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Please note that all images, cursor, animations, etc are © SprightlyElf (Medusa.R) and are under no circumstances to be copied or used without my permission. If you want to use some of my art or you want me to do a picture for you, please at least ask me so that we can come to some form of an arrangement.
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As a Neopian you will find the need to explore all the known and unknown parts of neopia, it is this urge that has brought you travelling deep into the Mystery Island Forest. It is a fine day, the sun is shining high above the trees and the birds are singing. You make your through the trees and find yourself listening to the sound of water. Naturally this story would not progress if you didnt go to investigate the source of this delightful sound, so you follow your ears untill you come across a small spring. around the small spring are tiny flowers and small leafy bushes, it looks like a magical, enchanted kind of place. the kind of place you might find a faerie or other enchanted creature. Your eyes wander along this beatiful scenery until they come to rest a gorgeous cream and brown ixi with unusual redish pink hooves and horn that is drinking from crystal stream. She raises her head to look at you and you notice her eyes are the same unusual shade of pinkish red. You stop breathing for fear that you might frighten this beatiful, magical creature away. She looks at you for a moment more, her ears and tail twitching ever so slightly. She starts to walk towards you and you relax a little as is becomes apparent that she is not afraid of you, She speaks...

Hi, welcome to my humble abode #VISITOR. This is where you can learn a little about...ME! **Smiles at you*** well, I am a brown Ixi with cherry hooves and horns. My eyes are cherry as well. (My Mummy says that I remind her of a Cherry Ripe, you know cos the brown bits are like choclate and the creamy bits are like coconut and of course the redish/pinkish bits of me are like cherries. Of course I just think that my Mummy is obsessed with food! **snorts and rolls eyes**)

**Pulls out a photo album from behind a tree** OK Let me tell you about my family...

First of all theres my Mummy #USER. She looks after me and my two sisters. She loves to do Aerial Acrobatics (which is like trapeze and silks and ropes and stuff) She says that its just a hobby so she isnt very good. She is very flexible and hopes to be a contortionist one day. **grimaces** looks painful. But she says that it doesnt hurt. Her absolute favorite pastime is drawing. She would like to be an artist one day (like maybe even get paid for it...) so she practises alot. For a human she is very strange but I think that shes not bad for a human.

Next is my older sister Ruby_Rumple. She is a purple Aisha, she can be a bit quiet at times but she loves to spend time with me. We like to go out and explore the forest together. She has a tendency towards being very curious and sometimes she gets called a sticky beak. But for all that she is very gentle and kind. **smiles fondly at picture**

Last but not least there is my younger sister Ruby_Rufflescruff. She is the only tattood Shoyru in Neopia. Other than the tattoos though she is red. She is very unique and beautiful. I think that she is very intelligent and wise. She likes to train for the battle dome and hopes to be very strong one day.

Mommy says that we might be getting a new sister soon so keep checking back for updates.

*Mystic Fey* I have a Snowbunny called *Mystic Fey* I found her when she was a baby (there is a pic of us just after I found her, in the art section.) She was lost in the forest and all dirty from wandering around. I dont know anything about her history other than that and since that day she has been with me always. ^-^


Erataine is a gorgeous brown ixi like me. We hang around in my glade some times, munching on candy and gossiping. Our mummies are friends too and are in the same guild. Erataine can be a bit of a trouble maker but she is very playful and good fun to be around ^-^


Safiya is usually no ones friend, but we are distant cousins and I am one of the few neopians she can 'tolerate'. She is very smart and manipulative and can twist anyone round her litte hoof. She has a tendancy to be evil, but I know that she isnt so bad really... ^-^

These are some things I like, put your cursor over them to see why.

I think its just too cute, dont you? And before Mummy painted me and gave me a makeover I had considered becoming an island ixi I just love the Beauty Contest, I havent won any thing yet but my first entry since I was painted will be the 14th july (dont be afraid to vote...)

Here are some things that I am not so fond of, again hover the cursor over them to see why.

Other than the fact that hes a dirty stinking theif? Ick Mutants **Shudders and visualises self as a mutant** Evil Things/People ~ ESPECIALLY PEOPLE WHO STEAL ART OR SCAM PEOPLE

Clickie on this here piccie to see full versionClickie on this here piccie to see full versionClickie on this here piccie to see full version
Clickie on this here piccie to see full version
Clickie on this here piccie to see full versionClickie on this here piccie to see full version

Standard rules apply:
  1. NO entering in the beauty contest
  2. They MUST link back to my page at all times
  3. NO altering them in ANY way (if you want a custom, ask me, I dont bite unless people abuse my art and I am usually fairly happy to do them)
  4. NO claiming that they are yours
Failure to comply with these rules will result in freezing.





This is where custom adoptables other people have done for me go...But as you can see no one has done any yet...*nugdes you*

If you liked my page, why not let other people see by putting my link on your page ^-^