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The Wolf's Den
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Ookami Kenryu- Sword of the Wolf

The Ookami Style History

Greetings. I am Ookami-sennin your guide to and creator of the Ookami Kenryu Style. Originally I studied the Go Rin No Sho and the Niten Ichi Ryu style of Miyamoto Musashi. However, since I had limited knowledge of Japanese and minimal access to information, I never truly learned much of the form. However, I have practiced and dueled for many years with careful dedication and developed a unique new style migling all my styles and studies.

The Ookami follows the simple philosophy of ends justifying a means, results being moer important than the manner in which they're achieved. The simple fact is, in a duel the combatant with the most skill and speed will win. Traditional style and training in ancient secret schools don't matter. Nor does the quality of your sword, any decent piece of steel can win if you are better than your opponent. Based on these facts, the Ookami School preaches the benefits of sparring above all other forms of training. What better way is there to become comfortable with your blade then to face injury with its trusty metal in your hands. Teaching is only needed to learn basic forms: once you can cut, parry, and counter, what more is there to learn? However the style remains incomplete and even I do not have the arrogance to call myself a master yet. Therefore, anyone wishing to learn this style is encouraged to take on the challenge of the Ippiki Ookami, or Lone Wolf, style and forge his or her own way through the Ookami style. In fact, as the style is still unfinished and under construction, any who face this challenge of the Ippiki Ookami and believe they have developed a helpful addition and\or wish to become Masters at the styles completion may feel free to contact me HERE