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The Tigers Den

you want info? Or pictures? Is your fave animal is a Tiger? Want to know its hunting skills? Or, about its mating? If tiger is what you want. It's here!
A great site, recommended for all tiger fans!

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Welcome To This Site

Be welcomed properly.

Quick Tiger Facts

Some tiger facts to start with.

About Me

Info about me.


Info for over 5 Tiger Species.

Photo Page 1

Over 100 photos of tigers.

Photo Page 2

Over 100 photos of tigers.

Color Pictures

Pctures of tigers you can color.

Man eating tigers

Go to info for more on man eating tigers.

The Caspian Tiger And The Java Tiger

Info for two extinct species.

Rescued Tigers

Pictures and info for rescued tigers.

Save The Tiger Kingdom

Want to help save the tiger kingdom?

Your Questions About Tigers Answered

Just ask and find out.


Your most asked questions.

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This web site was made by and was [like you know if you went to About Me] by sam keene