The Claw and Fang

Gentleman Doorman: Welcome to The Claw and Fang. If you've the time to visit, you have the time to listen to the rules:

1. The hostess is friendly towards all ways of life. This is to include religions, political affiliation, and sexual orientation. She also have a tendency to both make fun of and explore all the above.
2. Warnings will be posted on all content that may offend as well as all content rated above PG-13.
4. Do not take anything from within without first asking the hostess. Everything you see is her's though if she is hosting someone else's work, the work will be attributed to its creator. Same "no theft" rules apply to anything she is hosting.
5. Lastly, enjoy yourself. View with a glad heart and open mind. And feel free to tell the hostess what you think of her work.

Now, if you accept these rules, please enter. if not, turn away now. **bows and opens the door**
