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Race Type sdc/MDC occ/RCC Size Immortal Brief
Algor Giant     large   frost giant
Cyclops Giant MDC   large   resistant to energy
Jotan Giant     large   strong; bitter, cruel
Nimro Giant     large   fire giant
Pogtal Giant   RCC large   dragon hunters
Rahu-man Giant MDC occ large   natural psi's, 4 arms
Titan Giant MDC occ large   good align
Troll Giant     large no vindictive, hateful, high str + endure.
Bogie Faerie MDC RCC v. small yes morph to insects
Brownie Faerie MDC RCC small yes most helpful of faeries
Common faerie Faerie MDC RCC small yes 6 inches, mischievous, bright wings
Common pixie Faerie MDC RCC small yes 12 inches, mischievous, red hair
Frost pixie Faerie MDC RCC small yes 12 inches, imperv. Cold, silver hair
Green wood faerie Faerie MDC RCC small yes 6 inches, mischievous, dark wings
Night-elves faerie Faerie MDC RCC small yes 6 inches, blue wings, dark skin, like alc., trouble
Silver bells faerie Faerie MDC RCC small yes 6 inches, white wings, good dance/sing
Tree sprite Faerie MDC RCC small yes 4 inches, clear wings, bright yellow-green, playful
Water sprite Faerie MDC RCC small yes 4 inches, iridescent wings, tease travelers
Wind-puff sprite Faerie MDC RCC small yes 4 inches, large frilled wings, shy and curious
Basilisk Dragon MDC occ large yes petrify
Fire dragon Dragon MDC RCC large yes
good spellcasters, breath fire, teleport, morph
Great horned dragon Dragon MDC RCC large yes
most powerful, breath fire, spells, tport, morph
Ice dragon Dragon MDC RCC large yes
frost breath, morph
Thunder lizard dragon Dragon MDC RCC large yes
poison breath (stuns?)
Conservator Minion MDC       extra arms, demonic, insane, like killing
Hawrk-duhk Minion         imperv. To Magic, flightless, duck-billed
Hawrk-ka Minion         imperv. To magic, slaves
Kittani Minion   occ     minor psi, tech. Adv., smart, limited occs
Staphra warlord Minion         mdc transform., psi-channel, femme only
CS dog boy CS sdc RCC normal no sense magic/psi
CS psi-nullifier CS   RCC normal   nullifies psi/magic, has psi
CS psi-stalker CS   RCC normal yes* feeds on psi, has psi
Bearman Beast         bear humanoid
Coyle Beast sdc occ normal   canine/coyote humanoid
Equinoid Beast         centaur, psi abilities
Kankoran Beast sdc occ normal   canine/fox humanoid
Mantaz sectle Beast MDC RCC     mantis humanoid
Ratling Beast   occ normal   rat humanoid
Wolfen Beast sdc occ normal   canine/wolf humanoid
Gargoyle Supernatural MDC RCC   no demonic, ~20 feet
Gurgoyle Supernatural MDC RCC   no  
Secondary vampire Supernatural MDC RCC   yes undead, morph, sun/rain kills, feed on others
Werebear Supernatural MDC RCC   no human/were/beast shifter
Werejaguar Supernatural MDC RCC   no human/were/beast shifter
Weretiger Supernatural MDC RCC   no human/were/beast shifter
Werewolf Supernatural MDC RCC   no human/were/beast shifter
Wild vampire Supernatural MDC RCC   yes undead, morph, sun/rain kills, savage, dumb
Asgardian dwarf Humanoid         much like avg. dwarf, imperv. Cold, super str.
Atlantean Humanoid sdc occ normal   often slaves, can have tatoo magic, hate undead
Burster Humanoid sdc RCC normal   human pyrokinetic, major psi
Changeling Humanoid     normal   feared, morph
Dwarf Humanoid sdc       strong, night vision
Elf Humanoid sdc occ normal   superior prowess, beauty; night vision
Goblin Humanoid         mean, vindictive, prowess, n.vis., dumb
High elf Humanoid MDC occ normal   superior prowess, n.vis., aloof
Human Humanoid sdc occ normal   versatile
Mind melter Humanoid sdc RCC normal   major psi, most powerful psi, human
Ogre Humanoid   RCC     neanderthal-ish, high str., endure.; n.vis.
Orc Humanoid         stupid, strong, courageous, n.vis.
Psi-nullifier Humanoid sdc RCC normal   nullifies psi/magic, has psi, hates magic
Psi-stalker Humanoid sdc RCC normal yes* feeds on psi, has psi
Quick-flex alien Humanoid sdc       quick, can dodge any attack
Wild psi-stalker Humanoid sdc RCC normal yes* feeds on psi, has psi
Immortal: yes* means don’t need food/water, but still grow old.
A fading race of frost giants.
> Impervious to cold
> Breathe frost
> Nightvision
> Large size (considered D-bee)
> Traditionally, wolfen, trolls,
jotans, cyclops.
> Traditionally, elves, dwarves,
The same in most aspects to your standard dwarf.
> Supernatural strength.
> Nightvision.
> Impervious to Cold.
> Hard to find armor for.
> Varies.
> Splugorth and their minions,
High Elves.
True Atlanteans are superhumans from ancient Atlantis
that travel the Megaverse.
They have the powers of tattoo magic.
> Long lifespans
> Often have tattoo magic.
> Cannot be physically transformed.
> Often slaved by the splugorth.
> Humans and most forces of good.
> Creatures of the undead.
Nefarious dragons who love to use and manipulate others
to achieve their goals.
> Petrification
> Can see the invisible
> Track by smell
> Nightvision
> Hunted and feared for their powers
> Demons and supernatural beings
> humanoids
Giant humanoid bears who are intelligent and cantankerous.
> Natural swimmers
> Track by scent
> Nightvision
> Low IQ
> Mutant canines,kankoran, simvan,
psi-stalkers, faerie folk.
> Everybody! Never trusts anyone.
Tiny, spindly, black, insect-like faeries.
> Metamorphs into a spider, scorpian
or centipede
> Sees the invisible
> Nightvision
> Low IQ
> Extremely small (considered D-bee)
> Gentle faerie folk.
> Gobblins and toad stools.
The least mischieveous and most helpful of the faerie folk.
> Sense water
> Sense leylines
> Nightvision
> Small size (considered D-bee)
> Friendly faerie folk.
> Demons, supernatural creatures.
The Burster is a psychic whose powers are based on
pyrokinesis, the creation and manipulation of fire.
Because of this spectacular display of power, they
are one of the most feared psychics.
> Control of fire.
> Psionics.
> Mortal
> Varies.
> Varies.
A feared and hunted shape shifter.
> Can change into any humanoid
> Superior mental endurance
> Hunted and feared by humanoids.
> Traditionally, elves, but keep
company secretly with many races.
> All races are feared.
They are tiny handsome men or women who are only 6 inches tall.
They have brightly colored butterfly wings and love mischief.
> Sense water
> Make people faerie dance
> See the invisible
> Small size (considered D-bee)
> Other faerie folk, dragons, druids
spirits of light.
> Banshees, demons, undead, forces
of evil.
They are cute men or women who are 12 inches tall.
They have flaming red hair and love mischief.
> Sense water
> Make people faerie dance
> See the invisible
> Small size (considered D-bee)
> Other faerie folk, dragons, druids
spirits of light.
> Banshees, demons, undead, forces
of evil.
Conservators are biowizard mutated humanoids who love
to hunt and kill the enemies of the Splugorth.
They have an extra pair of humanoid arms and paralyzing
stinger tail.
> Bio-wizardry transmutated abilities
> Nightvision
> Turn invisible at will
> A demonic looking monster.
> Obsessed with hunting and mentally
> Minions of Splugorth.
> Humans and lesser creatures.
They are the smaller cousins to the wolfen. They are a tribe
of canine humanoids who have a murderous temper.
> Superior prowess
> Tracks by scent
> Mortal
> Goblins, hob-goblins, orcs, ogres,
trolls, and kobolds.
> Humans, dwarves, and changelings
Giants with resistance to Energy.
> Limited MDC
> Resistant to all forms of energy
> Most armor will not fit
> Ogres most other giant races.
> Titans, changelings and trolls
They are genetically engineered mutant dogs created by the Coalition States.
They are generally loyal and make good companions.
> Superior smell & tracking.
> Senses magic & psionics.
> Mortal
> Humans and allies of the Coalition
> D-bees, monsters, and the
Short, powerfully built, subterranean people. They
hate elves, but love high tech weapons.
> Superior strength & endurance.
> Nightvision.
> Mortal
> Short and stubby.
> Humans, kobolds, and troglodytes.
> Wolfen, elves, ogres, trolls,
goblins, and hob-goblins.
Handsome humanoids of an old archaic race.
They are known for their great beauty and
night vision.
> Superior prowess and beauty
> Nightvision
> Mortal
> Humans, titans, and gentler
faerie folk.
> Dwarves, gnomes, ogres, trolls,
kobolds, goblins, and hob-goblins.
A psychic centaur made from inhuman experiments in South America.
> Create psychic bows and arrows
> Create psionic force fields
> Horse lower half is restrictive
> Other mutant animals.
> Monsters, supernatural evil.
Among the most prolific dragons that use magic.
> Fire breathing
> Teleportation
> A supernatural creature
> Fellow dragons, Algor, and giants.
> None per se.
They are cute men or women who are 12 inches tall.
They have silver hair and a fair complexion.
> Impervious to cold
> Turn invisible at will
> small size (D-bee)
> Other faerie folk, humans, elves.
> Supernatural evil.
They are huge, demonic looking creatures
with bat-like wings.
> Superior night vision
> Superior physical strength
> At war with the NGR.
> Normally supernatural beings and
monstrous D-bees, such as trolls.
> Vampires and ghouls.
Mean spirited, vindictive, and cruel sub-humans. They like
to prey upon the weak.
> Superior prowess.
> Nightvision.
> Mortal
> Low intelligence.
> Orcs, hob-goblins, trolls, and
> Humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes,
and large beautiful beings.
The most powerful and feared of all the dragons.
They are tiny handsome men or women who are only 6 inches tall.
They have dark colored butterfly wings and love mischief.
They are known for their mischievious use of spells.
> Can sense water
> See the invisible
> small size (D-bee)
> Other faerie folk, humans, elves.
> Supernatural evil.
They are huge, demonic looking creatures who feast on flesh.
They are ruthless with their brute strength.
> Superior night vision
> Superior physical strength
> At war with the NGR.
> Normally supernatural beings and
monstrous D-bees, such as trolls.
> Vampires and ghouls.
The hawrk-duhk are flightless, duck-billed humanoids.
They are usually known as slaves to the Splugorth.
> Impervious to Magic
> Nightvision
> Can see the invisible
> D-bee
> Varies
> Large predators and humanoids
They are usually known as slaves to the Splugorth.
> Impervious to Magic
> Nightvision
> Can see the invisible
> D-bee
> Splugorth and their minions
> Large predators and humanoids
Handsome humanoids, similiar to traditional
elves. They are masters of magic and have
the status of demi-gods. They live in the
realm of Alfheim.
> Superior prowess and beauty
> Nightvision
> Mega damage beings
> Dislike cities and human endeavors
> Valkyries and titans
> Dwarves (especially Asgardian ones)
> Most giant races
The survivors of the Great Cataclysm.
They are the most versitile of all races.
> Most versitile
> Mortal
> Varies greatly.
> Generally monsters & supernatural
Majestic dragons who once held great power.
> Icy breath
> Metamorphosis
> A supernatural creature
> Fellow dragons, Algor, and giants.
> None per se.
Bitter and cruel, they savagely lash out at any non-giant.
They are known for their craftsmanship.
> Superior strength
> Nightvision
> None
> Nimro, ogres, trolls, & goblins.
> Titans, dwarves, elves, & humans.
A race of humanoid canines who believe in living a
a simple life. They are compassionate hunters.
> Superior smell & tracking.
> Nightvision.
> Mortal
> Wolfen and emirin.
> No formal enemies.
Technologically advanced minions of Lord
> Highly intelligent
> Minor psionic users
> Limited occ selection
> Traitors to the Splugorth are
hunted and destroyed.
> OTher minions of the Splugorth.
> Enemies of Lord Splynncryth.
> The mechanoids.
Mantaz Sectle are insect looking humanoids that
resemble a giant preying mantis. The big green
bug people can make trustworthy and loyal friends.
They are outrageous in combat yet gentle and
compassionate to intelligent creatures.
> Nightvision
> Faerie-like magic
> Chemical Scents
> Natural Mega-Damage carapace
> Isolationists, and feared by humanoids
> Varies.
> The Dabuggh and humanoids, the
latter commonly attacking Sectles out
of fear
The Mind Melter is the most powerful and feared.
of all the psychics.
They command the widest range of psychic abilities.
> Master of psionics.
> Mortal
> Varies.
> Varies.
They are tiny handsome men or women who are only 6 inches tall.
They have blue gossamer wings and dark complexions.
They are known for drinking and causing trouble.
> See the invisible
> Faerie dance
> small size (D-bee)
> Other faerie folk, humans.
> Supernatural evil.
Fire giants who are clever and suprisingly organized.
The are impervious to fire and can breathe flames!
> Superior strength
> Nightvision
> None
> Jotans, ogres, trolls, & goblins.
> Titans, dwarves, elves, & humans.
Giant, neanderthal-like cousin to the humans.
They are known for their great strength and endurance.
They can successfully mate with humans.
> Superior strength and endurance
> Nightvision
> Mortal
> Orcs and ugly and dumb non-humans.
> Humans, elves, dwarves, and
Large, dull-witted, brutes, heavily muscled and broader
built than humans. They are easily impressed by power.
They have high physical strength and stupid courage.
> Superior strength
> Nightvision
> Easily startled
> Goblins, hob-goblins, ogres,
trolls, and wolfen.
> Gnomes, dwarves, elves, & humans.
The psi-nullifier is a nullifier of magic and psionics.
They have high psychic abilities.
> Master of psionics, impervisous to Magic and Psionics.
> Mortal
> Varies.
> Varies.
They are humanoid predators who are psychic
vampires that hunt magic users.
> Psychic and magic sensing
> Psionic powers
> Does not need to eat or drink
> Require PPE for nurishment
> Predatory killer instinct
> Fellow psi-stalkers.
> Psychics and creatures of magic.
The psi-nullifier is a nullifier of magic and psionics.
They have high psychic abilities.
> Master of psionics, impervisous to Magic and Psionics.
> Mortal
> Varies.
> Varies.
They are mutant psychic sensitives who under
the CS hunt and eliminate magic users and
supernatural monsters.
> Psychic and magic sensing
> Psionic powers
> Does not need to eat or drink
> Require PPE for nurishment
> Tend to be aggressive
> Humans, especially members of the
> D-bees, monsters, and supernatural
A race of warrior giants which hunts dragons.
> Super regenative powers
> Impervious to fire
> Alien D-bee
> Other giants.
> Dragons.
They are very fast humanoids.
> Is allowed to dodge any attack
> D-bee
> Varies
> Varies
They are members of an ancient race of four-armed giants.
They are among the world's best warriors and mages.
They are known for their cannibalism of defeated enemies.
> Superior I.Q.
> 4 Arms
> Psionic powers.
> Mortal
> Titans and kobolds.
> Most fellow giants.
A secretive race of humanoid rats which have come to earth
through a rift in space.
They are very intelligent and love magic.
> Highly intelligent.
> Nightvision
> Mortal
> Poor day vision
> None.
> Everyone. Trusts no one.
Undead monster who lives off the blood of humanoids.
They are known to be impervious to most attacks!
> Super regenative powers
> Summon insects and vermon
> Metamorphosis
> Vulnerable to silver, wood, and
> Harder to level
> Rain and sunshine are LETHAL!
> Creatures of the night.
> Humans, elves, and forces of good.
They are tiny handsome men or women who are only 6 inches tall.
They have magnificent white, gossamer wings and pale skin.
They are known for their dancing and beautiful voices.
> See the invisible
> Faerie dance
> small size (D-bee)
> Other faerie folk, humans.
> Supernatural evil.
Staphra Warlords are female staphra warriors
who under bio-borg conversion due to their
elite physical strength and loyalty to the
> MDC transformation
> Supernatural abilities.
> Psi-channel strength inward.
> A minion of the splugorth.
> Can only be female.
> Minions of Atlantis, especially
> Enemies of the splugorth.
Wingless, multi-dimensional travelers and avid practioners
of magic.
> Poison breath
> Resistant to fire and cold
> A supernatural creature
> Fellow dragons, Algor, and giants.
> None per se.
Giant champions of justice, seeking adventure
and righting wrongs.
> Superior strength
> See the invisible
> None
> Humans and champions of good.
> Jotans, ogres, trolls, and
supernatural evil.
They are small faeries who are only 4 inches tall.
They are bright yellow-green and have transparent yellow wings.
They are known for their playful mischief.
> Can sense water
> See the invisible
> small size (D-bee)
> Other faerie folk, humans, elves.
> Supernatural evil.
Vindictive, foul-hearted giants who detest all handsome
They have high physical endurance and strength.
> Superior strength and endurance
> Nightvision
> Mortal
> Orcs, kobolds, goblins, and giants.
> Humans, elves, dwarves, and
They are small faeries who are only 4 inches tall.
They have pale skin and have iridescent wings.
They are known for teasing water travelers.
> Can sense water
> See the invisible
> small size (D-bee)
> Other faerie folk, humans, elves.
> Supernatural evil.
Shape-changing beast of supernatural origins that is a solitary
hunter that tends to avoid humans.
> Can change into a bear, a human,
or a man-bear.
> Impervious to many attack types.
> Extremely vulnerable to silver.
> Forces of evil, the supernatural.
> Supernatural predators, humans and
Shape-changing beast of supernatural origins that is a group
hunter that likes to hunt vampires.
> Can change into a jaguar, a human,
or a man-jaguar.
> Impervious to many attack types.
> Extremely vulnerable to silver.
> Forces of evil, and the supernatural.
> Supernatural predators, vampires, and
leery of humans and humanoids.
Shape-changing beast of supernatural origins that likes to hunt alone
and like to stalk humanoids.
> Can change into a tiger, a human,
or a man-tiger.
> Impervious to many attack types.
> Extremely vulnerable to silver.
> Forces of evil, the supernatural.
> Supernatural predators, humans and
Shape-changing beast of supernatural origins that hunt in packs
and like to stalk humanoids.
> Can change into a wolf, a human,
or a man-wolf.
> Impervious to many attack types.
> Extremely vulnerable to silver.
> Forces of evil, the supernatural.
> Humans and humanoids.
They are humanoid predators usually encountered
in the wilderness and among the ruins of
ancient cities.
> Psychic and magic sensing
> Psionic powers
> Does not need to eat or drink
> Require PPE for nurishment
> Predatory killer instinct
> Fellow psi-stalkers.
> Psychics and creatures of magic.
Undead monster who lives off the blood of humanoids.
They are known to be impervious to most attacks!
They are savage and possess the meagerest intelligence.
> Super regenative powers
> Summon insects and vermon
> Metamorphosis
> Vulnerable to silver, wood, and
> Harder to level
> Rain and sunshine are LETHAL!
> Creatures of the night.
> Humans, elves, and forces of good.
They are small faeries who are only 4 inches tall.
They have large, frilled wings.
They are known for their shy and curious nature.
> Can sense water
> See the invisible
> small size (D-bee)
> Other faerie folk, humans, elves.
> Supernatural evil.
The most civilized and powerful of the three
canine races. They tend to be very strong and
can track by smell.
> Keen smell. Can track by scent.
> Nightvision
> D-bee appearance
> Non-human D-bee and monster races.
> Humans, dwarves, changelings,
and elves.