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The wEiRd Network, a place made by the people for the people

The wEiRd Network

What's to come?

What is the wEiRd Network you ask...?

Well that's a good question, to tell you the truth, the weird network is anything you want it to be. It solely depends on the peoples will to post plays, poems, stories, art, opinions, anything you can think of. It'll expand with the peoples expansion of creativity. As of the current moment, it's under construction. Now there is only ONE rule at this website that everyone must obey. There can be no stealing, copying or taking of anyones works without their permission. If you do take their works I will know about it, and if you do it without their permission I will find out who you are, and I will ban you from this site. If you use their works and say they are your own, the owner of the work that was stolen could under some circumstances sew you. Please just post here and be inspired by peoples creativity, stealing is an issue no one should face. Come back soon when the wEiRd Network is fully operational!


Areas of wEiRd

The Art Gallery (UnderConstruction)
The Writing Corner (Under Construction)
The Music Hall
The Weird Network Blog (where you want to go to ask if you can post stuff)

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