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I 4got about ma blog!!!!!
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Candlelit Craft

Wednesday, 13 October 2004

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Topic: I 4got about ma blog!!!!!
OMG!!!! i cant believe that i passed up my initiation anniversary n didnt even remember!!! is it bad to say that im having doubts?? not about this religion inperticular (i soooo didnt spell that right) but about religion at all...i have recently, well, not really recently, thought of several new theories of religion: 1. there is no god, we were put here somehow, but theres no reason to believe that if we shout to the clouds for long enuf, then every little problem in our lives will be solved. 2. the world was made by a god, but it was all just an test to see how different types of species can survive on one world. News to u: We're failing. 3. maybe there is sumthing to the matrix after all.....

Posted by Me at 4:11 PM EDT
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Saturday, 20 September 2003

Happy early Mabon all!!!! Just wanted to wish you all a happy Mabon(even if it is ahead of time). Well anyway, uh..... that's all I got to say. So in that case, bye y'all!!! And remember, HAPPY MABON!!!!!

Posted by Me at 10:20 PM EDT
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Sunday, 31 August 2003

By posting this entry I am entering the final stage of the first part of my Initiation. When I post this, 8/29/03, I am saying that I will at least become a First Degree Wiccan. Thank you.

Posted by Me at 3:45 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 23 July 2003

Sorry Again
Sorry again for the spelling. As I said "The stupid website won't let me post words relating to the wichcraft religions." That's why I leave out a "t" in "wich". Most spelling will be screwed up on my site. Sorry again.

Posted by Me at 10:52 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 July 2003 10:39 PM EDT
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Sorry but the stupid website won't let me post any words relating to wichcraft religions.

Posted by Me at 10:27 PM EDT
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Books for Research
The following books are very helpful when trying to research the basic points of Wica:The Pocket Guide To Wica, Moon Spells,Goddess Initiation, and pretty much anything by Silver Ravenwolf.

Posted by Me at 10:13 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 20 September 2003 10:26 PM EDT
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