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                         HELPFUL REMINDERS/SUGGESTIONS

                         1. The time zone for this site is Eastern Standard Time.
                          2. Please keep your Rankmonster tournament page open while you are playing in the tourney - this will help
                              you keep track of the tourney’s progress and make reporting easier.
                          3. After the tourney starts, refresh your Rankmonster tourney page page - the "Show Brackets" link will appear at
                              the top of the page. Pairings will show up along with the "Report A Match" button.
                         4. Out of Respect for your fellow monsters, please be sure to say "Hi", "GL" (good luck), and "GG" (good game)
                              when competing.
                         5. Remember, CAPS are for use solely by tournament hosts.
                         6. Donations and entry fees are non-refundable unless a tournament is canceled.
                         7. If ULNA is full, use Amish Donkey.

                         GENERAL TOURNAMENT RULES

                         Inviting your Opponent:

                          1. In Single and Double Elimination tourneys, the top player in each set of brackets is responsible for inviting the
                              bottom player.
                          2. In a Swiss tournament, the player listed first in the top left column (titled "Player") is responsible for inviting the
                              player to their right (numbers up top indicate rounds of the tourney) for each appropriate round.
                          3. Tournament Host will invite for the final round of single and double elimination tourneys.
                          4. If it is your opponent’s invite, please give them a couple of minutes to set table after brackets are displayed. If they
                              fail to invite within an appropriate time, please make the correct table and try to invite them. If there is no response
                              from them, invite the tournament host to begin a timer.

                          Table/Game Settings:

                         1. All tournament matches will be played on rated tables unless stated otherwise.
                          2. Tables must always be protected, NOT private!
                          3. Once the game table has been created, remove the checkmark from the "allow kibitz" option on the left side of
                              the game table. If you fail to do so and someone kibitzes and reveals your bones, the game will NOT be replayed!
                          4. *BOTH* parties must make sure that the table is set correctly! If the settings are incorrect and the game is started
                              the tournament host must be notified immediately and the game may be replayed at host’s discretion.
                          5. It is the player’s responsibility to be familiar with the game format and all the rules associated with it.

                          Slow-Poke Rule:

                          At the discretion of the tournament host, if you are holding up tourney play, you will be given one warning. Next
                           offense will result in disqualification from the tourney. (Consideration will be afforded to players who are not
                           familiar with the game.)

                          Reporting a Loss:

                          1. Non-winners are required to report the game as a loss on the brackets page (link is located on each tourney
                              page). A loss must be reported immediately upon completion of the game.
                          2. Click the "Report A Match" link and verify the loss against your opponent. *Hint: If you have to type in your
                              opponent's name, you are in the WRONG area. Please ask the host for help.
                          3. If you unable to report, it is your responsibility to inform the tournament host.
                          4. Team tourneys are to be reported by ONE PLAYER from the non-winning team.
                          5. Resignations count as losses. If you resign/quit a game, please report the loss immediately.
                          6. Swiss: If you withdraw from a Swiss tourney and end up in the next round, and are still present in lobby, you have
                              the option to play that round or report the loss.


                          1. 10 minutes for disconnections, boots, freeze, etc. Timer begins when the host is notified and starts a timer at the
                              table. Time is run consecutively and does not start over each time a disconnection occurs. If a player’s timer runs
                              out, it is an automatic loss. This is 10 minutes for the ENTIRE tournament not each round.
                          2. Time is shared between both partners in a team tournament - 10 minutes total per team, if both players are mia at
                              same time time only counts as one player being gone and will continue to count down until both team members
                              have returned. (example: you and your team mate both get booted, you get back 5 minutes is used, your partner
                              gets back they have used 6, time used for team is 6 minutes total)
                          3. If a timer is started, the game will be played on that table.
                          4. If your opponent goes MIA and times out, please invite the host to sit and cancel the unfinished game. You must
                              not forfeit the unfinished game on Yahoo. You will only get a win on Rankmonster.
                          5. Single Elimination: If you time out, the host will force the match as a loss for that match.
                          6. Swiss: If you time out, you will be withdrawn from the tourney and the host will force the match as a loss for that
                          7. Double Elimination: If you time out, the host will force the match as a loss for that round and will force a second
                              loss if necessary to eliminate your name from brackets.

                          Watching Tournament Games:

                          1. You should ask the consent of all parties at a tournament table if you intend to watch the game. Simply ask
                              "miw" (May I watch). If one player does not want any watchers, you must leave the table.
                          2. Once you join a game to watch, please stay until the game's conclusion! (No table hopping.)
                          3. If you are asked to leave and you fail to do so, the host of the table will boot you.
                          4. Kibitzing is not allowed on tournament tables.
                          5. The tourney's host,ladder seniors and manager are all allowed to watch any match within the tourney.

                          Team Tourneys:

                              AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED!
                          2. Withdrawing or voluntarily leaving the tourney affects your partner as well as yourself. Doing this without the
                              knowledge or consent of the other partner is considered bad sportsmanship. Your file may be marked for this if a
                              complaint is filed. Your partner has an investment in the tourney also; therefore, he/she should be aware of and
                              agree with your decision.
                          3. Discussion between teammates at the tourney table or in the lobby as to the bones in hand or strategy is
                              UNACCEPTABLE. If you do this you will be warned, then DISQUALIFIED.
                          4. Subbing is not allowed under any circumstance. If your team uses up its 10 min. MIA timer, the host will withdraw
                              your team and report a loss for your team.
                          5. If your partner is MIA and is on timer, you may not report the loss to save your team from being timed out and
                          6. It is a good idea to decide in advance which partner will be responsible for inviting when it is your team's invite to
                              avoid confusion and which partner will make reports should your team lose to avoid double reports.

                          Grounds for Disqualification:

                          1. Foul language or other inappropriate behavior. You will get one warning, second offense is an automatic
                              disqualification from the tournament.
                          2. Abuse/Bickering/Fighting/Arguing in the lobby will be grounds for disqualification.
                          3. Kibitzing or Force forfeiting your opponent is an automatic disqualification.


                          In order to play in a tournament, your Yahoo ID and Rankmonster name should match exactly so players know who
                          to invite. If you need help with this, please ask the tournament host.
                          Capitalizations within IDs do not matter.
                          *Exceptions may be made for new Rankmonster members at the discretion of the tournament host.


                          1. In the event of a defunct server error, NO ONE SHOULD LEAVE THE CURRENT SERVER UNTIL FURTHER
                              INSTRUCTIONS ARE GIVEN. Games that are in progress will be completed. Players will have 10 minutes to get to
                              the new server after that. Once 10 minutes is up, a player’s MIA timer will start. The host will provide further
                              instructions, if necessary.
                          2. If there is a Yahoo glitch where a player cannot remain on the table before the game has started, the host will ask
                              for another table to be created.
                          3. If there is a Yahoo glitch where a player cannot play a bone, the host will try and see if they can play it.
                          4. Hardware and software reliability are the player’s responsibility. We are also not responsible for Yahoo lag or
                              Yahoo connection problems.

                          The tournament host’s decision is final. Please do not continue to dispute the decision. If you still do not agree, you
                          may submit a Rankmonster support ticket by contacting Support.

                         TO ABIDE BY THEM!!