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My Profile

I love my sweetie Çynthia. Shes my everything. Im bored and i read cynthias profile 3 times today so i wanted to write how i feel dunno why but wateva i guess i could say all the crap bout my name is blah deh fucking blah but only 11 ppl can read it at this point so fuck it you all know me thats why i added you n if u dont fuck u i dont care. i love one person and it makes me sad thinking about her with any other person but i still do because i dont see myself as perfect and i jus think that she could do better (if she changes this profile i didnt do it) but jus i feel bad alot because in my opinion i mess up and it makes me sad when i see her sad mostly because of somethin i do or say. i have jealousy issues all of u would agree but can u blame me my lifes been crappy and i finally have a reason to stop n think before jumpin off a cliff...ok so i still may jump but i thought about it...i guess the point is im nothin without her i dedicate everythin to her even if she thinks she doesnt deserver credit. shes my life and i would die without her, symbolism and metaphors and all the other crap u all use to describe feelings truly doesnt cut it unless you can truly say ud die for them ud bleed for them u have been through pain for them and the realationship lives on ive been through all that and more and its still amazin she still suprises me she can always make me smile in everyway...but most importantly she looks at me like no one has ever looked at me she looks at me and only me no one else is around its only me and as if nothings wrong even if we jus had a bad day she makes me realise that all the crap in life is worth it and that no matter wat we can work through a problem and not jus forget it even if thats the easy way i hate thinkin i might lose someone that special no one could replace her in my mind. tears come to my eye jus thinkin of it but i cant help it its jus too much at times tryin to make sure that i dont mess up somethin this perfect although i do normally mess up in fact this is the one thing i havent messed up n its nice to know that but i jus cant help thinking i will im srry to those that jus sat to read this n expected a different not so sappy love story but its the only story i have n it is my story and as far as last comments go this is wat i think profiles should be i place to express yourself to those that matter ok so wat if this is really jus for cyn i want her to know how i feel and i thought this would be the best way jus to say that this is my life n nothin else matters mores not who i am not my hair color not even wat i enjoy doing because she is wat defines me and that will never change.....