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This section includes shows I have seen, participated in and what I think about them."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Dj<ۓ h|  - U 3 ,̙ԔT Contact me! How to get in touch with me."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%sj<  h}  , V 3 +̙Ԕ RDA. One of my favourite places is the Glasgow Riding for the Disabled Association. Information on that horses and how to become involved. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%j< h~  +x W 3 t*̙Ԕ Pictures. Pictures of myself, my family, my friends, pets, dogs, horses and any other interesting creatures I have came across."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%rj<}y h  * X 3 )̙Ԕ Hobbies. This section includes Horse Riding and Mountain biking along with other sports and activities I would like to get involved in."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%ej<Nl h  )P Y 3 L(̙Ԕ Career. Which interests I would like to turn into careers and what I have in mind for after I leave school."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Xj<_ h  (~ Z 3 z'̙Ԕ Animals. Information on my favourite animals, my pets, my friend's pets, horses I have ridden and different shows I have been too."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%YKj<Q h  'n [ 3 j&̙Ԕ Acting. One of the careers I would like to follow, what I have done so far and what I would like to do in the near future."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%*>j<D h  & \ 3 %̙ԔÂ Home Page. An introduction of my web site and everything in it."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%0j<7 h  %$ ] s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.83= h$ ^ s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.E3?J h$ _ s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B. S3nW h$ ` s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.8`3d h$ a s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.gm3q h$ b s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.z3~ h$ c s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.Ň3* h$ d s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.3Y hl >%3j e  (` T 8  hN f  v2 @?{3"r ``@Vfff?f@B>%3j hB g s vd @#"l `@@@Vfff?f@BAq) h h c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc<}c h i c vd @"N `@@@B@B>%cH  h j c vd @"N `@@@B@BS>%3  h k c vd @"N `@@@B@B`F I` h l c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc?`F cD` h m c vd @"N `@@@B@BCRCUW h n c vd @"N `@@@B@B\hl hf o  #vd @C"x@@@ `@@@Vfff?f@BFI㝌  h  # p c vd @"N `@@@B@B\h`F l` h q c vd @"N `@@@B@BCR`F CUW` h r c vd @"N `@@@B@B}`F .` hPl rM@y  s   ` h( @Z h t Z"H@@@B@BrM@y`J h u Z"H@@@B@BrMMy h v Z"H@@@B@BrMzy  h,^ #%>| . ( T (` a her x c C̙v2 @ "@@@ `@@@BVfff?f@B#%>| h  C< y  hB̙ C"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#j>"- h  B@f #%>j z#  #%>j hN {  bA"@@@`@@@BVfff?f@B#%>j h  A2 | c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX%j< h } c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq&cQ;  h( ~  `@#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6  h  @(f #@7>| #  #@7>| h6   b?C"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#@7>| h  ?2  c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX% ݦj< ּ h  c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq& ݦcQ; h(   `>#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6 h  >"R %`n0j<  -%`n0j<  hhv  3 r=̙Ԕ Theatre. One of my favourite passtimes. This section includes shows I have seen, participated in and what I think about them."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Dj<ۓ h  =  3 <̙ԔT Contact me! How to get in touch with me."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%sj<  h  <  3 ;̙Ԕ RDA. One of my favourite places is the Glasgow Riding for the Disabled Association. Information on that horses and how to become involved. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%j< h  ;x  3 t:̙Ԕ Pictures. Pictures of myself, my family, my friends, pets, dogs, horses and any other interesting creatures I have came across."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%rj<}y h  :  3 9̙Ԕ Hobbies. This section includes Horse Riding and Mountain biking along with other sports and activities I would like to get involved in."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%ej<Nl h  9P  3 L8̙Ԕ Career. Which interests I would like to turn into careers and what I have in mind for after I leave school."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Xj<_ h  8~  3 z7̙Ԕ Animals. Information on my favourite animals, my pets, my friend's pets, horses I have ridden and different shows I have been too."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%YKj<Q h  7  3 6̙ԔÂ Home Page. An introduction of my web site and everything in it."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%`n0j<7 h  6  3 5̙Ԕ About Me! Some information on myself, my family, my friends, my interests, my likes and dislikes, and an overall view of my web site. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%`=j<4D h  5$  s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B. 83 < h$  s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B. NE3 I h$  s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B. S3nW h$  s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.8`3d h$  s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.gm3q h$  s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.z3~ h$  s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.Ň3* h$  s 3vd @3 "N `@@@B@B.3Y hl >%3j   (` T 8  hN   v2 @?{3"r ``@Vfff?f@B>%3j hB  s vd @#"l `@@@Vfff?f@BAq) h  c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc<}c h  c vd @"N `@@@B@B>%cH  h  c vd @"N `@@@B@BS>%3  h  c vd @"N `@@@B@B`F I` h  c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc?`F cD` h  c vd @"N `@@@B@BCRCUW h  c vd @"N `@@@B@B\hl hf   4vd @C"x@@@ `@@@Vfff?f@BFI㝌  h  4  c vd @"N `@@@B@B\h`F l` h  c vd @"N `@@@B@BCR`F CUW` h  c vd @"N `@@@B@B}`F .` hPl rM@y     ` h( @Z h  Z"H@@@B@BrM@y`J h  Z"H@@@B@BrMMy h  Z"H@@@B@BrMzy  h~  c S̙v2 @ "@@@ `@@@BVfff?f@B ( T (` a h  SH   hR̙ C"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B (  (` Q h  RLr #%>j #   ( T (`  hN   bQ"@@@`@@@BVfff?f@B#%>j h  Q2  c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX%j< h  c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq&cQ;  h(   `P#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6  h  P4r #@7>| #   ( `fH (` a h6   bOC"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#@7>| h  O2  c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX% ݦj< ּ h  c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq& ݦcQ; h(   `N#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6 h  N  3 rM̙ԔTheatre. One of my favourite passtimes. This section includes shows I have seen, participated in and what I think about them."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg s0 H 7 h  M  3 L̙ԔTContact me! How to get in touch with me."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg = H 9D h  L  3 K̙ԔRDA. One of my favourite places is the Glasgow Riding for the Disabled Association. Information on that horses and how to become involved. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg D# H ) h  K  3 tJ̙ԔPictures. Pictures of myself, my family, my friends, pets, dogs, horses and any other interesting creatures I have came across."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg  H  h  J  3 I̙ԔHobbies. This section includes Horse Riding and Mountain biking along with other sports and activities I would like to get involved in."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg  H } h  I\  3 LH̙ԔCareer. Which interests I would like to turn into careers and what I have in mind for after I leave school."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg  H N h  H  3 G̙ԔÂHome Page. An introduction of my web site and everything in it."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg * H  h  Gz  3 jF̙ԔActing. One of the careers I would like to follow, what I have done so far and what I would like to do in the near future."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg  H  h  F  3 E̙ԔAbout Me! Some information on myself, my family, my friends, my interests, my likes and dislikes, and an overall view of my web site. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg Y H  h  E0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B   c ? h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B   c n h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B  8 c  h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B  g c  h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B   c  h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B   c *" h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B  * c Y/ h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B  #8 c < hl >%3j   (` T 8  hN   v2 @?{3"r ``@Vfff?f@B>%3j hB  s vd @#"l `@@@Vfff?f@BAq) h  c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc<}c h  c vd @"N `@@@B@B>%cH  h  c vd @"N `@@@B@BS>%3  h  c vd @"N `@@@B@B`F I` h  c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc?`F cD` h  c vd @"N `@@@B@BCRCUW h   c vd @"N `@@@B@B\hl h f   Dvd @C"x@@@ `@@@Vfff?f@BFI㝌  h   D  c vd @"N `@@@B@B\h`F l` h   c vd @"N `@@@B@BCR`F CUW` h   c vd @"N `@@@B@B}`F .` hPl rM@y     ` h( @Z h  Z"H@@@B@BrM@y`J h  Z"H@@@B@BrMMy h  Z"H@@@B@BrMzy  h~  c c̙v2 @"@@@ `@@@BVfff?f@B ( T (` a h  cH   hb̙C"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B (  (` Q h  bLr #%>j #  ( T (`  hN   ba"@@@`@@@BVfff?f@B#%>j h  a2  c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX%j< h  c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq&cQ;  h(   ``#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6  h  `4r #@7>| #  ( `fH (` a h6   b_C"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#@7>| h  _2  c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX% ݦj< ּ h   c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq& ݦcQ; h!(   `^#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6 h"  ^L^ %`n0j<  0 Xg  H 9D hv  3 r]̙ԔTheatre. One of my favourite passtimes. This section includes shows I have seen, participated in and what I think about them."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Dj<ۓ h$  ]  3 \̙ԔTContact me! How to get in touch with me."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%sj<  h%  \  3 [̙ԔRDA. One of my favourite places is the Glasgow Riding for the Disabled Association. Information on that horses and how to become involved. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%j< h&  [x  3 tZ̙ԔPictures. Pictures of myself, my family, my friends, pets, dogs, horses and any other interesting creatures I have came across."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%rj<}y h'  Z  3 Y̙ԔHobbies. This section includes Horse Riding and Mountain biking along with other sports and activities I would like to get involved in."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%ej<Nl h(  Y  3 X̙ԔÂHome Page. An introduction of my web site and everything in it."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%`n0j<7 h)  X~  3 zW̙ԔAnimals. Information on my favourite animals, my pets, my friend's pets, horses I have ridden and different shows I have been too."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Xj<_ h*  Wn  3 jV̙ԔActing. One of the careers I would like to follow, what I have done so far and what I would like to do in the near future."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%`Jj<cQ h+  V  3 U̙ԔAbout Me! Some information on myself, my family, my friends, my interests, my likes and dislikes, and an overall view of my web site. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%`=j<4D h,  U$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B. 83 < h-$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B. NE3 I h.$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B. S3nW h/$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.8`3d h0$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.gm3q h1$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.z3~ h2$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.Ň3* h3$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.3Y h4l >%3j   (` T 8  h5N   v2 @?{3"r ``@Vfff?f@B>%3j h6B  s vd @#"l `@@@Vfff?f@BAq) h7  c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc<}c h8  c vd @"N `@@@B@B>%cH  h9  c vd @"N `@@@B@BS>%3  h:  c vd @"N `@@@B@B`F I` h;  c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc?`F cD` h<  c vd @"N `@@@B@BCRCUW h=  c vd @"N `@@@B@B\hl h>f   Tvd @C"x@@@ `@@@Vfff?f@BFI㝌  h?  T  c vd @"N `@@@B@B\h`F l` h@  c vd @"N `@@@B@BCR`F CUW` hA  c vd @"N `@@@B@B}`F .` hBPl rM@y     ` h( @Z hF  Z"H@@@B@BrM@y`J hG  Z"H@@@B@BrMMy hH   Z"H@@@B@BrMzy  hI,^ #%>| 2 ( T (` a hr   c s̙v2 @"@@@ `@@@BVfff?f@B#%>| hK  s<    hr̙C"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#j>"- hL  r@f #%>j  # #%>j hMN   bq"@@@`@@@BVfff?f@B#%>j hN  q2  c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX%j< hO  c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq&cQ;  hP(   `p#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6  hQ  p(f #@7>| # #@7>| hR6   boC"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#@7>| hS  o2  c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX% ݦj< ּ hT  c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq& ݦcQ; hU(   `n#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6 hV  nR %`n0j<  1%`n0j<  h#v  3 rm̙ԔTheatre. One of my favourite passtimes. This section includes shows I have seen, participated in and what I think about them."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Dj<ۓ hX  m  3 l̙ԔTContact me! How to get in touch with me."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%sj<  hY  l  3 k̙ԔRDA. One of my favourite places is the Glasgow Riding for the Disabled Association. Information on that horses and how to become involved. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%j< hZ  kx  3 tj̙ԔPictures. Pictures of myself, my family, my friends, pets, dogs, horses and any other interesting creatures I have came across."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%rj<}y h[  j  3 i̙ԔÂHome Page. An introduction of my web site and everything in it."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%`n0j<7 h\  iP  3 Lh̙ԔCareer. Which interests I would like to turn into careers and what I have in mind for after I leave school."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%ej<Nl h]  h~  3 zg̙ԔAnimals. Information on my favourite animals, my pets, my friend's pets, horses I have ridden and different shows I have been too."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Xj<_ h^  gn  3 jf̙ԔActing. One of the careers I would like to follow, what I have done so far and what I would like to do in the near future."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%YKj<Q h_  f   3 e̙ԔAbout Me! Some information on myself, my family, my friends, my interests, my likes and dislikes, and an overall view of my web site. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%*>j<D h`  e$ ! s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.83= ha$ " s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.E3?J hb$ # s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B. S3nW hc$ $ s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.8`3d hd$ % s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.gm3q he$ & s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.z3~ hf$ ' s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.Ň3* hg$ ( s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.3Y hhl >%3j )  (` T 8  hiN *  v2 @?{3"r ``@Vfff?f@B>%3j hjB + s vd @#"l `@@@Vfff?f@BAq) hk , c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc<}c hl - c vd @"N `@@@B@B>%cH  hm . c vd @"N `@@@B@BS>%3  hn / c vd @"N `@@@B@B`F I` ho 0 c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc?`F cD` hp 1 c vd @"N `@@@B@BCRCUW hq 2 c vd @"N `@@@B@B\hl hrf 3  dvd @C"x@@@ `@@@Vfff?f@BFI㝌  hs  d 4 c vd @"N `@@@B@B\h`F l` ht 5 c vd @"N `@@@B@BCR`F CUW` hu 6 c vd @"N `@@@B@B}`F .` hvPl rM@y  7   ` h( @Z hz 8 Z"H@@@B@BrM@y`J h{ 9 Z"H@@@B@BrMMy h| : Z"H@@@B@BrMzy  h},^ #%>| 4 ( T (` a h~r < c ̙v2 @"@@@ `@@@BVfff?f@B#%>| h  < =  h̙C"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#j>"- h  @f #%>j ># #%>j hN ?  b"@@@`@@@BVfff?f@B#%>j h  2 @ c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX%j< h A c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq&cQ;  h( B  `#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6  h  (f #@7>| C# #@7>| h6 D  bC"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#@7>| h  2 E c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX% ݦj< ּ h F c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq& ݦcQ; h( G  `~#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6 h  ~R %`n0j<  3%`n0j<  hWv I 3 r}̙ԔTheatre. One of my favourite passtimes. This section includes shows I have seen, participated in and what I think about them."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Dj<ۓ h  } J 3 |̙ԔTContact me! How to get in touch with me."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%sj<  h  | K 3 {̙ԔRDA. One of my favourite places is the Glasgow Riding for the Disabled Association. Information on the horses and how to become involved. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%j< h  { L 3 z̙ԔÂHome Page. An introduction of my web site and everything in it."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%`n0j<7 h  z M 3 y̙ԔHobbies. This section includes Horse Riding and Mountain biking along with other sports and activities I would like to get involved in."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%rj<}y h  yP N 3 Lx̙ԔCareer. Which interests I would like to turn into careers and what I have in mind for after I leave school."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%ej<Nl h  x~ O 3 zw̙ԔAnimals. Information on my favourite animals, my pets, my friend's pets, horses I have ridden and different shows I have been too."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Xj<_ h  wn P 3 jv̙ԔActing. One of the careers I would like to follow, what I have done so far and what I would like to do in the near future."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%YKj<Q h  v Q 3 u̙ԔAbout Me! Some information on myself, my family, my friends, my interests, my likes and dislikes, and an overall view of my web site. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%*>j<D h  u$ R s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.83= h$ S s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.E3?J h$ T s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B. S3nW h$ U s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.8`3d h$ V s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.gm3q h$ W s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.z3~ h$ X s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.Ň3* h$ Y s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.3Y hl >%3j Z  (` T 8  hN [  v2 @?{3"r ``@Vfff?f@B>%3j hB \ s vd @#"l `@@@Vfff?f@BAq) h ] c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc<}c h ^ c vd @"N `@@@B@B>%cH  h _ c vd @"N `@@@B@BS>%3  h ` c vd @"N `@@@B@B`F I` h a c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc?`F cD` h b c vd @"N `@@@B@BCRCUW h c c vd @"N `@@@B@B\hl hf d  tvd @C"x@@@ `@@@Vfff?f@BFI㝌  h  t e c vd @"N `@@@B@B\h`F l` h f c vd @"N `@@@B@BCR`F CUW` h g c vd @"N `@@@B@B}`F .` hPl rM@y  h   ` h( @Z h i Z"H@@@B@BrM@y`J h j Z"H@@@B@BrMMy h k Z"H@@@B@BrMzy  h,^ #%>| 6 ( T (` a hJr m c ̙v2 @"@@@ `@@@BVfff?f@B#%>| h  < n  h̙C"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#j>"- h  @f #%>j o# #%>j hN p  b"@@@`@@@BVfff?f@B#%>j h  2 q c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX%j< h r c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq&cQ;  h( s  `#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6  h  (f #@7>| t# #@7>| h6 u  bC"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#@7>| h  2 v c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX% ݦj< ּ h w c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq& ݦcQ; h( x  `#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6 h  R %`n0j<  5%`n0j<  hv z 3 r̙ԔTheatre. One of my favourite passtimes. This section includes shows I have seen, participated in and what I think about them."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Dj<ۓ h   { 3 ̙ԔTContact me! How to get in touch with me."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%sj<  h   | 3 ̙ԔÂHome Page. An introduction of my web site and everything in it."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%`n0j<7 h  x } 3 t̙ԔPictures. Pictures of myself, my family, my friends, pets, dogs, horses and any other interesting creatures I have came across."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%j< h   ~ 3 ̙ԔHobbies. This section includes Horse Riding and Mountain biking along with other sports and activities I would like to get involved in."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%rj<}y h  P  3 L̙ԔCareer. Which interests I would like to turn into careers and what I have in mind for after I leave school."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%ej<Nl h  ~  3 z̙ԔAnimals. Information on my favourite animals, my pets, my friend's pets, horses I have ridden and different shows I have been too."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Xj<_ h  n  3 j̙ԔActing. One of the careers I would like to follow, what I have done so far and what I would like to do in the near future."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%YKj<Q h    3 ̙ԔAbout Me! Some information on myself, my family, my friends, my interests, my likes and dislikes, and an overall view of my web site. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%*>j<D h  $  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.83= h$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.E3?J h$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B. 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An introduction of my web site and everything in it."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg  H 5 h    3 ̙ԔTContact me! How to get in touch with me."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg = H 9D h    3 ̙ԔRDA. One of my favourite places is the Glasgow Riding for the Disabled Association. Information on that horses and how to become involved. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg s0 H 7 h    3 t̙ԔPictures. Pictures of myself, my family, my friends, pets, dogs, horses and any other interesting creatures I have came across."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg D# H ) h    3 ̙ԔHobbies. This section includes Horse Riding and Mountain biking along with other sports and activities I would like to get involved in."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg  H  h  \  3 L̙ԔCareer. Which interests I would like to turn into careers and what I have in mind for after I leave school."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg  H } h    3 z̙ԔAnimals. Information on my favourite animals, my pets, my friend's pets, horses I have ridden and different shows I have been too."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg  H N h  z  3 j̙ԔActing. One of the careers I would like to follow, what I have done so far and what I would like to do in the near future."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg  H  h    3 ̙ԔAbout Me! Some information on myself, my family, my friends, my interests, my likes and dislikes, and an overall view of my web site. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B Xg Y H  h  0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B   c ? h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B   c n h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B  8 c  h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B  g c  h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B   c  h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B   c *" h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B  * c Y/ h0  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B  #8 c < hl >%3j   (` T 8  hN   v2 @?{3"r ``@Vfff?f@B>%3j hB  s vd @#"l `@@@Vfff?f@BAq) h  c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc<}c h  c vd @"N `@@@B@B>%cH  h   c vd @"N `@@@B@BS>%3  h   c vd @"N `@@@B@B`F I` h   c vd @"N `@@@B@Bc?`F cD` h   c vd @"N `@@@B@BCRCUW h   c vd @"N `@@@B@B\hl hf   vd @C"x@@@ `@@@Vfff?f@BFI㝌  h    c vd @"N `@@@B@B\h`F l` h  c vd @"N `@@@B@BCR`F CUW` h  c vd @"N `@@@B@B}`F .` hPl rM@y     ` h( @Z h  Z"H@@@B@BrM@y`J h  Z"H@@@B@BrMMy h  Z"H@@@B@BrMzy  hj-^ #%>| : ( T (` a hIr  c ̙v2 @"@@@ `@@@BVfff?f@B#%>| h  <   h̙C"x@@@`@@@Vfff?f@B#j>"- h  @f #%>j # #%>j hN   b"@@@`@@@BVfff?f@B#%>j h  2  c fvd @33"N `@@@B@BcX%j< h  c vd @̙"N `@@@B@Bq&cQ;  h (   `#"l@@@@@@B?@B*c6  h!  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Which interests I would like to turn into careers and what I have in mind for after I leave school."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%ej<Nl h-  ~  3 z̙ԔAnimals. Information on my favourite animals, my pets, my friend's pets, horses I have ridden and different shows I have been too."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Xj<_ h.  n  3 j̙ԔActing. One of the careers I would like to follow, what I have done so far and what I would like to do in the near future."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%YKj<Q h/    3 ̙ԔAbout Me! Some information on myself, my family, my friends, my interests, my likes and dislikes, and an overall view of my web site. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%*>j<D h0  $  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.83= h1$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.E3?J h2$  s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B. 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This section includes shows I have seen, participated in and what I think about them."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Dj<ۓ h/     3 ̙ԔTContact me! How to get in touch with me."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%sj<  h.     3 ̙ԔRDA. One of my favourite places is the Glasgow Riding for the Disabled Association. Information on that horses and how to become involved. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%j< h  x   3 t̙ԔPictures. Pictures of myself, my family, my friends, pets, dogs, horses and any other interesting creatures I have came across."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%rj<}y h-     3 ̙ԔHobbies. This section includes Horse Riding and Mountain biking along with other sports and activities I would like to get involved in."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%ej<Nl h1  P  3 L̙ԔCareer. Which interests I would like to turn into careers and what I have in mind for after I leave school."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%Xj<_ h2  ~  3 z̙ԔAnimals. Information on my favourite animals, my pets, my friend's pets, horses I have ridden and different shows I have been too."@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%YKj<Q h3    3 ̙ԔAbout Me! Some information on myself, my family, my friends, my interests, my likes and dislikes, and an overall view of my web site. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%0j<7 h5  $ + s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.83= hA$ , s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B. NE3 I h6$ - s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B. S3nW hC$ . s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.8`3d h'$ / s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.gm3q hD$ 0 s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.z3~ hE$ 1 s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.Ň3* hF$ 2 s 3vd @3"N `@@@B@B.3Y hG < # |̙ԔAbout Me! Some information on myself, my family, my friends, my interests, my likes and dislikes, and an overall view of my web site. "@@@`@@KԔMV&Ԕ&Ԕ& Ԕ ?&@B%`=j<4D h  CHNKINK {TEXTTEXTRSTSHSTSHRFSTSHSTSHSTSHSTSHFDPPFDPPFDPPFDPPFDPPFDPP FDPCFDPC"FDPCFDPC$FDPCFDPC&FDPCFDPC(FDPCFDPC*FDPCFDPC,FDPCFDPC.FDPCFDPC0FDPCFDPC2FDPC FDPC4FDPC FDPC6FDPC FDPC8!(q@ @nt=${d Welcome! Please feel free to browse through the pages of my web site. I hope you find them interesting and informative. Theatre Contact Me! RDA Pictures Hobbies Career Animals About Me! VR VR Victoria Renton Victoria Renton Home Page Acting Animals Career Hobbies Pictures RDA Contact Me! Theatre VR VR About Me! Information about myself, my friends, my family, my school, my interests and an overall view of my life and web site. Victoria Renton About Me! Home Page Animals Career Hobbies Pictures RDA Contact Me! Theatre VR VR Acting One of the careers I would like to follow. What I have done so far and what I would like to do in the near future. Victoria Renton About Me! Acting Home Page Career Hobbies Pictures RDA Contact Me! Theatre VR VR Animals Information on my favourite animals, my pets, my friend s pets, horses I have ridden and shows I have been to. Victoria Renton About Me! Acting Animals Home Page Hobbies Pictures RDA Contact Me! Theatre VR VR Career Which interests and hobbies I would like to turn into careers and what I have in mind for after I leave school. Victoria Renton About Me! Acting Animals Career Home Page Pictures RDA Contact Me! Theatre VR VR Hobbies This section includes Horse Riding and Mountain Biking along with other sports and activities which interest me. Victoria Renton About Me! Acting Animals Career Hobbies Home Page RDA Contact Me! Theatre VR VR Pictures Pictures of myself, my family, my friends, dogs, horses and any other interesting creatures I have came across. Victoria Renton About Me! Acting Animals Career Hobbies Pictures Home Page Contact Me! Theatre VR VR RDA My favourite place is the Glasgow Riding for the Disabled Association. Information on the horses and how to become involved. Victoria Renton About Me! Acting Animals Career Hobbies Pictures RDA Contact Me! Home Page VR VR Theatre One of my favourite pastimes. This section includes shows I have seen, participated in and what I thought of them. Victoria Renton About Me! Acting Animals Career Hobbies Pictures RDA Home Page Theatre VR VR Contact Me! How to get in touch with me and links to my favourite sites and ones that may interest you. Acting 2p1TSH &, q1TSH(>Jdp "H$           ,9"HD "0 " L$           ,9" D "  "H$           ,8 9"HD "") "@M e$           ,9"@M D "  "$           ,9"D " Gq1TSH(8HXhxuld like to follow. What I have done so far and what I would like to do in the near future. Victoria Renton About Me! Acting Home Page Career Hobbies Pictures RDA Contact Me! 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