in an eerie silence. In a swirl of feathers and wind, the large Kougra takes off. You run after it, running as fast as you can, your steps echoing each time your shoes hit the pavement. Becoming short of breath, you stop and hide around a corner as you watch the Kougra come to a landing upon the ground and disappear into the shadows with no word nor sound...


As you walk in you notice a huge Demonic Kougra, but this what is different, He has three sets of wings; Two sets are small dragon-like, and the one other is Giant angel wings tipped with a blue-ish white color. He stands apind his hind legs, a long, furry-featherd tail swipes at the ground below him. Holding a sky-blue pearl necklace, with a silver chain, wrapped around his neck. A long scarf falls close to his feet, tipped with the same color as his wings.
You look at him with awe, "Wow, that is one beautiful Kougra." Turning around a bit, you see his face. Medium sized eyes lined with a blue-ish purple fur, one eye covered with a feather mane. His ears perked backward, he turns around and notices you.
His eyes narrow, he turns around holding a long sword, different from normal ones, sways around with him in his hand. Brown leather guanlets trimmed with white, showing only his claws hold this sword, while arms of muscle yet thin hang in the air.
Placing his sword to his side his face turns careless again. "'Ello there." You knock yourself from fear and return is greeting. "uh, uh, Hello."
"Sorry if I scared you. You just caught be off-guard." He smiles and welcomes you to his plain.
You ask yourself in your head and decide, you must ask him. "You, you, look different from normal Kougra's and that sword, I have never seen it before?" You say it, wondering if it was the right thing to start out with.
He grins and lets a small laugh excape his throat. "Well, I'm not the same, and I'm glad, I wasn't born in Neopia, infact I'm really not a 'Kougra' But more of and Angel and no normal angel either. I'm infact part android, though this is what I have looked like since birth, I have been in serious battles throughout my life, and that is why," He holds his sword close to his face, his snout reflecting from the blade. "This sword was created with my own magic, but holds more then just that, it would be too complicated to explain."
Glad that he answers, you reply. "I see. Well, my name is #VISITOR, what is your name?" Thinking, too many questions, but I have to know.
"My name is Oleson, it means many different things in my language." Walking around to the small white birds that flutter near a great oak. Oleson holds his hand out, they fly over and land on his one outstretched claw.
((Straya will finish this when she gets time, got to go to do homework now! XD))

"Hmmmm...well, I love flying around and taking adventures with my Wife, Alburniea. I also love sitting in the clouds and watching down on all of the Neopets in Neopia. One thing, I have loved to do forever, is play with my Magic, it's a great pass-time, but don't underestimate it's power.

"Heh..Straya..She is one Insane owner. She's a White-ish blue haired person who loves to have fun." he laughs. "Well Straya is a pretty Cool owner. She lets us do whatever we like and spoils us rotten."

"This be Zacharaihi. We call him Zach for short, his a great little draik. Like me, he is different, but his people don't understand it that easily, so is hard for him to get many friends. One funny thing is a loves to fly and sometimes his runs into something and falls." He laughs under his breath.

"Well, you have heard. This is my wonderful and forever loving wife, Alburniea. We have known eachother since shildhood and were married January 2, 2003. I love her with all my heart and will do anything for her."
Reaching out to catch shooting stars
To hold them in our hands
Longing for something strong to hide our weakness


  • Flying
  • Adventures
  • Sometimes, Friends
  • Training
  • Battling in the BattleDome
  • Meat
  • Alburniea



"Here are my Stats. I may not be the strongest Kougra, but these days it's hard to train. So, my owner relies mostly on Faerie Quests. (What a bum)"

Species : Kougra
Colour : Darigan
Gender : Male
Age : 693 days
Level : 30

Health : 30 / 30
Strength : GREAT (26)
Defence : beyond godly
Move : GREAT (22)
Intelligence : ULTIMATE GENIUS (123)

Name : Scowler
Age : 479 days
Level : 5
Color : Normal (White)

Counter Started: November 1, 2003

Place this link in your shop/lookup/guild/webpage to show all those stupid people in Neopia, that you want them gone!!