One night, Me and Kara came back from a late night movie. It got us in the mood. We decided to go to her house since her parents were out for the weekend. She told me she was going to take a shower to go get comfortable on her bed. She had just got out of the shower I heard the door open slowly. She stepped out I look up and down her body. The towel hung from her chest and barely covered her crotch. "That felt so gooooood," Kara said to me while looking me straight in the eye. "Good," I replied, Kara approached her bed and began crawling up towards me. Her towel eventually broke free and feel from her wet body. I laid there as my cock grew hard in my boxers. I tried to conceal it by pulling the blanket over me but Kara grabbed the blanket off of me. As Kara got within inches of my face, my eyes were glued to her beautiful body. Water from her body began dripping on me as she straddled my legs and sat up. Her tits hung there in front of me as we looked each other in the eyes. "I want to play " she said with a smile, "and I wont take no for an answer." I nodded my head slowly and said ok as she leaned forward and planted a big kiss on my lips. Then she slid back on my legs and moved her mouth down to my crotch. Kara slowly pulled my semi hard cock from my boxers and took me into her mouth. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as she began to suck the life out of my cock. She sucked and stroked me for a good 5 minutes before I was ready to explode. She never stopped sucking and began swallowing every drop of my cum as it sprayed into her mouth. Kara then looked me in my eyes and began kissing me again as she positioned herself above my shaft. She slowly guided me into her tight cunt and we began fucking passionately. She sat on top of me, her hands against the wall as she rode me hard. My cock penetrated her deep as she rocked her hips back and forth. Then she leaned back and pulled me on top of her, my cock never leaving her pussy. I lifted her legs up on my shoulders and began pumping my rod in and out of her while she squeezed her fat tits. "Fuck me hard," she whispered to me, "fuck me good and hard." We continued fucking for another 10 minutes or so, my balls slapping against her ass as my cock disapeared into her wonderfully wet cunt. When I felt myself ready to cum again, she had me pull out and a told me to cum on her face. I did as she requested and my cum shot from my cock and landed all over her face. I continued stroking myself as I watched my cum roll down her nose towards her lips. Kara set up arching her ass towards my face. I leaned back with my cock in hand as she began fingering her ass. She managed to work 2 fingers into her tight ass as I began stroking my limp cock. "You want a piece of this too?" she asked while looking back at me. "Yes please," I replied as I got up on my knees behind her. She took hold of my semi hard cock and began guiding it into her ass. she spread her legs and rested her chest on the bed while I began fucking her again. "Oh yes," she began screaming, "fuck me good. Make me cum." We continued fucking and I knew I was not going to cum again, but it was obvious she was having numerous orgasms from this ass fucking. I reached down between her legs and played with her soaking wet cunt as her yelling and moaning grew louder. Finally, she neither of us could take anymore and we both collapsed on the bed with my cock still rammed up her ass. We laid there for what seemed like eternity as we caught our breath. As we rested we both fell asleep with my cock still rammed in her ass.


The mind of a raver is unique It's like nothing n e one has ever seen It is filled with thoughts of peace love unity and respect And because of that the outside world is scared It is scared that the ways we live will change It is scared of peace because it feels nothing will ever be accomplished without hate and war It is scared of love because it is scared of comittement It is scared of unity because it is scared of living in harmony with one an other It is scared of respect because it is scared of thinking of someone as its equal A raver has accepted these things into its comunity It has accepted peace love untiy and repect And because of this it is a better person If everyone would accept this all would be good But unfortunately because the world is scared of change this isnt gonna happen All ravers do is look at the world from a different prespective as the world looks upon itself We are not trying to change the world All we are doing is trying to enjoy it through all that is wrong with it and trying to find the things that are right and emphasizing them one thing at a time.......PLuR


I shall wear tweed, and cheerful bright clothing. Further. I will only wear trench coats if its raining or foggy and I will avoid cloaks unless I am going someplace that they are appropriate, like a costume party or Ren Faire. I will avoid wearing studded leather jackets and PVC fetish-wear. Not only is it uncomfortable to wear in extreme climates, in some parts of the world it can get you fired, beaten up, propositioned or arrested. People expect vampires to be drawn and pale, so I will use cosmetics to make myself look like a sun-worshipper. If having a widow's peak is part of vampirism, I will do my best to disguise that fact with an appropriate and flattering hair style. I will not have anything bat-shaped or skull-shaped in my house. It's stereotypical and tacky and it's the first thing that vampire hunters expect. * I shall immediately purchase a Hooked on Phonics tape, in order to lose any Romanian accents I may have. If I can manage it effectively, I will instead affect an accent that people don't normally associate with vampires, such a Liverpool Scouse or Appalachian. My transportation will emphasize utility over style and must fit into the local surroundings. [* I will not purchase an expensive foreign sports car or motorcycle. An economical, multi-terrain vehicle with 4 wheel drive will be just fine.] Most importantly, any vehicle I drive will be customized to keep out sunlight and/or provide a hiding place where I can rest in an emergency. People expect vampires to be rich, glamorous, and reclusive. To throw my hunters off the scent, I will live in an unglamorous location (like Oklahoma City or Shawnee) and carefully cultivate a middle-class, middle-brow image. It's hard to think of a guy who goes to PTA meetings as being a blood-sucking fiend. I will volunteer at the local hospital or Red Cross blood center. Not only will it make me look good in the eyes of the community, it will also allow me to (discreetly) steal human blood without draining people directly. My Lair ... Instead of living in a gloomy castle on top of a storm-swept hill or a brooding mansion, I will live in a discreet suburban split-level ranch house (or at least something that looks like it from the outside). Medieval wrought-iron gates, time-worn hand-forged padlocks, and spiked iron fences are charming, but obsolete. I will invest in a modern state of the art security system, including barred windows and doors, deadbolt, pass-coded locks, and an electric alarm system that is hooked into the local police station. If I am capable of turning into mist, my inner sanctum and several escape routes will only be accessible by people who are capable of turning into a gas. My escape routes will have multiple holes in them so I can't be trapped by plugging up both ends of a pipe or tunnel. If I am capable of flight in any form, I will have at least one entrance to my lair, and one escape route, which is only accessible by people who are able to fly or float. If I don't need to breathe, then I will use this advantage to the fullest. I will have at least one area that can be flooded with poisonous or noxious gas to discourage trespassers and one escape route (or lair entrance) that goes under water for some distance. If I am vulnerable to fire, I will install a state-of-the art sprinkler system and I will keep fire extinguishers handy. Likewise, I will make my surroundings fire-resistant. This means no torches or wildly flammable decor. If I am vulnerable to damage from wood, everything in my home will be made from plastic, stone and/or metal. If I am only vulnerable to a certain type of wood, I will live in a part of the world where that wood doesn't grow naturally, or better yet in an area where trees don't grow at all. If I am able to see in the dark, I will take advantage of this, and have areas where there are no lights. However, I will also have the ability brightly illuminate any part of my lair, so any hunters can't hide in the gloom. If I am vulnerable to sunlight, I will have more than one barrier against it in my lair. All windows and doors in my lair will be securely closed during the day and there will be no windows at all in my resting place. It's just silly to get turned to dust because a vampire hunter opens a window. Security Measures ... * I will be secure in my immortality. I do not have to share my story with any reporter or struggling writer. * Artists are over-emotional and unstable. I shall not keep company with them whatsoever. * I will immediately become Agnostic, disarming any cross-wielding religious maniacs. Better yet, I will move to a part of the world where the dominant religion isn't Christianity. If I am repelled by the scent of garlic, I will keep a gas mask handy. If I must sleep in a box filled with my native soil, I won't have a coffin. Instead, I will disguise my sleeping place as a box bed, coffee table, decorative flower planter, or kitchen cupboard. I also resolve to have many boxes of earth stashed in multiple locations. Heck, I'll landscape my yard with the stuff! * I shall not keep a coffin in the basement, that's the first place people look. Or, if I do, it will be a booby-trapped decoy . . . My resting places will have holes in the bottom, so that the holy water can drain out. I will also invest in a pair of blacksmith's tongs, so that I can safely remove holy symbols that have been inconsiderately dropped into my coffin. * I will purchase a digital watch with an alarm. I will set this alarm for TWO hours before sunrise, giving ample time for traffic and other inconveniences. * If the neighborhood kids are snooping around my house, I will not change into a giant wolf and attempt to destroy them. Instead, I shall call the police and have them arrested for trespassing. * If I believe far too many people are becoming suspicious, I shall not attempt to kill them all. I will simply move, and leave no forwarding address. * I will not attend gatherings of my own kind. If I'm a lethal killing machine, doomed for all eternity to destroy those around me, they probably are too. I will strenuously avoid playing power politics with other vampires. What could be more wretched than playing office politics for all eternity, especially when the players hold grudges for centuries, and the losers end up dead? I will employ a reputable and discreet private detective agency to keep tabs on the local occult community. If anyone starts making noises about being a "vampire hunter" and/or the existence of vampires, I will quietly try to get them committed to a mental institution. If a vampire hunter looks like he might do me harm, I will not seek him out and destroy him. Instead I will ask a judge to take out a restraining order against him and ask for police protection. If vampire hunters persist in bothering me, I will press criminal and civil charges against them while I get out of the country for while. Lawyers are far more efficient and terrifying bloodsuckers than I could ever hope to be. If I must have some special substance to insure my eternal youth and/or continued survival (such as native earth or the blood of a virgin), I will lay in a carefully hidden stock of it well before the time when I need it, rather than waiting until the last moment to get it. If I really must perform satanic rites, I will do so in a small, empty, brightly-lit, windowless room. What I lose in atmosphere, I make up in security. Anyone who attends my satanic rites must pass a security check at the door. To prevent unwelcome interlopers everyone at the rite will be naked, rather than clad in the traditional black cowls. It's just as old a tradition, and it's much harder to hide weapons or recording devices when you're in the buff. If I am vulnerable to being staked through the heart, I will invest in a stake-proof breastplate that I can wear under my normal clothing. If I am vulnerable to holy water, my clothing will be properly waterproofed and I will have an umbrella handy. If I can be revived by some method after I am "killed", I will leave sealed instructions with a trusted minion on how to revive me and orders to open the instructions and perform whatever rites are needed if he hears of my "death". There's no reason to lie around for centuries until some poor peasant accidentally drips blood on my grave. If I have powers over animals, then I will use those powers discreetly and I will send the animals away after I have no further use for them. Nothing attracts unwanted attention like a horde of rats invading the neighborhood. * There is no logical reason for someone to mistake another human being for a fifteen-foot bat, not even in hysteria. Therefore, I shall refrain from such transformations in public. I will not give myself away by turning into a bat in climates and seasons where bats don't naturally exist. I also won't do anything that a natural bat wouldn't do, like banging itself against windowpanes and squeaking frantically. If I am revealed as a vampire, I will make a great show of being repelled by something in my environment that I'm not really bothered by, in the hope that this will throw off my attackers. If I must hold someone hostage. I will not keep them in my lair. Instead I will keep them prisoner in some abandoned or anonymous place well away from my lair - preferably in another country. If I absolutely must keep prisoners in my lair, I won't let them I won't have the run of the place. Instead I will strip them naked, blindfold them, shackle them to a wall, and keep them in a drugged stupor for the duration of their captivity. If it's absolutely vital that someone not escape my clutches, then I should seriously ask myself if it's more convenient to just "make them disappear" rather than keeping them prisoner. I will subsidize some local crackpot to live in a spooky old house or windswept castle, wear formal dress and an opera cloak, speak with a Romanian accent, and generally do the vampire schtick at the locals understand it. That way if people do object to the odd blood-drained corpse, they'll go after him first. My Victims ... If I must receive an invitation before I can enter a house, I will take on the guise of someone who you would want to invite into your house - - like a representative of the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes committee, or a delivery driver carrying an unexpected package. * I will not take my victims home. My neighbors are far too nosy. I will seek my victims carefully. Instead of chowing down on the sexy 17-year-old daughter of the local burgomeister, I will knock off a local ne'er- do- well who people are glad to see dead or the old lady who was about to die anyway. Recognizing that my food supply is finite and that people get upset about my methods of gaining sustenance, I will not kill my victims, nor will I drain so much blood that they are noticeably anemic. I will learn to feed carefully, and I will carry a hankie to wipe up any excess blood that might drip down my chin. Nothing attracts unwanted attention like a blood "mustache". If I must kill my victims, I won't leave them lying around with obvious puncture wounds in their necks. Instead I will take measure to make sure that even if the body is found, it isn't identifiable, and its' cause of death isn't apparent. My preferred method of corpse disposal will involve a tree shredder, several bags of lime, and a cement kiln. My Minions ... * My ghouls shall have good posture. I will only hire the handicapped if there is a good reason to do so. Blind minions and deaf minions certainly have their uses, but grotesquely deformed, moronic hunchbacks or psychopathic madmen are just an organizational liability. I will contract with a reputable security firm for my security forces and domestic help. These people should have no idea who they're working for and should always stay out of my inner sanctum. That way they don't have the chance to learn about my true nature, and couldn't guide hunters to my lair even if they wanted to. I will treat my minions well. They will receive a generous salary, plus pension and benefits in exchange for their loyalty, silence, and lack of curiosity. Should they fail in any of the last three qualities, I will summarily terminate them . . . in writing, with an unfavorable letter of reference. If I must send my minions to do something unethical or illegal, they will not wear uniforms or anything else that would identify them as my minions. Likewise, any vehicles or equipment they use should not be traced back to me. * If I feel truly alone, and need a companion to share all of eternity with, I shall purchase a dog. Preferably one that is not larger than I am. Since more vampires mean more competition for food and greater chance to be discovered, I will not create vampiric minions. If I must create vampiric minions, I will teach them how to properly behave in polite society. This includes not eating the house guests. Trying to take over the world by turning everyone into a vampire is just silly and dangerous idea. People are bad enough without giving them same powers as I have and if everyone is a vampire, where can I get a decent meal?


A small introduction for our mortal friends: "Sex is possible among the Dead, but between two vampires, sex is merely foreplay for the real passion - consuming each others Blood. Also, like a vampire's tears, any other bodily emissions are also stained with blood, a fact that causes most vampires to forget sex altogether and consummate in the Kiss......" (Taken from "The Book of the Dead", by Allen B. Ruch.) Sitting at a small table within the Inne, oblivious to the other patrons, the couple stared deep into each other's eyes. His violet, hers golden, each filled with passion and love. Two kindred souls lost in love's eternal embrace. She wore tight jeans with thigh high leather boots and a black bikers jacket over a silk teddy. Her full high breasts strained against the soft material. Her nipples erect with desire. Long silver hair hung free in soft curls, framing her face and softening the paleness of her skin. With slow calculated movements, she reached across the table and took his hand. Bringing it to her mouth, she kissed his fingertips. Rose red lips flickered against his callused palm. His violet eyes followed the blazing trail left by her feathery caress. Slowly, with great care, she sucked his index finger deep into her mouth. The erotic motion causing him to moan. A slight grin spread across her lips as she gently bit down. Growling dangerously, he pulled his hand free and pushed his chair away from the table. With a deep husky command, he told her to come to him. She rose and went to his side. Grabbing her waist, he roughly pulled her into his lap. Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I love you." The whispered words fell from her lips, caressing his soul. He kissed her in response. His kiss was demanding, his tongue possessing her mouth in the ancient imitation of sexual penetration. She closed her eyes and surrendered to him, returning his lust with passion that equaled his own. Cupping his face, her touch soft, she ended the kiss. He smiled wickedly. She nuzzled him, putting her head in the hollow of his shoulder. A cat like purr could be felt deep within her chest. She tilted her head back and, with her tongue, licked the underside of his chin. He moaned. With surprising speed, she straddled his hips and grabbed the back of his head, pulling his hair, exposing his neck. She leaned over and kissed his pulse. He grabbed her hips and pressed her down on his arousal. She continued her administrations with renewed vigor. Releasing his hair, she caressed his back, her mouth traveling from his ear to his shoulder. Wet trails of passion glistened in the firelight, highlighting his smooth skin. Her golden eyes flickered with something resembling a primal craving. She bit him. She sharp teeth gently dragging across his cool flesh. Hearing him moan, she sank her fangs into his jugular. Instantly her mouth was filled with the hot burning essence of his blood. The firey liquid scalded her throat. She was in ecstasy. She drank deeply. Unaware of the mewing sounds she made as she suckled. Gently, with great care, he pulled her away. Love radiated from his eyes as he caressed her with his gaze. Smiling, he watched a single drop of blood trickle slowly from her full flush lips. Her breathing was erratic, her body shaking. Chuckling softly, he descended upon her, his fangs glistening wetly. She felt him pierce her skin. Rapture filled her soul. She called out his name, and gripped him, holding on to keep from floating away on the dizzying cloud of unbelievable pleasure. Something similar to orgasm shuddered through her body and she went limp. Raising his head, he gently pulled her close. She moaned softly, her passion spent. She leaned on his chest and closed her eyes. He stroked her face and her hair, intently watching the happiness radiating from her body like a visible thing. Cupping her chin, he laid a chaste kiss upon her swollen lips. After a long moment of tender filled silence, she tilted her head back to gaze into his eyes. Slowly she lay a cool hand upon his cheek. Softly, in a voice barely a whisper, she recited the vows she spoke over 1000 years ago. "In honor of the Night Who hides and protects us In honor of Caine, the first Who gave us eternity through defiance, an not mercy In honor of the Clans Who are now my family And the Masquerade Which is our cloak I give this gift to thee I do this for love." Thus said, she closed her eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Lovingly and tenderly, he picked her up and wrapped her sleeping form within his arms. He carried her gently through the door and into the night. Their eternal love keeping them warm....