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A gentleman offered this statement
as they laid my dad to rest,
"Today your dad's a hero son,
and truly nothing less!"

Into his eyes I peered,
as the tears rolled gently down.
My response was kind and simple
the only words that could be found.

My dad was an officer
and a hero every day.
He made this world a safer place
for you and me to stay.

A hero who sadlt offered
the news to hard to give.
A hero who prevented tragedy,
allowing us to live.

A Hero you asked directions from
when lost of out of town.
A Hero who aided those in need,
allowing ease to get around.

A Hero who returned your child
when danger threatened near.
A Hero who protected freedom
so we'd have less to fear.

Yes, my dad was a Hero sir,
which he showed in every way.
But, today he is a Hero sir,
because of the price he had to pay.

Tammi James Kantola