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"Wolves Forest" was modeled after how the creater and moderater, Gypsy, views the former AOL Text Chat "Wolves Forest" in their mind. A few years ago, Wolves Forest on AOL was heavily populated with creative and talented Wolf-RP'ers, and a good time was had by all who RP'd there; but since has been run over by a group of emo out of character elitists -- the three things Gypsy hates most, all rolled into one. The furcadian version of Wolves Forest is an attempt to resserect the charming and inviting aura the older text version possessed. Please respect the rules here, and hopefully, the Wolves Forest will be restored to it's fullest potential.

To be honest, there aren't many rules within this dream, but the few that there in place are must be followed. Please know upon entering your character into role play, you've consented to the possibility of injury, illness, or death via another player. Once your character is killed within the Wolves Forest, he or she is not welcome back unless you're "restored" by one of Gypsy's appointed mythics. Your character can not be healed elsewhere if injured or killed in the Wolves Forest (Well, actually, he/she can, but won't be allowed to RP within the Forest).

Forced RP, or "moding" as it's called on AOL, is intolerable within the Wolves Forest. Anyone who forces RP upon another inhabitant will be ejected. For those of you who may be new to RP, or don't understand the term, A scenerio of forced RP might go like this:

"Moder#1 tackles the intruder, pinning them to the ground. Moder#1 then proceeds to bite viciously at Intruder's neck, eventually causing Intruder to choke to death on his own blood."

RP with other members must remain open-ended, so that one might decide to dodge a move, or accept it. Excessive dodging, keep in mind, is just as bad as forced RP. Please fight fairly, and if at all possible, avoid death on the IC plain of existance. If there is an issue IC that cannot be resolved, and calls for judgement, please contact Gypsy or one of the dream moderators via whisper.

OOC matter, whatever it may concern, shall be delt with in the OOC area. Keep in mind OOC is not at all discouraged in the Wolves Forest; it's warmly accepted. But, the mod's do ask that you keep OOC conversations in the designated OOC areas (There is one OOC area for every "environment" within the dream), or within whispers. There is no penalty for short OOC discussions in IC areas, but keep in mind, excessive OOC talk within an IC area shall be delt with accordingly.

RP'ers of all skill level are welcomed within the Forest, but it is encouraged for dream-goers RP comfortably. What this means is, please don't feel obliged to use your thesaurus to impress the mods, or anyone else for that matter. RP at a level you feel the most comfortable with. If you like RPing to the max, or like to keep your posts at a bare minimum, by all means, feel free.. but keep in mind there are many people who don't like these 'extremes' of RP. This isn't, by any means, a rule, but my personal suggestion is to RP as best as you can without using any resorces but your mind.

As far as the rules go, that's it. I'm willing to give everyone a chance, so if you follow the rules then there should be no problems.


Looking for:

The Wolves Forest is currently looking for artists. We are in dire need of avatars and portraits. Though I am a -huge- fan of Swiftkill's work, and think her avatars and portraits are amazing in quality, I feel her artwork is hers, and belongs within her dream. I'm using her patches only until I can find someone to collaborate with me on a port and av set.

I'd essentially like to have the following variety of avatars and portraits for the "standard" species on furcadia:

Canine - Standard Timber/Grey Wolves
Rodent - Dire Wolves
Feline - Long-Coated Timber/Grey Wolves
Musteline - Wolf Pups
Lapine - Adolescent Wolves
Equine - Werewolves

Those are subject to change, as popularity will call for what stays, and what goes. I'm really interested in launching a Werewolf patch, for I've never seen it done before. I'd like the av's and ports to be in a close style to that of Goldie's art (

Though a very farfetched idea, I'd like for all patches used in my dream to be made by skilled artists who aren't interested in money for their work. Crazy for me to even consider it, right? But, honestly, I don't want my patches to be made simply "because they have to be made." I want them to be made because it'll be a fun experience that will be a learning experience, and a way to promote their art. Reading this over, it still sounds stupid, because money rules the world.. but, maybe there are people out there like me who don't see money as a main source of happiness. I'd be more then willing to help out whoever volunteers. Actually, I'd do the whole thing myself, but I'd truly need help on the animation.. I'm terrible at it, and even worse on furcadia animation, since it calls for such a strange angle. But, if you're at all interested, please contact me at "" with the subject having something to do with Furcadia or the Wolves Forest in it.



TWF: The Wolves Forest
OOC: Out of Character
IC: In Character
Moder: Someone who forces RP upon another.
Mod: Moderator. People and characters who maintain the Wolves Forest
RP: Role Play.
SL: Story Line.
Av / Avatar: The animation, or moving character on fucadia.
Port / Portrait: The 95x95 pixel picture of your character's face.
Alt: Alternate user name, or alternate character.